A coquettish and book-worn man lives by a rough man

Chapter 705: This is going to be a monster!

Chapter 705: This is going to be a monster!

Gu Jiaojiao: ...

She raised her eyes and glanced at Sun Yeshu, who had a flat belly and extremely exaggerated movements and expressions, and there was a hint of playfulness in her eyes.

She understood that Sun Yeshu was trying to become a monster.

However, the two of them were so boring. Gu Jiaojiao immediately got up and went to the front yard to call Tianniu and Xiaoyang to come over and help.

Today she asked her two children to do their homework at home instead of going to work.

It happened that the children of the village chief's family and the children of the brigade leader's family were sent over. In addition, there were several other children.

These parents had a good relationship with Gu Jiaojiao. They knew that Tianniu and Xiaoyang were doing their homework, so they sent it to them.

Gu Jiaojiao doesn't mind either. These children are old and can take care of themselves. It doesn't affect her to stay at home and do their homework.

Gu Jiaojiao just called Tianniu and Xiaoyang, but more than a dozen children came at once.

Sun Yeshu looked a little confused when he saw so many children.

However, Gu Jiaojiao drove a dozen children to one side to weed the grass. The distance was not too far and not too close, just enough to hear what was being said but not in the way.

Then he looked at Sun Yeshu, his eyes bright, as if urging Sun Yeshu to continue.

Sun Yeshu:? ? ?

She glanced at the children who were silently pulling weeds around her. They were not in any way a problem, so she ignored them.

"Gu Jiaojiao, I'm pregnant."

She was afraid that Gu Jiaojiao might not understand what she just hinted at, so she decided to tell Gu Jiaojiao directly!
Gu Jiaojiao raised her eyebrows: "If you're pregnant, you should rest at home."

Sun Yeshu's eyes lit up.

This trick really worked. You see, Gu Jiaojiao started to care about her.She had long heard from her aunt in the village that Gu Jiaojiao and Leng Yuan had been married for more than half a year and were not pregnant yet, so they might not be able to give birth.

If Gu Jiaojiao couldn't give birth, there would be no one to take care of her in the future. She wanted Gu Jiaojiao to help find a job for Leng Qingtian. After much thought, the only hope was the child in her belly.

Gu Jiaojiao had no children of her own, so she had to adopt other people's children, but the children of outsiders were not as close as her own.

As long as Gu Jiaojiao helps her children without any secrets, she will definitely let her children take care of them more when Gu Jiaojiao and Leng Yuan grow old.

Gu Jiaojiao did not lose out on this deal.

Thinking of this, Sun Yeshu looked proud.

"It's like this. I came to you for one thing. Don't you and Leng Yuan know the big boss? Tell the big boss and ask him to find a job for Qingtian in the city."

Sun Yeshu's tone became more commanding when she thought about the "huge" price she had paid, and when she thought that Gu Jiaojiao and Leng Yuan would have to rely on her children to support them when they get old.

As Gu Jiaojiao listened to Sun Yeshu's words, she kept pulling weeds, but after hearing her tone, she simply stopped pulling weeds.

Gu Jiaojiao raised her bright eyes, stared at Sun Yeshu twice, and then said: "It's work! It's easy to say, do you have any other requirements?"


Sun Yeshu really does.

"The salary cannot be lower than Leng Yuan's. I heard that Leng Yuan's salary is 25 a month, and Qingtian's salary is [-] a month. After all, we have children now, and we will have more money to raise children in the future."

"There are also working hours. The day should not be too long and the work should not be too tiring. I heard that the steel factory in the county is very hard every day. It is definitely not possible to work so hard."

"The other thing is to have more freedom, and then we have to allocate a house. When Qingtian goes to the county town to work, I will definitely have to move to the county town. It will be impossible not to have a house by then."

(End of this chapter)

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