People outside can't feel the bloody storm in the county, but Ke Anjia's savings of more than 5000 yuan are now only 28 yuan and six cents.

With such a small amount of money, Anjia was a little stretched for a while.

In the end, I had no choice but to sell a few pieces of jewelry to get some money.

An Mingjiang was a little worried.

In the past, there was Lao Jiu who would give him money every month. Now that Lao Jiu has entered, there is no business in the black market and there are fewer ways for him to get money.

In addition, the inspection above has been very strict recently, and An Mingjiang did not dare to take any action.

Anjia can only lower her living standard.

I eat some whole grains every day and don’t dare to buy expensive things.

Zhang Tianming was the first to notice that something was wrong with An Mingjiang. He asked someone to investigate and found out that something had happened to the An family. However, there was no way to know the specific circumstances.

Zhu Wanqi didn't care about this, she didn't like An Jia, so she bullied his man just because she was from the capital.

Now that the An family is in trouble, Zhu Wanqi is extremely happy.

This woman likes to spend money when she is happy.

No, she looked at her few skin care products and eagerly went to give money to Gu Jiaojiao.

Zhang Tianming had other things to deal with, so he dropped Zhu Wanqi at the entrance of Qingshan Brigade Village and the car left.

Zhu Wanqi didn't mind either. She carried the gifts she bought and walked towards Gu Jiaojiao's house.

Along the way, she attracted the attention of many people. When someone asked, she answered. When the villagers knew that she was here to see Gu Jiaojiao, their expressions immediately changed.

"You are here to see our Gu Zhiqing! Gu Zhiqing should be back now. I will take you there!"

Zhu Wanqi was about to refuse, but the other party didn't give her a chance to refuse, and already took care of herself.

She had no choice but to follow him to the door of Gu Jiaojiao's house.The aunt who brought Zhu Wanqi here helped knock on the door very considerately.

Gu Jiaojiao had just come back from the mountain and had picked a lot of herbs and was drying them. When she heard a knock on the door, she walked forward and opened the door, and saw a bright smiling face.

"Aunt Zhao, why are you here? Come in quickly."

The visitor is Zhao Tiezhu’s mother.

Aunt Zhao waved her hands repeatedly: "Someone is looking for you, and I am the one who leads the way. Jiaojiao, I have planted a lot of beans and I can't finish them all. If you are short of vegetables, go to my house to pick them. Don't let anyone go outside, you know?" "

Normally, Aunt Zhao would have delivered the food directly to the door, but during the last meeting, the team leader repeatedly ordered not to deliver food, otherwise work points would be deducted, so they stopped.

Gu Jiaojiao felt dizzy when she heard the food was being delivered. She hurriedly said, "Auntie, there are beans in my backyard and I can't finish them all."

Seeing what Gu Jiaojiao said, Aunt Zhao also knew that they were really not short of food, so she waved her hand: "Okay, you guys chat, I'm leaving."

Aunt Zhao came in a hurry and left in a hurry.

Zhu Wanqi looked confused.

"No, Jiaojiao, what's going on? I haven't been here for a while. Why has your status suddenly changed?"

When she first came here, she said she was here to see Gu Jiaojiao. Several aunts stood up and said they would lead her the way. Zhu Wanqi was confused at that time.

Later, Aunt Zhao got the opportunity to lead the way by virtue of her seniority.

Gu Jiaojiao welcomed the person in and explained.

"Probably the water pump they studied before saved them a lot of effort, so they thank me from the bottom of my heart."

When it came to water pumps, Zhu Wanqi started talking again: "Jiaojiao, when it comes to water pumps, I admire you. You said you are so powerful, capable of both literary and military work, you are simply an all-rounder."

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