When Gu Jiaojiao saw Aunt Zhao at the door, she knew what was going on.

Now hearing Aunt Zhao's explanation, she smiled and explained.

"Auntie, it's not a big deal. I'd be happy if I can help someone. I'm just afraid that if I'm not good at learning, it's not helpful if I turn around."

Aunt Zhao nodded: "That's the reason."

"I thought Xu Zhongshan was smart, so I made a point."

"If you are confused, my aunt will never say a word."

Gu Jiaojiao naturally thought that Xu Zhongshan was good, so she went to help.

She lives with Leng Yuan and always has to deal with the village. It is also a good thing for her to be able to make friends with a few people with good conduct.

What's more, she could also see that Aunt Zhao thought Xu Chongshan was good, so she said one more word, otherwise she wouldn't cause trouble for her.

The two stood at the door and said a few words. Gu Jiaojiao wanted to invite someone in, but Aunt Zhao hurried back.

She wanted to get Gu Jiaojiao's cabbages in a hurry, and bring them over when it got dark.

As for why you don't give it away during the day, it's not because you're afraid of others being jealous.

Leng Yuan and Gu Jiaojiao have been high-profile recently, and the thresher matter has been recorded a lot of centimeters, many people feel sour.

They worked so hard to get so many centimeters after shedding a layer of skin, so why should Gu Jiaojiao and Leng Yuan?
No effort was made.

Those people feel uncomfortable!
Looking back, I saw two people spending money lavishly, and my lungs exploded.

Aunt Zhao did not forget to remind Gu Jiaojiao before she left: "The rations have been handed over, tomorrow is the day for our brigade to distribute the rations, you have to go early."

Gu Jiaojiao responded, watched Aunt Zhao leave before preparing to go back.

As soon as he turned around, he saw Leng Yuan's figure appearing not far away, getting closer and closer.

Gu Jiaojiao simply stood at the door and waited for him, and then the two entered the house together.

It's six o'clock now.

The school was over long ago, Leng Yuan walked back and it took an hour.

It takes two hours to go back and forth every day. Thinking of this, Gu Jiaojiao couldn't help but say, "Otherwise, buy a bicycle!"

Leng Yuan was a little surprised: "Why do you suddenly think of buying a bicycle?"

Gu Jiaojiao helped him wash his face, and then said, "You go back and forth to the countryside for more than two hours every day, it's a waste of time."

It's better now, when it snows, it will be more troublesome.

In fact, Leng Yuan's footsteps are considered fast.

It takes more than three hours for others to go back and forth. Leng Yuan has long legs and walks fast. He gets home in two hours, which saves a lot of time compared to others.

Gu Jiaojiao felt that she could do other things with this time.

If this is changed to later generations, with roads repaired and electric cars driving, it will take at most ten minutes to get there.

But now the mountain road is not easy to walk, and there is no good means of transportation, it is just slow.

Knowing that his daughter-in-law cared about him, Leng Yuan's face softened a lot, but he still asked a very realistic question.

"Bikes need a ticket."

Bicycle tickets are not easy to get.

Gu Jiaojiao heard the words, and then remembered that they had no tickets.

Leng Yuan looked at Gu Jiaojiao's delicate appearance after realizing it, and couldn't help pinching her face, it was soft and slippery, more comfortable than silk.

Gu Jiaojiao glared at the other party angrily: "Hurry up and wash your hands."

After speaking, she went to the kitchen to cook.

Cut up half a chicken, stuffed with some potatoes and radishes, and then put some mushrooms, the staple food is still pancakes.

But this time the pancakes were different from the previous ones. Gu Jiaojiao added brown sugar and red dates to it, and it tasted delicious and sweet. Accompanied by pheasant chicken, potatoes, mountain mushrooms, and radishes, the taste was incredible.

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