Gu Jiaojiao chopped the chopped bamboo into several sections of the same length, and pulled some grass to make straw ropes.

Although Wu Cuizhi didn't dare to bet, she still kept an eye on the situation here quietly. When she saw Gu Jiaojiao cutting bamboo, she couldn't help muttering: "It's a mystery."

It's not that she didn't see Gu Jiaojiao working on the grain drying field, she couldn't even compare to a half-grown child.

This sack can hold two hundred catties of grain, and mushrooms are not as heavy as grain, but it is estimated that it is not less than one hundred catties. Just like Gu Jiaojiao, can it carry it?

Absolutely impossible!
Gu Jiaojiao didn't know what Wu Cuizhi was thinking.

She is now on the last two steps.

First fix the branches with straw ropes, then tie the hemp ropes on the heads, and a simple scooter is ready.

Aunt Zhao was dumbfounded, what is this?
Gu Jiaojiao tried it with procrastination, and she felt that there was no problem, so she immediately looked at Aunt Zhao.

"Auntie, put the basket up, and I'll pull it down for you."

Aunt Zhao put the basket on it, followed Gu Jiaojiao to carry the things home, and came back without any effort, Aunt Zhao couldn't help admiring.

"How did your head grow, and why is it so powerful? This is much easier, and you will still take it later."

Gu Jiaojiao shook her head: "It's not light, it's easy to pull it down the mountain, but it takes a lot of effort to pull it up."

"These bamboos will be used as firewood later, and I will make another one when I pull things next time."

"And this thing is a trick. I was standing downhill at the time, so I could easily pull it away. If it was a bumpy mountain road, I couldn't pull it away with my strength."

Gu Jiaojiao is quite self-aware!
Aunt Zhao thought that Gu Jiaojiao was amazing. After all, there were so many of them, how could no one think of such a trick?

She used to think that she needed to save money to live, but now she felt that she needed brains to live.

Look at other people, once they come down, they have everything, and they can carry some firewood.

Gu Jiaojiao walked down the mountain for a certain distance and arrived home, and Aunt Zhao still had to go to the village.

In comparison, she can save twice the distance.

This is also the reason why Gu Jiaojiao can run three or four times while others go up the mountain twice at most.

When Gu Jiaojiao arrived home, she poured out the mushrooms and was halfway through processing them.

There was a loud bang in the sky!
next moment.

Bean-sized raindrops fell.

The rain is fast and dense.

But after a while, there was already water in the low-lying places in the yard.

Looking at the rain outside, Gu Jiaojiao couldn't help but start to worry about the two people hunting on the mountain.

And Mrs. Zhao arrived home after a little rain.

Zhao Tiezhu breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Mrs. Zhao come back.

"Mom, it's a good thing you're back, otherwise I'd have to go find you."

He got his raincoat ready to go out.

I didn't expect his mother to go so fast this time!
Aunt Zhao put down the basket, slapped the rainwater, and then smiled.

"Thanks to Gu Zhiqing, she made a shelf and went down the mountain very fast, so she went a lot faster."

Zhao Tiezhu didn't know what the airs were, but he knew that Gu Jiaojiao made something, that's why his mother went down the mountain so quickly.

Looking at the increasing rain outside, he couldn't help but rejoice: "Gu Zhiqing is really amazing."

"Fortunately, there is the thresher that she came up with this time, otherwise our brigade might lose a lot of food."

Aunt Zhao thought it was true: "Jiaojiao saved our village's life."

Food is the sky, without food we can only starve to death, this is a very real problem.

Having experienced hardships, they understand better the fear of food shortage.

Really hungry, people will eat.

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