A coquettish and book-worn man lives by a rough man

Chapter 776 I have something to say

When Jiang Baishu came back, he said he had more than a month's vacation. Excluding the time spent on the road, he could only stay for two days.

Fang Ziying has not left since she arrived. She has been living in a guest house in the county town for more than ten days.

She comes to the village to look for cypress trees during the day and goes back at night. The little girl is also very perseverant, rain or shine.

Jiang Baishu is a hard-hearted person. Every time the girl comes, he doesn't have a good look on his face. He is so angry that the girl leaves with red eyes every day.

However, the longer the time passed, the more anxious Fang Ziying looked, and Gu Jiaojiao could see it in her eyes.

Seeing that Jiang Baishu's vacation was coming, if he didn't go back on time, Jiang Baishu would regret it and would not be able to stay in the end.

County Guest House.

Fang Ziying hung up the phone, her brows full of anxiety.

She never told the truth to her father. She just said that something happened at Jiang Baishu's family. She would explain it to him when she returned and promised to take Jiang Baishu back.

But until now, Jiang Baishu's attitude has not softened at all.

During this period of time, Fang Ziying also understood what Jiang Baishu insisted on.

Five years after leaving home, his father and mother passed away one after another, leaving his younger brothers and sisters almost dead too. Fortunately, they were saved by Gu Jiaojiao and Leng Yuan.

Emotionally, Jiang Baishu's choice not to go back was right.

Intellectually, I should stay.

But in her heart, she didn't want the country to lose such an outstanding soldier. He could obviously go to a better place to shine.

Fang Ziying was walking alone on the road. She knew that the only reason for Jiang Baishu to go back was for Gu Jiaojiao to continue raising her two children.

But she couldn't selfishly convince Gu Jiaojiao to do all this.

In the past few days, Fang Ziying has been struggling with this matter in her mind and has not made up her mind to go to Gu Jiaojiao.

Seeing that there were only two days left, Fang Ziying didn't care about anything else, so she borrowed someone else's bicycle and went to the Qingshan Brigade.

Arriving at Leng Yuan's house, he knocked on the door.

In the yard, Gu Jiaojiao was picking grapes.The bunches of deep purple grapes are like crystal clear gems, dotted among the green leaves swaying in the wind, and they are extremely beautiful.

As soon as Fang Ziying knocked on the courtyard door twice, the door opened and she saw Gu Jiaojiao picking grapes.

Fang Ziying was startled and hurriedly stepped forward and held the stool.

Gu Jiaojiao was really brave. The grape trellis was extremely high, so Gu Jiaojiao simply stacked two benches together and then stepped on it.

This one is not good, but it will take a hard fall.

Gu Jiaojiao smiled at Fang Ziying: "You are here. I picked the grapes just in time. I will taste them later. I planted them myself."

Gu Jiaojiao picked a lot. She planned to brew some wine and put it away so that she could drink it when she had nothing to do.

When Gu Jiaojiao picked up several large pots, Fang Ziying couldn't help but said: "There are so many, I can't finish them all!"

Only then did Gu Jiaojiao stop: "The rest of the wine."

This first crop of grapes is the sweetest and the wine is the most delicious. The second crop of grapes is more acidic than the first crop of grapes. Although it can still make wine, the taste is not as mellow as the first crop of grapes.

Fang Ziying looked at Gu Jiaojiao's pretty little face, prepared a full stomach, and immediately swallowed it again.

Gu Jiaojiao pretended that she didn't notice anything and ordered Fang Ziying to help her with the work.

Fang Ziying:......

She comes from a good family and is a pillar of the art troupe. When has she ever done such menial work?


"Wash the grapes first, the water is in the well."

Fang Ziying:......

Resigned to her fate, she took the grapes and went to the well to wash them, but the eldest lady had never done such a job before. She lost her balance and almost fell into the well.

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