Wu Cuizhi and the others didn't move so quickly, but they were not in a hurry, and they didn't look down on Gu Jiaojiao's "opportunity".

Like no one knows, they can resist going down the mountain without that thing.

Just thinking about it, there was a thunder in the sky, and it rained, and they hadn't had time to go down the mountain yet!
I couldn't care about anything now, and hurried down the mountain with the basket in hand.

The rain was heavy and the road was slippery. The group of people struggled for more than an hour before going down the mountain.

This means that you can't go far, otherwise you won't be able to come back.

After going back, one counted as another, and all of them became drowned chickens.

When Wu Cuizhi entered the house, she took off her shoes, picked them up and buckled them upside down, and the rain poured out with a splash.

The more she thought about it, the more she felt annoyed, this Gu Jiaojiao was really evil.

Nothing good happens every time I meet her.

The first time I lost a dollar, the second time I was directly drowned.

She should stay away from Gu Jiaojiao in the future! !
Speaking of which, there were not many people who went up the mountain, and only a few hardworking ladies went. The rest of them worked all night and wished they could rest at home instead of going out.

Gu Jiaojiao didn't know anyone else, she was cleaning the mushrooms she had picked.

This mushroom is also very delicious when made into pickles.

Gu Jiaojiao once went to a place to learn cooking skills, where mushrooms are abundant, and they will make mushrooms into pickles, which can be preserved for a whole winter.

Gu Jiaojiao planned to make that kind of pickled vegetables.

However, there are also requirements for mushrooms.

Mouth mushrooms with thick flesh must be selected.

Or shiitake mushrooms would work too.

Start by clearing and cleaning the mushrooms and cutting them in half.

Then configure a portion of spices, boil in water and add condiments.

Let the seasoning melt and cool.

Put the mushrooms in.

Add garlic and other condiments you want to eat.

Pickled peppers can be added, and peppers and peppers can also be added to make different tastes.

But Gu Jiaojiao doesn't have pickled peppers or sesame peppers here, so it's made with a simple taste.

Finally, put it into the jar, seal it, and put it in the cellar when Leng Yuan comes back.

She found the jar in the utility room. She didn't put anything in it, so she used it for heat.

Gu Jiaojiao knew that she ate less in winter, so she wanted to take advantage of this time to go to the mountains a few more times to stock up on food.

This requires a lot of jars, and I have to go to the county to buy a few more.

The temperature required for pickles should not be too hot, otherwise they will be easily spoiled.

When she finished covering the jar, she heard a sound coming from the yard.

Gu Jiaojiao hurriedly opened the door and looked outside.

I saw a tall, drenched figure walking in. Although it was raining heavily, the man's back was straight and his movements were neat, unaffected at all.

Gu Jiaojiao's eyes lit up.

She saw two hares and three pheasants hanging on Leng Yuan's shoulder pole.


Ever since she came here, she ate pancakes and drank sweet potato porridge every day, and she felt that there was no oil in her stomach.

Seeing so much meat now, all kinds of delicacies are in my mind.

Spicy diced rabbit, beggar's chicken, braised chicken nuggets, big plate chicken...

Gu Jiaojiao forced herself to look away from the flesh.

But that little expression of reluctance directly amused Leng Yuan.

He put the hare and pheasant under the shed, and then he took cold water to take a bath.

When Gu Jiaojiao saw her, she hurriedly said, "I prepared hot water, you use hot water to wash."

Leng Yuan was a little surprised!

Even though Gu Jiaojiao could cook and go to work, he was quite surprised, but he didn't expect that the other party would boil hot water for him.

Gu Jiaojiao poured hot water and handed it to Leng Yuan.

He didn't notice that Leng Yuan's eyes were dim, and he could only see the background of him carrying a wooden barrel to the woodshed.

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