The tyrant took me to make him immortal

Chapter 9 009 Be a Rich Woman, Raise Li Li

Li Jintao's phone ran out of power halfway, so he cut off the video call, and went straight to the hotel where Yingying was staying when he arrived in Qiaoyu City.

"Li Li!" Jiang Yingying opened the door and threw herself into Li Jintao's arms.

Li Jintao's hanging heart finally let go, he hugged Yingying into the room, closed the door, "Did you sleep well last night? I seem to hear you laughing."

Jiang Yingying did laugh when she successfully got the jade pendant, maybe she laughed out loud when she was talking in her sleep.

"I'm so used to sleeping without you!" Jiang Yingying said coquettishly.

Li Jintao inspected the hotel room, and there was no trace of a man, "Has your friend been here?"

"He didn't come. I've finished my work. I'll take the bus home in the afternoon. Have you booked the same ticket as me?"

"Well, let's go back together." After Li Jintao finished speaking, his stomach let out a loud noise. He didn't eat last night and rushed here overnight. Hearing the movement from Yingying's side on the road, he dared not close his eyes and sleep.

"Are you hungry! I happen to be a little hungry too, let's go downstairs and have some breakfast first!"

Jiang Yingying smiled and pulled Li Jintao out, but she couldn't move after a few steps. Li Jintao stood in place like a nail and pulled Yingying back with all her strength.

"I can eat it later, I think now..."

Li Jintao gently lifted Yingying's chin, lowered his head and kissed it...

"Wait...wait...wait!" Jiang Yingying pushed Li Jintao away, because she saw Wang Haoran suddenly appearing behind Li Li in a daze.

With a mental disorder, Jiang Yingying teleported Wang Haoran who was in another world.

"What's the matter?" Li Jintao looked at Yingying aggrievedly, what's the matter with his wife not giving her a kiss, is it because he saw a new friend and moved on?

Jiang Yingying nodded her forehead and sent Wang Haoran back to another world, "Kids, go back quickly, things about adults are not good."

"Yingying, what did you say?" Li Jintao asked inexplicably, and looked around the room. There were no children here. When he turned his head again, Yingying fell on the bed with his neck hooked...

Before Wang Haoran could react, he appeared in Jiang Yingying's room from another world inexplicably, and teleported back to the other world before saying a word to call her sister and brother-in-law, huh?What are you doing?
Before Jiang Yingying's soul traveled back to another world, her body here was like an NPC in a game, her limbs were moving stiffly, and she was able to carry on some simple conversations.

Wang Haoran could move around within a certain radius around Jiang Yingying's body, so he slipped into Zhang Guzi's alchemy room.

Zhang Guzi put a elixir into the brocade box, "It's strange, why is the output so low this time, the elixirs refined by the time traveler used to have at least ten pills each time, is it because you guys are lazy and didn't keep an eye on the heat!"

Zhang Guzi hit Xiao Daotong's head hard with his fly whisk, Daotong held his head and dared not cry out, "Master, we dare not! We have always added fire according to Master's orders."

"Bring me the list of medicines used in this furnace!"

Xiao Daotong immediately took it from the back grid, and when he presented it to Zhang Guzi with both hands, he accidentally let go of it. Daotong caught the list when it landed in fear, and tremblingly handed it to Zhang Guzi.

Zhang Guzi was already very depressed because there were not enough longevity pills for the tribute this time.After catching the list of medicine references, he directly threw the little boy into the alchemy furnace and burned him alive, which made him feel good.

After checking the list, Zhang Guzi pointed to Jiang Yingying's name on it, "Since adding Jiang Yingying's body into the furnace, the production of Yanshou Pill has become less and less!"

Comprehensive Ye Ke said that Jiang Yingying stole his spiritual power, could it be that she became immortal by stealing other people's abilities!
Zhang Guzi doesn't care if he stole it or not, he just wants to know how Jiang Yingying stole it, and he wants to steal it too!

"But the emperor doesn't believe me, he blames that stinky fox, saying that Yuan Haotian didn't become a fairy, but fell into hell forever, bah! It knows a fart!"

Zhang Guzi paced back and forth, the more he thought about it, the more unwilling he became.

"Master!" Xiao Daotong outside opened the door, "Someone is coming from the palace."

Seeing that it was Eunuch Shi who was beside the emperor, Zhang Guzi cupped his hands and greeted him with a smile, "Eunuch Shi, why bother you to come here in person?"

In the alchemy furnace, the crying of children could still be faintly heard. Eunuch Shi's back felt cold, his hairs stood on end, and he wanted to finish speaking quickly and leave this ghost place.

"The miscellaneous family is here to pass on the emperor's oral order, so that you will bring Jiang Yingying to meet the emperor no matter what!"

"Okay, it's just that Jiang Yingying is sometimes smart and sometimes stupid. I don't know if she can behave well in front of the emperor tomorrow."

"That's your problem." After finishing speaking, Eunuch Shi turned around and was about to leave.

"Alright, Eunuch Shi, go slowly!"

Wang Haoran thought to himself, if my sister wants to see the emperor tomorrow, she will definitely see more gold, silver and jewels, so I want to pass the news to Sister Jiang, so that she must cross over tomorrow.

After Jiang Yingying and Li Jintao went back, Jiang Yingying took out the jade pendant, "Li Li, I told you, you won't believe me, but I don't want to lie to you either, I brought this from a dream."

"In a dream? What nonsense are you talking about? You bought this at a two-yuan store!" Li Jintao thought she was joking with him.

"It's true, we are now exchanging jade pendants for money, you follow me." Jiang Yingying led Li Jintao to the recycling shop last time.

The boss still remembered Jiang Yingying, and asked her to go upstairs to talk, but stopped Li Jintao at the stairs, "This is it? The rules of the world can only be inspected by one person to evaluate the price."

The boss is cautious in doing things in this line of work. The young girl Jiang Yingying has clear eyes, and she is not so defensive about her, but Li Jintao is too decent, and the boss is worried that he is a cop.

Jiang Yingying wanted Li Jintao to believe what she said, so she put the jade pendant in Li Jintao's hands, "Then you go, this jade pendant is real."

Then explained to the boss, "Boss, this is my husband, let him go up."

The boss pushed his glasses, glanced at the jade pendant again, and nodded to Li Jintao, "Then come with me."

"This... I... what should I say when I go up?" Li Jintao touched the warm jade pendant. Could it be that Yingying really conjured it up from a dream?
"Don't say anything," Jiang Yingying leaned closer to Li Jintao's ear, "Try asking for a higher price!"

Li Jintao followed the boss upstairs, Jiang Yingying waited downstairs for a long time, and almost couldn't help rushing up to see why it took so long before Li Jintao came down.

Li Jintao's expression was complicated, a little surprised, a little happy, a little suspicious of life.

"Li Li, what did the boss say? How much did you pay?"

Li Jintao dragged Jiang Yingying a long way out of the store before stopping to talk, "The boss said that it was ancient jade, said a lot of good things about it, and then offered me a price of 40!"

"Wow, that jade is so valuable!" Jiang Yingying didn't expect it either.

"Didn't you ask me to raise the price? I pretended to be calm at the time, and I said no. Then, do you know how much the final transaction was? 200 million!"

Jiang Yingying jumped up in shock, covered her mouth, and widened her eyes in shock, "200 million! My God! What jade is worth more than gold!"

Li Jintao showed Jiang Yingying the balance of her phone wallet, "I will transfer this money to you right away, and you should keep it safe."

Jiang Yingying took away Li Jintao's hand to transfer the money, and said domineeringly: "You keep it as pocket money! My sister will become a rich woman in the future, and I will support you!"

"Yingying, your jade pendant is a dream?"

How could it be possible to bring something out of a dream!But the jade pendant worth millions does exist!

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