Gu Jiaojiao was shocked when she saw it.

Although she is also squeamish, she can still carry water. Fang Ziying is even more squeamish than her. It seems that she can't even cook.

Fang Ziying was also stubborn and threw the bucket into the well, but the bucket seemed to be against her and couldn't get any water.

Gu Jiaojiao: ...


Still have to be self-reliant.

Gu Jiaojiao stepped forward, took the rope from Fang Ziying's hand, flicked it, and the bucket floating on the water fell down. Well water poured into the bucket, and the bucket was filled all of a sudden.

What Gu Jiaojiao was carrying was a small bucket, so it didn't take much effort.

Normally, she doesn't need to fetch water at all, and this is one of the very few scenes where Gu Jiaojiao fetches water.

Fortunately, she was very skillful and she brought up a bucket of water.

Fang Ziying quickly took it and washed the grapes honestly.

After washing, it needs to be dried.

Crush the grapes after drying them in the sun, add sugar according to the proportion, put them into a jar and seal them.

Wait for half a month, open the seal and check the condition. If it is good, you can drink it. If it is not good, seal it for a few more days.

This project is simple, but it took most of the day.

When she finished her work, Fang Ziying's face turned red and beads of sweat formed on the tip of her nose.

Gu Jiaojiao brewed a pot of herbal tea. After drinking a cup of herbal tea, she felt completely comfortable.

Fang Ziying's eyes lit up: "Good stuff."

Summer is inherently hot, but with this cup of herbal tea, most of the heat has dissipated. Fang Ziying has used a lot of herbal teas, but this is the first time she has seen such an effective effect.

Gu Jiaojiao is not stingy: "I'll pack a bag for you when I leave, and you can drink it yourself when you get back."

Fang Ziying nodded quickly, with a smile on her face, but it hadn't bloomed yet. She immediately restrained herself when she thought of what she wanted to say.

Gu Jiaojiao really didn't expect Fang Ziying to be so ink.She had been waiting for most of the day, but Fang Ziying still didn't say anything.

If you don’t say anything, it’s time for everyone to come back.

Gu Jiaojiao could only take the initiative to speak: "You should come here today because you have something to tell me!"

Fang Ziying was silent for a moment and nodded: "It's because of the cypress tree."

"He, he and Ji Li met for the first time five years ago. We were recruited in the same phase. We only met briefly at that time, and we never met again after that."

She was assigned to the art troupe and had to train every day. Jiang Baishu went to another place, and they didn't see each other again for a year.

Later, when she went to perform, she met Jiang Baishu again. Since they were recruited together, the two of them recognized Batch and said hello.

At that time, Jiang Baishu was already the monitor.

Winning two levels in a row in one year is amazing.

At first, she just thought Jiang Baishu was excellent. Half a year later, she went home and heard the name from her father's mouth.

Her father was full of praise and appreciation for Jiang Baishu. When she asked a few more questions out of curiosity, her father told her in detail. The more she listened, the more she felt that this person was really special.

Later, she heard more and more about Jiang Baishu, until Jiang Baishu went on a mission.

Only then did Fang Ziying realize that she had fallen in love with Jiang Baishu. After worrying about him for three years, she gradually secured her position as the mainstay.

This time she heard that Jiang Baishu was back and asked for leave to go home, only to hear that he was leaving.

In a hurry, she chased after him.

The more Fang Ziying talked, the more embarrassed she became. She didn't dare to look at Gu Jiaojiao's eyes because what she was going to say next was too selfish.

"Jiang Baishu is really a good soldier. He likes it there very much and he works hard. But no one expected that his family would become like this. I know he must blame himself a lot, but the country needs him."

"I know it's selfish to say this, but can you please persuade Jiang Baishu to let him go back?"

"I know that taking care of children is hard, and I am willing to contribute. I have a monthly allowance of 25 yuan. I am willing to give 20 yuan to you every month as a token of my gratitude to you."

Gu Jiaojiao shook her head.

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