The tyrant took me to make him immortal

Chapter 10 010 The Invincible Chosen One

"Didn't I just tell you before that the nightmare I had was continuous, as if it happened in real life. In fact, it was not a nightmare, but I could travel to other places in the dream, which is a different world."

Li Jintao saw Jiang Yingying's seriousness, and wanted to believe her, but the scientific view rooted in his heart refused!

Jiang Yingying heard the news from Wang Haoran that Zhang Guzi will take her into the palace again tomorrow.

"Li Li, it's normal for you to be unable to believe for a while, just wait and see what I bring back!"

Li Jintao finally took a day off, and Jiang Yingying dragged him to the mall to spend a lot of money.

"Buy! Buy! Buy!" Jiang Yingying spent the 200 million to her heart's content.

Now that she has fully mastered the method of panning for gold in another world at any time, it is only a matter of time before Jiang Yingying becomes a billionaire!

Li Jintao followed behind to check out and carry the bag, and happily put aside all doubts for the time being, he thought that as long as Yingying was happy, it would be fine.

"Yingying, next week I will be on the night shift," Li Jintao said as he returned home, putting away his things, "I'm just afraid that you'll wake up from a nightmare and I won't be by your side, you..."

"It's okay, I've figured it out, I'm not afraid of having nightmares anymore, because after I dream of traveling to another world, I can't be killed no matter what, I'm an invincible existence!" Jiang Yingying patted her chest proudly.

Li Jintao sat down and took a sip of water to suppress his shock, "What kind of different world are you talking about?"

"Well... I'm always locked in a cell. I don't know what the other world looks like, but there is an emperor there. It should be similar to ancient times. Zhang Guzi dreams of refining the longevity pill every day. Quite persistent."

"Are you sure the different world is not something you imagined?"

"Hey! Are you saying that the 200 million yuan of the jade pendant is my fantasy? If it is a fantasy," Jiang Yingying pointed to a lot of items bought in the mall, and asked, "These things bought with the 200 million yuan are fake. Is it?"

Li Jintao frowned. He knew that Yingying would not make such an exaggerated joke with him, and he also knew that Yingying did not have any ancestral jade pendants, so the different world Yingying talked about really existed?

Jiang Yingying put her hands on Li Jintao's shoulders and said mischievously: "Okay, you slowly accept this setting, after all, not everyone can do it, and I, your wife, is this The chosen one!"

"Okay, okay, then I am the husband of the Chosen One!" Li Jintao followed Yingying's words, "Husband is going to make dinner, what would the Chosen One want to eat?"

"Hahaha... Chef Li, I want to order sweet and sour chicken wings!"

"no problem!"

Jiang Yingying also went to the kitchen to help her. Li Jintao was the main cook in their family. Jiang Yingying didn't know how to cook at all. She was afraid of frying oil in an iron pan, so she could only cook simple meals.

"When we have money to hire a nanny and housekeeper, we don't have to do anything every day, just think about having fun!" Jiang Yingying imagined a better life in the future, and she felt very happy!
So when Zhang Guzi was about to send her into the palace, she couldn't wait to time travel over...

"Brother Haoran, what's the situation now?"

Same as last time, Miansheng stepped forward to take a bath, but this time Zhang Guzi strengthened his defense, and a circle of Taoist boys surrounded Yuchi, staring at Jiang Yingying to take a bath.

Wang Haoran said worriedly: "Zhang Guzi and Ye Ke are at odds with each other. Zhang Guzi told the emperor that you are a treasure, but Ye Ke told the emperor that you are unlucky, so the emperor must see you this time, regardless of life or death."

"It's okay, sister can't die. In this world, I'm not afraid of anything. No matter how awesome the emperor is, he's also afraid of death. I'm not afraid of death anymore. When I see the emperor, if I don't take off his dragon robe, it will be my fault." convergence!"

Everything Jiang Yingying sees in the palace is automatically marked with a price tag. This bronze mirror is at least [-] yuan, the maid's headgear is also [-] yuan, and the bronze cup is estimated to be [-] yuan...

The different world became her wholesale market for purchases.

Zhang Guzi walked ahead respectfully and led the way, washing off the smell of medicine, and looking from the back, he really smelled like a fairy.

Jiang Yingying followed behind neatly dressed, laughing at him as a back killer.

Climbing up the high steps, Jiang Yingying was already out of breath, as if she had climbed Mount Tai.

"It's too spacious. I have nothing to take away along the way. I finally arrived at the palace. The inside should be magnificent!" Jiang Yingying was about to push open the door of the main hall, but she was bounced away by an invisible force and fell down.

"Your servant, Zhang Guzi, bring the indestructible treasure, and ask to see the Holy Majesty!" After Zhang Guzi bowed, the gate of the palace slowly opened.

The golden light shines!

Jiang Yingying felt tired when she saw the scene behind the door!
The empty hall was spotless and the floor was gilded, but Jiang Yingying couldn't pry the floor tiles to take it back!

"This is how to be so poor and poor!"

Zhang Guzi glared at Jiang Yingying, "Follow me! Keep talking!"

"Good fairy~" Jiang Yingying waited for Zhang Guzi to turn her back, and secretly rolled her eyes.

Ye Ke had already been waiting in the main hall, his face pale and weaker than the last time he saw him, but he was still as evil and mad as ever, "Zhang Guzi, you still treat this evil thing as a treasure! I'm really afraid that her blood will die soon." Dirty this hall."

Jiang Yingying's eyes lit up, and she fell in love with Ye Ke's new jade pendant.

Little black fox, it's really not that I want you to pluck the wool, who will let you show off your wealth!
"Ouch!" Jiang Yingying stepped on her right foot on purpose, tripped herself, and threw herself in front of Ye Ke.

He raised his hand and tore off his new jade pendant.

But Zhang Guzi thought it was Yeke's fight again and played some trick against Jiang Yingying.

"Ye Ke, I care about the friendship between our colleagues, and I have shown mercy to you many times, but you are too arrogant and dare to cast demons in the palace hall!" Zhang Guzi took out the copper bell hidden in his sleeve.

"No, it's not me..." Ye Ke said, when the emperor arrived, he bowed to the central bank of the hall.

Jiang Yingying looked towards the center. On the throne soaring into the sky, there was an imposing yellow-robed saint standing vaguely.

"It's so far and so high, can you see clearly?" Jiang Yingying squinted her eyes and asked, the emperor must be crazy about going to heaven!

After Zhang Guzi saluted, he preemptively said, "My Majesty, this nine-tailed black fox, Yeke, used demon magic privately in the hall, and I accepted it for the Majesty!"

"Zhang Guzi, what nonsense are you talking about! Cough!" Ye Ke realized that the closer he was to Jiang Yingying, the faster his spiritual power would be consumed, and he would cough up blood!
"Evil, dare to pollute the hall with demon blood!"

The emperor is practicing the art of longevity, and he is most taboo about evil and dirty things.

Zhang Guzi rang the copper bell, and with the sound of the bell, Ye Ke was powerless to resist and showed his original shape!

Jiang Yingying was also dizzy when she heard it, and the things in front of her eyes became distorted and weird...

Holding on to the last bit of divine sense, she returned to the real world with the jade pendant.


Jiang Yingying breathed a sigh of relief in the familiar bedroom environment. Just now when she heard the copper bell ring, she seemed to be shaken out of her soul. The pain was no less than cutting hands and feet.

Or don't go through it so quickly.

Jiang Yingying went to the recycling shop the next day, and the boss looked very unnatural when she saw that she took out another jade pendant.

"You... our store is for gold recycling, and we don't accept jade."

"Huh? No? Why, didn't you accept it last time? This is a pair from last time, so it should be at least the same price as last time!"

Jiang Yingying didn't understand the meaning of the boss winking.

The boss had no choice but to say, "There is a problem with the funds in the store, and the money cannot be credited immediately. Can you accept it?"

Jiang Yingying paid attention to it, raised her eyes to meet the small eyes behind the boss's glasses, and guessed the other party's intentions.

Could it be that his small shop is about to close down?
"Forget it, I won't sell it!" Jiang Yingying took the jade pendant and went out.

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