Chapter 49

The captain was also very angry, and directly added a month's centimeter to Gu Jiaojiao.

Gu Jiaojiao's eyes lit up.

But still be polite.

"The captain is too polite. I just made some comments. These tasks are all done by everyone. I actually didn't do much."

The team leader shook his head: "You didn't contribute, but your credit is more than ours."

Gu Jiaojiao's method made them work several times faster, and if it really rained, it would help them harvest a lot of food.

Besides, who knows if Gu Jiaojiao will have a good idea in the future.

He knows very well that if he wants to retain talents, he must let them eat well.

The villagers had no objections, only Wu Cuizhi and the few who had a problem with Gu Jiaojiao were not convinced.

"Captain, this is too unfair. We are the ones doing the work, so why should we give Gu Jiaojiao extra points?"

The team leader snorted coldly: "If you are capable of researching a thresher, I will give you two extra months. If you can't research it, just shut up."

Wu Cuizhi was not reconciled, full of resentment, but also knew that she could not research the thresher, so she couldn't help but muttered: "She has researched it, but she can finish the job without researching this thing, what's so great about it."

Aunt Zhao on the side listened, and replied: "Didn't you see that the sky is so gloomy? If it rains, don't you know how much food will be ruined? With this thing, how much food can we get back? You Do not you know?"

Wu Cuizhi was still unconvinced: "It's not raining now, maybe it's just cloudy."

Regarding the bar head, everyone didn't say anything anymore, but tacitly stayed away from Wu Cuizhi.

Don't be as knowledgeable as a fool!
Gu Jiaojiao has been here for less than a month, and now she has full work points for one month, plus the centimeters promised by the thresher, she can count two full months of work points, and the educated youths are not calm anymore.

They didn't expect Gu Jiaojiao to be so powerful.

The villagers can accept that Gu Jiaojiao is so powerful because they know that Gu Jiaojiao has studied and is extraordinary.

But they are the same as Gu Jiaojiao.

Everyone has received the same education and knowledge, but they have never thought of changing the way of working here.

This made the educated youths ponder. They started to complain when they went to the countryside. Although they worked every day, they didn't like everything here.

They didn't like Gu Jiaojiao before, but Gu Jiaojiao could think of a threshing machine and a way to thresh peanuts.

They can't think of anything.

At this moment, Gu Jiaojiao not only grew taller in the hearts of the villagers, but also grew taller in the hearts of the educated youths.

"Gu Jiaojiao, you are amazing."

Chen Ruoyu was the first to speak, and everyone followed suit.

Gu Jiaojiao for a while...

She was just afraid that the food would be soaked in water and make her hungry!

Embarrassed by the praise, Gu Jiaojiao hurriedly said, "Actually, I didn't do anything. It's all about the power of books and the astonishment of the predecessors. We should thank them."

So powerful, yet so humble.

Everyone immediately admired it even more.

"Comrade Gu, you are too modest. Although you only moved your mouth, it saved us a lot of time. You have to say what to say, and what you want."

This farmer is literate, not many.

He heard an educated youth say something before, which seemed to describe Gu Jiaojiao's behavior, but he couldn't remember it, so he used something instead.

The educated youth here heard this, and immediately answered: "If a worker wants to do a good job, he must first sharpen his tools."

The villager nodded: "Yes, that's the sentence, what does it mean?"

He had heard it before, but he still couldn't remember it, but he knew it in his heart.

The educated youth who just spoke explained with a smile: "If a craftsman wants to be good at his work, he must first sharpen his tools. It means that if a craftsman wants to do his job well, he must first sharpen his tools. It is a metaphor to do one thing well. , it is very important to prepare tools.”

"That's right." When the villagers saw that someone knew what he meant, they immediately affirmed and praised the other party: "You city children are amazing and can read."

(End of this chapter)

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