A coquettish and book-worn man lives by a rough man

Chapter 89 I don't know what is good or bad

Village Chief Xu: ...

Looking at his daughter who appeared out of nowhere and smiling like a flower at an educated youth, he couldn't help but frown.

Xu Wenwan looked at her father and couldn't help but say, "Dad, let me do it!"

Village head Xu frowned even more.

After the daughter who reported the mistake came back, she didn't call her parents, but insisted on calling her parents.

He also said that everyone in the city shouted like that.

They didn't force him either, but at home, he hated everything and didn't do any work. Now he went outside to help others, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

Seeing her father staring at her, Xu Wenwan's expression was obviously displeased, she rolled her eyes, and hugged his arm affectionately, acting like a spoiled child.

"Dad, I came here to help because I saw you were working too hard."

"I grew up in the city before, so I didn't do this kind of farm work, but I am willing to learn to do it."

Xu Wenwan's words made Village Chief Xu calm down.

He also knew that Xu Wenwan had lived in the city since she was a child, with good conditions, had never done farm work, and was not used to working in the countryside, but the countryside was like this.

He couldn't afford to give her life in the city.

If the daughter wants to integrate into this family, she must work.

Seeing Xu Wenwan's willingness to learn and work now, Village Chief Xu immediately softened his face.

"You can think so."

When he went back yesterday, he realized that his daughter who had just returned almost aborted the child in his daughter-in-law's stomach, and he lost his temper at that time.

But the child just came back after all, so he just reprimanded him a few times.

Later, I asked my daughter-in-law to give some money to the second son, and used it to buy some food for the daughter-in-law to make up for it, and this matter was over.

Yesterday he was worried that his daughter would not be able to adapt to life in the country, but today he saw his daughter volunteering to help.

As expected, what he said yesterday was not in vain, and his daughter listened to it.

Thinking of this, he was very happy, and simply gave Xu Wenwan the work in his hand.

Xu Wenwan took the tools and helped Yun Hao pack the food.

Seeing that the village chief agreed, the people around stood aside and watched.

Xu Wenwan adjusted her posture, looked at Lan Huazhi, took out the food with a tool, and slowly poured it into Yunhao's pocket.

Every time he pretended, he smiled sweetly at Yun Hao.

Xu Wenwan knows how to dress up, with centipede braids and floral headbands, elegant and beautiful.

She also has exquisite makeup painted on her face, coupled with her unique temperament, it is naturally eye-catching.

However, her elegant working posture is beautiful, and even half a bag of food has not been filled in the past half a day...

If this goes on, the food they can distribute in half a day is probably going to be tomorrow.

Everyone couldn't help but look at Village Chief Xu.

Village Chief Xu's face darkened immediately.

He stepped forward and took the tool from Xu Wenwan's hand with a stern tone.

"You are not needed here, you go home."

As far as his daughter was flirting just now, he, a father, didn't even notice.

Xu Wenwan's eyes turned red instantly after being reprimanded by Village Chief Xu in public.

A flash of distress flashed in Yun Hao's eyes, and he was about to go forward to comfort him, but he could not bear it because so many people were staring at him, and he couldn't ruin his gentle reputation.

But he still spoke for Xu Wenwan.

"Village Chief, Comrade Xu also wants to help. Although he is unskilled in his actions, he is kind. Don't reprimand her."

Village Chief Xu's face darkened even more.

When did he reprimand his daughter.

In the final analysis, it was the fault of this little boy.

"There is no need for Yun Zhiqing to participate in our family's affairs."

When Xu Wenwan saw Yun Hao being scolded for her sake, she couldn't bear it any longer.

She can be said, but her man cannot.

"Dad, how can you say that, brother Yun Hao is also kind."

"And I grew up with him, and he just wanted to speak for me."

What's wrong with him?

Village Chief Xu: ...

Gu Jiaojiao: ...

Villager: ...


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