A coquettish and book-worn man lives by a rough man

Chapter 848: Seconds to consider time

"Remember, you only have ten seconds, I'm starting to count now."

After Boss Lu finished speaking, the two younger brothers stepped forward and pushed An Dongyang to the ground. The younger brother holding an ax aimed at An Dongyang's legs.

An Dongyang was scared to death. He looked at An Mingjiang and An's mother and cried, "Mom, dad, save me. I don't want my legs to be cut off. I know I was wrong. I really know I was wrong."

An's mother immediately grabbed An Mingjiang's arm, trying to stop Boss Lu, but An Mingjiang remained unmoved.

An Dongyang was really scared this time. He shouted and struggled: "Mom and Dad, I really know that I was wrong. Please help me!"

An's mother was heartbroken. She shook An Mingjiang's arm: "Mingjiang, Dongyang is our only child. Please save her!"

Boss Lu's expression remained unchanged and he started counting.

"Ten, nine, eight...four, three, two..."

Seeing that the younger brother holding the ax had already raised the ax and was just waiting for the next second to splatter blood on the spot, An's mother was so frightened that she wanted to faint, and An Mingjiang suddenly said: "Wait a minute."

Boss Lu stopped talking and looked at An Mingjiang, his expression always so calm.

An Mingjiang looked at An's mother: "Go and take out the bankbook, withdraw 5000 yuan, and give it to him."

An's mother was still feeling sorry for her son, but when she heard that he was going to give him 5000 yuan, her heart still ached.

This is all Anjia's savings.

But her son was still in their hands, so An's mother didn't dare to delay. She stood up and went back to the room.

He came out with his bankbook and walked out the door.

Boss Lu didn't stop him either.

An Mingjiang sat on the sofa, and An Dongyang was still pressed to the ground.

An's mother went back and forth very quickly, with a large sum of money in her pocket.

She trotted all the way there. Someone she knew said hello, but An's mother didn't pay attention to them and hurried back.

The 5000 yuan was handed over to Mr. Lu. Mr. Lu counted it clearly on the spot and then stood up. "Mr. An gives me money so freely. The door of my casino will always be open to Master An."

Boss Lu glanced at An Mingjiang provocatively, and then led him away.

An Mingjiang was so angry that he almost fainted, but fortunately he held on to the sofa chair next to him.

Mother An was so frightened that she supported An Mingjiang: "Mingjiang, what's wrong with you?"

An Mingjiang pushed An's mother away and walked to An Dongyang, who had just gotten up. As soon as An Mingjiang shouted "Dad", An Mingjiang raised his foot and kicked An Dongyang.

An Dongyang lost his balance and fell directly to the ground.

This kick directly stunned An Dongyang.

An's mother also hurriedly stepped forward to hold An Mingjiang.

"Ming Jiang, what are you doing? My son has just suffered so much."

An's mother had given birth to such a son for the first time in her life. She had doted on An Dongyang since he was a child and had never hit An Dongyang since he was this old. Although she felt bad for losing 5000 yuan today, she felt even more sorry for her son.

An Mingjiang laughed angrily.

"I'm saving him. Look what he has learned. First he provoked people he shouldn't provoke. Now it's better to learn how to gamble."

"5000 yuan, such a large amount of money, has been exported by him. If I don't care about him now, he will destroy the whole family in the future."

If he hadn't been such a son, An Mingjiang would have wanted to beat him to death.

Seeing that An Mingjiang was really trying his best, An's mother looked at her son lying on the ground and immediately winked at him.

An Dongyang immediately climbed forward and hugged An Mingjiang's calf.

"Father, I know I was wrong. I swear I will never gamble again."

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