Gu Jiaojiao was almost laughed at by the two of them.

This is the food distribution scene, not the scene of a romance drama. Are these two people out of their minds?

The villagers were elated when they saw this.

Originally, they had already heard about the fact that the village chief's daughter was wrongly held in the hospital, and they discussed it for a long time.

Xu Wenwan's sudden appearance today immediately aroused gossip from everyone.

This is the daughter of the village chief's daughter, she is so beautiful, she looks like a city person.

This is so well raised.

Look at the clothes on this body, they look good, none of them have seen such a style.

This is the style, isn't it a bit shameless?

While discussing, everyone kept looking at Xu Wenwan's face.

The village chief's complexion has turned black into the bottom of the pot, and he just feels that his face has been completely humiliated when he is laughed at.

"Why, I can't say a few words about my own daughter."

"Hurry up and go back to me, this is not a place for you to mess around."

Village head Xu was so angry that he really didn't know if this daughter was sent by God to anger him.

Seeing his father so angry, Xu Chongfeng, who was helping on the side, immediately gave his wife a wink and told her to take Xu Wenwan away immediately.

Don't stay here to embarrass yourself.

Chen Xiaoli didn't like this sister-in-law.

As soon as he came back, he almost lost the second sibling's child, and even yelled for others to make room, looking like he was neither big nor small.

She didn't intend to pay attention to it at first, but when she saw Xu Chongfeng kept giving her winks, she stepped forward and grabbed Xu Wenwan.

"Wen Wan, it's almost noon, it's hot here, let's go home!"

Xu Wenwan didn't think so.

She threw off Chen Xiaoli's arm and stood there with her neck stuck, she couldn't leave, what if Yunhao suffered a disadvantage?
Chen Xiaoli's face turned black, she didn't know what was good and bad, so she didn't care.

As for watching this scene, the Xu family was going to die of anger.

The villagers were also speechless.

In the whole grain drying field, only Yun Hao was moved.

He couldn't help thinking about Xu Wenwan: "Wenwan, you go back first! We'll talk about anything later."

Xu Wenwan's beautiful eyes were full of water.

"Go back quickly!"

Yun Hao urged.

Seeing Yun Hao's firm attitude, Xu Wenwan nodded seriously and followed Chen Xiaoli home.

In the sun-drying field, no matter whether it was the theatergoers or Xu Wenwan's relatives, they were all speechless for a while.

A man's words are more effective than their relatives, this sister must have a brain!
Can they still harm her?

Gu Jiaojiao looked amused.

This cousin of hers is particularly apt to be described in one sentence.

Without the life of the princess, but with the princess's disease, the whole day is like heaven and earth.

In this novel, I use my own prototypes, and I am going to die, a typical love brain.


The cousin wrote that the heroine is reborn, from the 90s to the [-]s, at this time, there is no centipede braid.

At this moment, Xu Wenwan's figure slowly overlapped with her cousin's, and Gu Jiaojiao burst out a foul word in her heart.

Her cousin also wears books?
Although Gu Jiaojiao had doubts in her heart, she didn't think too much about the most important part of the food distribution now, and she would have time to figure out what was going on in the future.

After those educated youths finished their food distribution, Gu Jiaojiao and Leng Yuan bought another hundred catties of fine grain.

The team leader looked at the two men hesitantly, and then sold them.

Seeing this scene, the villagers immediately started talking again.

"These two are too bad at living. They buy a hundred catties of fine grains whenever they want. The Leng family is so rich that they only dare to buy one hundred catties of coarse grains. After all the money is spent, how will they live in the future?"

There are countless words like this.

Gu Jiaojiao pretended not to hear.

After buying food, he and Leng Yuan pushed the cart home without even looking at those people.

Villager: ...

Now the gossip about Leng Yuan and Gu Jiaojiao became more and more intense.

Someone complained to Second Aunt Leng: "Your nephew is too kind to his daughter-in-law. If Gu Jiaojiao wants to buy white noodles, she will buy them for her. The money she gets is spent so much. I don't think they will have enough money in the future. They will have to find someone else." you."

Second Aunt Leng immediately snorted coldly: "If you dare to come to the door, I will beat them out with a broom."

When everyone heard this, they started teasing her again: "You are not going to help me at all."

"Why can you help me? I've been cut off a long time ago. They didn't treat me as my second aunt." Second Aunt Leng looked disdainful: "A heartless white-eyed wolf, you don't know how to raise him."

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