Although An Mingjiang was very angry, he did not take action again. Instead, he asked about Boss Lu.

An Dongyang didn't dare to go into too much detail at first, but he was kicked twice by An Mingjiang later, and then he became honest.

An Dongyang was actually not familiar with Boss Lu. He didn't know about the casino in the county from the beginning. A friend told him about it during a meal.

At first, he refused. After all, although he was a dandy, he also knew what things he should not touch.

But I couldn't stand it and my friend dragged me away.

He didn't want to bother An Dongyang when he went there, but his friend insisted on pulling him to give it a try, saying that if he lost, it would be his, and if he won, it would be An Dongyang's.

An Dongyang was not short of money. He was highly praised at the time, so he agreed.

He just wanted to play, but he never thought that he was so lucky that he won more than 100 yuan in one game.

With his friend's adoring eyes and the temptation of money, An Dongyang couldn't hold back and took the second shot.

Still winning.

This time I won more than the first sentence, more than 200.

In the two games before and after, he won more than 300 yuan. Although An Dongyang was An Mingjiang's son and was never short of money, he had never made so much money on his own.

This was the first time I had made so much money, and I was excited at the time.

Next, there were losses and wins, and in the end he won powerfully.

After going back and forth and winning several times, everyone said that he was a born gambler, and he fell in love with that place.

As time went by, things were no longer as smooth as they were at the beginning, and I started losing money.

At first, he knew he would stop at the limit. Later, when he saw a friend borrowing money, he also borrowed money.

Borrow less at the beginning and borrow more later.

An's mother was shocked when she heard this. She never expected that An Dongyang was a frequent visitor to that place.

After saying this, she remembered the jewelry she lost last time and wanted to ask about it, but she didn't.

If An Mingjiang knew that An Dongyang was stealing things from home, he would definitely give An Dongyang a good beating.But An Mingjiang was not a fool. He borrowed so much money, how could he pay it back?

It wasn't like he didn't know about the things missing at home, so he soon suspected his son. In the end, An Mingjiang took a belt and beat him severely.

An Dongyang was beaten half to death. Now, he would not be able to get out in a short time.

After solving his son's problem, An Mingjiang immediately asked someone to investigate Boss Lu's affairs.

He had been in the world for half his life and had never suffered such a big loss. He wanted to take a look at what the background of Boss Lu was.

On the other side, Boss Lu left Anjia and left Qingshan County with his own.

When An Mingjiang called to investigate them, their cars had left Qingshan County.

By the time An Mingjiang got the news, Boss Lu had no idea where he was going. He took people to the casino, but the building was empty, leaving nothing behind and no trace at all.

An Mingjiang's face darkened.

"This man is coming after me."

Everything is planned and premeditated.

The second person An Mingjiang met was An Dongyang's friend.

That friend was actually just a gangster with a few subordinates, and later he got together with An Dongyang. He didn't know Boss Lu either, so he was dragged there by accident.

Later, I found out that I could get a commission for recruiting people, and I knew that An Dongyang was rich, so I brought the person over without any thought.

With An Dongyang's several losses, he also made hundreds of dollars.

As for the last 5000 yuan, he has not received the commission yet.

After An Mingjiang heard this, a cruel smile appeared on his face: "I will leave him to you. Don't let me see him in Qingshan County in the future."

An Dongyang's friend was frightened to death. Just when he was about to ask for mercy, his mouth was covered, and the next moment, he was dragged away.

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