A coquettish and book-worn man lives by a rough man

Chapter 833 Come to admit your mistake

Leng Qingtian pushed Sun Yeshu directly and pushed him in front of Gu Jiaojiao.

"Gu Zhiqing, you misunderstood. How dare I take over your house? I came here with Ye Shu to apologize today."

Gu Jiaojiao looked at the two people with a half-smile, but the smile didn't reach her eyes at all.

Such Gu Jiaojiao makes people look a little scary for no reason.

Sun Yeshu was closer and felt the pressure on Gu Jiaojiao's body more clearly. Pressed by such a momentum, she couldn't help but swallow her saliva nervously before speaking in a low voice.

"Gu Jiaojiao, yes, I'm sorry."

Gu Jiaojiao sneered: "I can't afford this apology to be unclear."

Leng Qingtian knew that Gu Jiaojiao was dissatisfied.

He immediately pulled Sun Yeshu's arm again: "Apologise well and tell me all the bastard things you did."

He was familiar with the apology process.

Thinking about it this way, Gu Jiaojiao's expression looked exactly like Leng Yuan's.

Leng Qingtian finally understood why Gu Jiaojiao chose Leng Yuan in the first place, because Leng Yuan had the same things as her, but he did not.

Suddenly seeing the similarities between Gu Jiaojiao and Leng Yuan, Leng Qingtian felt a little scared.

Sun Yeshuke is pregnant, Gu Jiaojiao shouldn't hit anyone for a while!

When he came, he was very confident, but now he is suddenly not so confident.

Sun Yeshu was stared at by Leng Qingtian, and he could only tell what he had done, about the recommendation letter, the little calculation in his heart, and the regrets he had later.

As for Tianniu, she didn't mean it. It was Tianniu who grabbed her and kept yelling, so she didn't blame her.

Although I don't blame her for not saying a few words, Gu Jiaojiao heard it.

Her smile became even brighter: "So, what you're apologizing to me for is that it's Xu Wenwan's fault for the recommendation, she induced you, and it's Tianniu's fault for pushing down Tianniu, because she pulled you."

"I knew you were thick-skinned before, but I didn't expect you to be so thick-skinned. Even a steel nail can't penetrate it!"

"You wrote the letter of recommendation, and you recommended the person. If you didn't come to my house to steal something, would Sweet Girl catch you? If you have a mouth that knows how to blame others, who will give you the face?"

When Gu Jiaojiao said this, the smile on her face faded, and she glanced at Sun Yeshu with a sharp gaze, which made Sun Yeshu's belly tighten in fear.

She held her stomach and took two steps back, then whispered: "I, I know I was wrong."

Gu Jiaojiao said nothing, raised her hand and slapped Sun Yeshu.

Sun Yeshu was shocked: "Why did you hit me?"

Today, she was beaten by Leng Qingtian, and now she was beaten by Gu Jiaojiao. These people were too bullying.

Gu Jiaojiao looked at her red palms and said slowly: "If I hit you, it's not because you are too tall. You can't survive without beating you."

"Since you are unhappy, let me apologize to you! I'm sorry."

Sun Yeshu was furious: "You hit me, just apologize and that's it. Don't even think about it."

After saying that, he looked at Leng Qingtian who was standing aside: "Qingtian, Gu Jiaojiao hit me, hit me back."

Gu Jiaojiao glanced at Leng Qingtian first, feeling a little unsure whether Leng Qingtian would take action.

Just when she was thinking about whether to hide in the yard first, she saw a figure in the distance and felt relieved.

She became arrogant almost immediately.

"Sun Yeshu, I just treat you the way you want. Isn't that how you apologized to me just now? Why did I just fight back a little, but you weren't happy!"

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