Chapter 706

When Sun Yeshu said something, the smile on Gu Jiaojiao's face became brighter. After Sun Yeshu made a few requests, he really couldn't think of anything else, so he nodded: "Let's do this for now! I'll tell you later when I think of it. "

"This is not difficult, right! You can definitely do it, right?"

Gu Jiaojiao nodded without any hesitation: "It's not difficult. It can be done. It doesn't matter, it's just a small request."

Sun Yeshu immediately became happy and his smile couldn't help but grow bigger: "Okay, how about you do it as soon as possible and give you two days?"

Two days were enough for her to pack up her things and move to the town.

These words made Gu Jiaojiao laugh. She suppressed her smile and changed her tone: "These are not difficult, but why should I help you?"

Sun Yeshu's originally proud look suddenly became a little dull: "How can you say this is helping me! This is helping yourself. If you can't have children, what will you do about your pension in the future?"

"As long as you help Qingtian find a job, agree to these requests, and help me train my children to become talents in the future, I will let him support you in your old age."

After Sun Yeshu finished speaking, he raised his chin high, with a proud expression, as if to say, you have taken advantage.

Gu Jiaojiao felt that she must have been too low-key recently, otherwise, why would people keep coming to her door to beat her up?
Now that Sun Yeshu has turned his face towards her, she won't be polite.

The wall of the private plot was only more than one meter high. Sun Yeshu stood leaning against the wall, and Gu Jiaojiao walked directly forward.

"Papa" slapped Sun Yeshu on the face twice.

One on the left and one on the right, very even.

After beating the person, she still felt uneasy, so she raised her hand again and patted Sun Yeshu on the head.

"Sun Yeshu, if you dare to talk nonsense in front of me again, I will not just slap you twice next time."

This is simply bullying, to the extreme.

Sun Yeshu was stunned. When he came to his senses, he was about to fight back, but Gu Jiaojiao had already taken several steps back. Even if Sun Yeshu stretched out his arms, he could not reach her.

She couldn't hit anyone and was furious: "Gu Jiaojiao, you can't have children in the first place. You haven't gotten pregnant after being married for so long. There is something wrong with you. If Leng Yuan knew that you couldn't have children, he would definitely not want you."

Since ancient times, heirs have been a matter of great concern to human beings. No one wants to marry a sterile daughter-in-law.

Sun Yeshu felt that Leng Yuan was kept in the dark and did not know that Gu Jiaojiao could not have children. Otherwise, he would definitely divorce her.

Gu Jiaojiao knew about her body. She did have some problems, but they were not as serious as Sun Yeshu said. For her problems, it was important to drink for a while and adjust them.

So Gu Jiaojiao didn't take Sun Yeshu's clamor to heart at all, she looked at Sun Yeshu mockingly.

"If I don't have children, I can always be so beautiful, so pretty, but you, I just looked closer, and you actually have spots on your face. By then, you will also have stretch marks, out of shape, hair loss, I don't know what to expect. Will your man dislike you?"

No one will talk about these things, but few men will not dislike them. Even in later generations, when their minds are liberated, men will still feel disgusted because women have out-of-shape figures and stretch marks on their stomachs.

Sun Yeshu's face was full of fear. She only knew that she must get pregnant immediately after getting married, so that she could gain a foothold in her husband's family.

If the first child is a son, then he can stand upright in his husband's family.

No one had ever told her about stretch marks or being out of shape.

But she did have a lot of spots on her face recently.

(End of this chapter)

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