Gu Jiaojiao found something fun to tease her again, which made Yu Fangfang smile constantly and relax her body.

She felt that after chatting for a while, Xu Zhongshan had already walked in with the boiled medicine.

Gu Jiaojiao told Yu Fangfang that this was for tire repair, and that it was enough to drink it, but it was a bit bitter.

Xu Chongshan thoughtfully helped Fangfang up, holding her with one hand and feeding her medicine with the other.

Gu Jiaojiao: ...

With this dog food, mistakes cannot be prevented.

After drinking a bowl of soup and medicine, Yu Fangfang only felt warm all over and her stomach felt much more comfortable.

Seeing that she had nothing to do, Gu Jiaojiao instructed again: "You change your daughter-in-law's clothes, tell her not to move for a few days, and take good care of her, otherwise the child will be lost next time."

Xu Chongshan nodded again and again, and wanted to give Gu Jiaojiao money, but Gu Jiaojiao waved her hand and refused, and finally was stuffed with a dollar.

Gu Jiaojiao: ...

She had no choice but to take the money and leave in the end.

Xu Wenwan didn't show up from the beginning to the end.

In the room, Xu Wenwan looked impatient.

In the past, the second brother was very kind to her, but this time the second brother actually kicked her without saying anything, Xu Wenwan was very angry.

When her parents come back, she will tell them about this and let them take care of her second brother.

pissed her off.

As for the movement outside, it's not that the barefoot doctor in the village came to see a doctor, what's so interesting.

The people in these villages are just uneducated. If they are sick, they have to go to a big hospital. What's the use of finding a doctor who doesn't even have a business license?

Nor fear death.

Inside the room.

Yu Fangfang got better a lot, but she didn't dare to move, for fear that the child would be lost.

With a blushing face, she asked the man to help her change her clothes, and she was shy.

Xu Chongshan was also hot all over, but looking at the blood on his pants, he lost all anger.

He packed up the sheets and everything, and then asked Yu Fangfang what was going on.

Yu Fangfang didn't hide it for Xu Wenwan, so she told the story.

When Xu Chongshan heard that Xu Wenwan actually asked the pregnant Yu Fangfang to help her carry a salute of seventy or eighty catties, he exploded.

Standing up, she was about to clean up Xu Wenwan.

Yu Fangfang hurriedly grabbed his sleeve.

"Don't go, father and mother are very happy because of the young lady's return. If you go and provoke someone now, father and mother will be angry with you when they come back."

Xu Chongshan looked at the pale Yu Fangfang, still thinking about him, his heart was extremely soft.

"Don't be afraid. In this family, with me here, I won't let you be wronged. At worst, we will move out."

He has full work points, and his wife is also capable. Are you afraid of living a bad life?
As for the gossip in the village, I'm afraid of a ball.

Leng Yuan is not afraid of severing ties with the Leng family, he is afraid of nothing.

What's more, he didn't cut off the relationship.

Yu Fangfang felt warm in her heart, looking at the man's distressed red eyes, her heart was sweet.

Her man protects her so much, even if she suffers a little bit, she still feels sweet in her heart.

"It's thanks to Gu Zhiqing this time. I'll feel better later, so I'll thank her personally."

She had met Gu Jiaojiao before, but Gu Jiaojiao had a temper, so she rushed to say hello to her.

After getting in touch with her now, I realized that Gu Jiaojiao is not only pretty, but also has a good temper and a gentle tone. When I chatted with her just now, it made her feel very comfortable.

Xu Chongshan also nodded: "I want to thank Gu Zhiqing, and you can have more contact with her in the future."

Although he got in touch with this time, Xu Zhongshan felt that Gu Jiaojiao was really good.

He had a good relationship with Leng Yuan. Although he was a few years older than Leng Yuan, the two could get along.

In addition, the year before last, his wife gave birth to a baby and was physically weak. He wanted to buy some brown sugar for his wife, but he searched everywhere to borrow it, but he couldn't find it.

In the end, Leng Yuan heard about it and sent over two catties of brown sugar tickets.

He has always remembered this affection.

Now that Gu Jiaojiao has saved his wife again, he will never say anything about what happens to Leng Yuan and his wife in the future.

Gu Jiaojiao's side.

She walked home slowly, and as soon as she reached the door, she saw Aunt Zhao waiting there.

Gu Jiaojiao hurried forward: "Aunt Zhao, why are you here?"

Aunt Zhao looked at Gu Jiaojiao with an apologetic face: "Jiaojiao, my aunt came here to apologize to you. I asked Xu Zhongshan to ask you to show it to his wife."

"He went to see Dr. Barefoot, and I happened to meet him. He told me that his wife had a miscarriage, which was very dangerous. At that time, I was thinking about my life, and I wanted to see if you could do anything."

"The body didn't tell you about this, so Xu Zhongshan came over. My aunt apologizes to you."

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