A coquettish and book-worn man lives by a rough man

Chapter 834 Star-eyed Little Fan Girl

Gu Jiaojiao returned what Sun Yeshu had done to her and reasoned with Sun Yeshu.

Sun Yeshu turned away.

She didn't want to reason with Gu Jiaojiao.

"Hurry up, Leng Qingtian, your wife is beaten, why don't you call her back?"

Leng Qingtian not only didn't move, but also yelled at Sun Yeshu: "That's enough, they're all looking for trouble."

After teaching Sun Yeshu a lesson, Leng Qingtian looked at Gu Jiaojiao with an apology on his face: "Gu Zhiqing, Ye Shu already knows that he was wrong. We are really here to apologize this time. Please forgive us."

Gu Jiaojiao looked up and down, left and right, looking at the two people. She looked at the two people until they were a little embarrassed, and then she said: "I'll forgive you for having two big faces. You guys have such big faces." .”

Sun Yeshu's face darkened: "Then what else do you want? We have all apologized, what else do you want from me?"

Sun Yeshu felt that it was Gu Jiaojiao's fault that Gu Jiaojiao still refused to forgive her even though she had apologized.

This time, before Gu Jiaojiao could speak, she heard a male voice: "A wife's debt must be paid by her husband. Since Sun Yeshu has made a mistake, I will not beat a woman. Leng Qingtian, please come out."

Leng Qingtian's legs went weak subconsciously, and when he turned around tremblingly, he saw Leng Yuan standing behind them at some point, and his eyes suddenly felt dark.

Leng Yuan ignored Leng Qingtian, holding the basket in one hand and holding his wife's shoulder with the other as he walked into the yard and placed the basket on the ground: "You handle the medicinal materials at home, and I will handle the matters outside."

Gu Jiaojiao nodded obediently.

Anyway, she had already slapped Sun Yeshu, which was regarded as some interest.

Leng Yuan rubbed his little woman's soft head, turned around and walked out, closing the courtyard door.

Leng Qingtian forced out a smile that was uglier than crying: "Leng, Leng Yuan, we have something to talk about..."

Before he finished speaking, Leng Yuan grabbed his collar and dragged him aside.

Sun Yeshu was so frightened that it was the first time he saw such a barbaric person. He immediately stopped him: "What are you doing? Let go..."

Leng Yuan turned back sharply, his eyes as sharp as a falcon: "I have never hit a pregnant woman, but if you dare to come here, I'm not sure it will set a precedent."

Sun Yeshu: ...

She watched Leng Qingtian being dragged away, and when she heard Leng Qingtian's painful wails from behind the wall, as well as the muffled grunt of punches hitting the flesh, Sun Yeshu's eyes became more and more frightened.She, how could she have provoked such a terrible person?

Sun Yeshu stood motionless, not because she didn't want to move, but because she was frightened by Leng Yuan's eyes and her legs were weak.

I don't know how long it took before Leng Yuan came out of the corner. Sun Yeshu was so frightened that he wanted to run away, but his legs were weak and he couldn't use any strength.

Leng Yuan came over and paused for a moment when he cried over Sun Yeshu: "What happened today is just a small lesson. Next time, I won't be so easy to talk to."

He originally wanted to teach the Leng family a lesson, but he didn't expect Leng Qingtian to take the initiative to bring someone to apologize.

He has already opened up a wide range of things.

Sun Yeshu's mind was so frightened that he went blank. When he came back to his senses, he found that Leng Yuan had gone back a long time ago and the courtyard doors were locked.

Then she walked behind the wall with trembling legs.

When he saw Leng Qingtian on the ground with a bruised nose and swollen face, Sun Yeshu covered his mouth in horror.

This, this was too harsh.

If you are a good person, you will be beaten to the point where you lose all appearance.

The Qingshan Brigade just fell silent.

county seat.

settle down.

An Dongyang sent Xu Wenwan back at night, thinking that Xu Wenwan was really just suitable for fainting, so he didn't think much about it.

After he helped the person to the bed, he ignored Xu Wenwan. After struggling all the way, he was tired and went to sleep by himself.

The next day, An Dongyang opened his eyes and saw a strange face with acne, and his eyes widened.

He pushed Xu Wenwan away with a cold expression: "Who are you and why are you on my bed?"

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