A coquettish and book-worn man lives by a rough man

Chapter 84 Leng Qingtian and Feng Two Dogs Bet

"Cut, you are just too timid. There are so many people in your family, no matter how powerful Leng Yuan is, how can he still be your family's opponent?"

"You are also useless, a big family, just being bullied by someone who has no father or mother."

Feng Ergou said, spitting out the dog's tail grass in his mouth, with a look of disdain.

Leng Qingtian sneered: "Don't be afraid, go fight with Leng Yuan, if you can beat him, I will give you 100 yuan."

Feng Ergou stopped the foot that was about to leave, his eyes lit up: "Really?"

Leng Qingtian nodded: "I won't lie to you, go!"

Under the temptation of 100 yuan, Feng Ergou completely forgot that he himself was also very afraid of Leng Yuan, and immediately left in high spirits.

Leng Qingtian looked at Feng Ergou like he looked at a fool.

"Idiot, say I'm cowardly, but you're the one to show me, it's a mindless thing."

"As long as our family can beat Leng Yuan, how can I let him bully me?"

It was because he couldn't beat him that he didn't dare to make a sound.

Otherwise, he would make Leng Yuan look good.

After taking a sip, Leng Qingtian went back with the food.

Feng Ergou excitedly went to look for Leng Yuan, but he found something was wrong halfway.

It's unreasonable for him to go up to trouble Leng Yuan like this!

He had to find a way to let Leng Yuan do it first.

Just thinking about it, Feng Ergou decided to think of a way first, so he went directly to the opposite place of Sun Valley Farm.

He was so focused on how to get Leng Yuan to do something, he didn't pay attention to the person in front, and directly collided with the person opposite.


Feng Ergou's chest hurt from being hit, and he couldn't help covering his chest and cursing angrily: "Who doesn't have long eyes hit me."

While cursing, he looked up and saw a girl who was as beautiful as a flower, falling to the ground.

Although her appearance was not as good as Gu Jiaojiao's, it was better because she was well-dressed.

That figure is exquisite and graceful, and one can tell it is very good at first glance.

Feng Ergou only felt that the pain in his chest had transferred to his heart, and his heart was beating violently, and he couldn't control it.

Xu Wenwan felt that she was really unlucky, she just wanted to meet Yun Hao at the sun-drying field, but got lost, and now she was bumped into by someone.

She was full of anger.

Just as he was about to curse, someone grabbed his arm. The next moment, a gentle voice sounded: "You, are you okay! I'll help you up."

With that said, with a little force, Xu Wenwan was helped up.

Feng Ergou is also used to doing farm work, and he has some strength in his hands.

Xu Wenwan was helped up, threw off his arm, and said angrily: "Don't you have eyes? You bumped into me head-on, and my arm was bruised."

She had never done heavy work in the city, and her body was delicate, but the impact just now had directly left her arms bruised and purple.

Feng Ergou has never seen such a good-looking person, even when he is angry, he always has a taste of being coquettish.

He looked at Xu Wenwan in a daze.

When Xu Wenwan turned her head, she found that this man was staring at her in a daze. Those eyes were obsessively familiar to her.

It's just that in the past, this kind of gaze was always directed at Gu Jiaojiao, but suddenly one day when this gaze was directed at herself, Xu Wenwan really enjoyed it a bit.

Now, the anger is not so great.

"Forget it, I guess you didn't do it on purpose, so forget it this time."

After speaking, he clutched his arm and left.

Feng Ergou came back to his senses, Xu Wenwan had gone a long way.

There was a scent in the air, it was the smell of a girl, Feng Ergou couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Are all girls' bodies so fragrant?
He fixed his eyes on the girl's retreating figure, and a flash of certainty flashed in his eyes.

The addition of the two chapters is completed, the children should rest early, see you tomorrow!

One more thing, although the comments are gone, I have seen everyone's comments, thank you for your support!

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