A coquettish and book-worn man lives by a rough man

Chapter 83 Isn't Leng Yuan Scary?

Because of the large number of workers in the Leng family, the backs of the Leng family are always straight in the village.

Seeing that they spent another hundred catties of grain, they were all envious.

"Look at Leng's family. Their sons have jobs and wages. They don't feel bad at all when they spend money."

"Who says no, if you marry your daughter to Leng's family, it will be a real blessing."

Second Aunt Leng was also used to the envious and jealous eyes of these people, she bought food with her chin raised high, and was about to show it off to Gu Jiaojiao silently.

Those proud eyes looked over, and the couple were whispering sweetly.

Nobody is paying attention.

Second Aunt Leng: ...

She felt that showing off today was extremely difficult!
The food was very good, and the Leng family left their grandson to watch the food, while the other adults carried the food home neatly.

When Second Aunt Leng and Aunt Leng went back, they happened to walk past Leng Yuan and Gu Jiaojiao.

Several people didn't even look at Leng Yuan's nephew.

For them, the relatives who can bring them benefits are the relatives. As for Leng Yuan, who can't protect themselves, they wish to stay far away, so as not to be stained and unable to get rid of them.

Leng Qingtian, on the other hand, couldn't help but pause when he passed by Leng Yuan and Gu Jiaojiao, his narrow eyes quietly looked at Gu Jiaojiao with admiration.

His family has a strong background, and his elder brothers are all city workers. If it is said that other girls are rushing to marry him, this makes Leng Qingtian look a lot higher.

He wanted to find a beautiful one, but later he felt that the girls in the village were not good enough for him, so he wanted to marry an educated youth.

When the original owner went to the countryside, Leng Qingtian immediately caught his eye with his beautiful and dazzling appearance.

Unfortunately, the original owner didn't like him.

But he didn't give up.

Until Gu Jiaojiao married Leng Yuan.

When he heard the news, he was so angry that he didn't eat for a whole day, feeling that Gu Jiaojiao had no eyes.

He was already about to give up, seeing Gu Jiaojiao's much prettier appearance today, he was still a little bit unwilling in his heart.

Before Leng Qingtian could take a second look, he was kicked on the leg.

The man took the food and fell to the ground hard.

Leng Qingtian ate a mouthful of dirt, he got up, poohed several times, and then spit out the dirt in his mouth, then looked at Leng Yuan with an angry face.

"Leng Yuan, what are you doing?"

Leng Yuan is also not polite: "Let me see you look at my wife like that again, and I will break your leg."

Leng Qingtian is 1.7 meters five, which is not short, but Leng Yuan is about 1.8 meters tall. Standing together, Leng Qingtian doesn't have the slightest momentum.

In addition, Leng Yuan is the son of a Lian family, with great strength in his body. Leng Qingtian is thin and cowardly, which seems to be unilateral abuse.

Leng Qingtian was stuttered by Leng Yuan's yelling.

"You, you, stop talking nonsense. I, I don't have the same knowledge as you."

After speaking, he picked up the food and was about to slip away.

It's just that when moving the grain, I didn't move it all at once, and I was almost brought down by the grain, and fell to the ground and ate shit.

There were muffled laughter from around.

Leng Qingtian blushed in embarrassment, not daring to look at the eyes of the people around him, and tried his best again, carrying the food on his shoulders, and ran fast.

A burst of laughter erupted from behind, and Leng Qingtian ran even faster.

At the same time, he greeted Leng Yuan's eighteen generations of ancestors in his heart.

Leng Qingtian ran until there was no one there before slowing down.

"Leng Qingtian, look at how cowardly you are."

"Leng Yuan is so powerful that it scares you like that?"

When Leng Qingtian heard someone talking, he immediately turned his head with a grimace: "Who, come out for me."

He stared closely at the haystack beside him, and saw Feng Ergou leisurely walking out from behind the haystack, holding his head in his hands, with a piece of dog's tail grass hanging from his mouth.

Seeing it was him, Leng Qingtian relaxed.

"what did you just say?"

Feng Ergou looked foolish: "I said, Leng Yuan is not that scary, why are you so afraid of him?"

Hearing this, Leng Qingtian sneered, "What do you know?"

After finishing speaking, I didn't bother to talk to Feng Ergou, so I walked home.

Isn't Leng Yuan scary?
He went crazy and wanted to beat people to death.

At the beginning, because their family had picked more vegetables, this lunatic rushed to the house, beat up the six of their brothers, and made them lie at home for a month before reluctantly getting off the ground.

Is he not afraid?
Could he be afraid?

Leng Yuan is not human!

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