The tyrant took me to make him immortal

Chapter 8 008 intentional control, gang crime

Sweat broke out on Jiang Yingying's forehead. She was too far away from Li Jintao, and she couldn't send her thoughts there.

"Brother Haoran, let me see if I can send you to see your mother."

This time the distance was closer, all in one city, and it really succeeded!
Wang Haoran suddenly appeared in the corridor outside the ICU ward, saw his mother lying on the hospital bed, and heard the doctor and uncle say that the chance of success of the operation is very high...

Jiang Yingying, who stayed in the community, searched for the contact information of the extreme cleaning team on her mobile phone. Professional matters have to be left to professional people. Let them clean the room!

If the cost of extreme cleaning is expensive, it should be more expensive. The money spent will be earned back when you go to another world!

After finding a hotel to stay in, Jiang Yingying dialed back the video for Li Jintao, "Li Li, I came to the hotel, why did you only show half of your face?"

"If you live by yourself, you have to lock the door. Wrap the toilet paper in the hotel before using it. Don't use the hotel's bath towels." Li Jintao carefully instructed.

Jiang Yingying saw that he was walking, and deliberately blocked the camera so as not to reveal the background behind, "Where are you? I can tell, are you in the waiting hall? Don't try to fool me!"

Li Jintao was caught out of his plan, so he still bought a ticket for the nearest trip to Qiaoyu City, and was waiting for the ticket to be checked in the waiting hall. He pulled his phone away and showed his full face, "Okay, I just want to pick you up!"

"I knew you would be like this, okay, come if you want!"

Jiang Yingying and Li Jintao have been in love for so many years. They can be regarded as an old couple, but they are still in love like a young couple.
Li Jintao insisted on not hanging up the video call, "Yingying, just put your phone next to your pillow, and I will feel at ease listening to your sleeping breathing."

"I remember when I was in college, every night in the dormitory, we also slept together like this, so this time it's up to you!"

At that time, the roommates all joked: You stick to eat together during the day, and return the audio and video when you come back at night, even if you are handsome and beautiful, you will get tired of watching it one day!

Later, Jiang Yingying's roommates also found boyfriends one after another, and they were inseparable when they talked about love, but they broke up due to various reasons after a long time.

Only Jiang Yingying and Li Jintao remained the same, even verbal quarrels rarely happened.

"Good night, Li Li!"

Before going to bed, Jiang Yingying consciously controlled her mind and entered a different world...

She still woke up in that dim cell, the difference was that the cell was covered with yellow talisman paper with crooked red symbols drawn on it.

Jiang Yingying called Wang Haoran back, "Brother Haoran, have you seen your mother?"

Wang Haoran floated over to express his happiness, "I heard the doctor and uncle say that the chance of arranging the operation is very high, and I will be discharged after a period of observation. Thank you very much, Sister Jiang!"

"You're welcome, do you know why there are more talismans here?"

Jiang Yingying felt that now Wang Haoran was like an invisible drone, and she could manipulate him to inspect other places as she wished.

"This was arranged by Zhang Guzi to guard against the nine-tailed black fox who poached my sister's heart. The vixen's name is Ye Ke. Both he and Zhang Guzi are seeking longevity for the emperor, so we usually don't deal with it."

Zhang Guzi and Ye Ke, competitors in product development!
Let them fight each other and die together. Regardless of them, the most important thing is to get money back.

"Wang Haoran, go around and see where there are valuable things. It's better to be smaller. It's too heavy for me to carry."

"it is good!"

Jiang Yingying sat cross-legged in meditation, concentrated her mind, and let her eyes follow Wang Haoran to other places.

She can't penetrate walls, but Brother Haoran in Ah Piao's form can.

"Sister, I can't go any further!" Wang Haoran bumped into the air wall.

Jiang Yingying measured out the radius she could control, and searched within this range.

"Sister, apart from the row of palaces where Zhang Guzi made alchemy, there are all kinds of prison cells, some of which hold prisoners. It doesn't seem like a place where you can have valuable things."

Jiang Yingying's gaze shifted, and she suddenly fixed her eyes on a piece of exquisite jade pendant hanging on the waist of a man in black, "White jade is flawless, a good thing!"

Looking at the owner of this jade pendant, it is Yeke, the nine-tailed black fox.

Ye Ke came to the cell to look for Jiang Yingying. Ever since he swallowed Jiang Yingying's heart, he found that his spiritual power had dropped significantly. The last time he fought against Zhang Guzi, he didn't have the upper hand. It's really weird!
"Sister, Ye Ke is coming very aggressively, as if he is coming at you!" Wang Haoran said and followed.

"I hope he can take the initiative to come over."

Otherwise, Jiang Yingying would not be able to escape from the cell, and Wang Haoran would not be able to take anything, even the jade pendant that he knew was valuable.

Jiang Yingying withdrew her consciousness and tore off the talisman paper in the cell. It was to prevent Yeke from foxes. Destroy it so that Yeke could bring the jade pendant to the door.

Without the protection of Zhang Guzi's magic circle, Ye Ke quickly smelled Jiang Yingying's breath and found it accurately.

"You can really bring the dead back to life!" Ye Ke looked at Jiang Yingying's heart, where a brand new heart was beating again.

"Sister, I saw Zhang Guzi coming this way." Wang Haoran was on the lookout.

When Zhang Guzi comes over and fights Ye Ke again, he won't be able to get the jade pendant, so hurry up.

Jiang Yingying smiled and leaned between the guardrails of the cell, "Mr. Fox, can you get closer?"

Ye Ke stepped forward coldly, grabbed Jiang Yingying's neck, "Tell me, what kind of sorcery are you practicing? Why can you devour my spiritual power?"

Jiang Yingying patted Ye Ke's neck-stripping hand, "I don't know what you are talking about!"

"Sister, Zhang Guzi will be here soon!" Wang Haoran floated behind Jiang Yingying, anxiously watching her being choked, unable to do anything.

Jiang Yingying stared down at the jade pendant tied around Ye Ke's waist, and grabbed it with one hand.

"Ye Ke! Let go of my people!" Zhang Guzi raised the dust, and a sharp white light struck.

Ye Ke barely avoided it, and the jade pendant was also taken off by Jiang Yingying, "You... You stole my jade pendant, give it back to me!"

Jiang Yingying took the jade pendant and hid in a corner deep in the prison cell, "You are still digging my heart, why don't you return it to me? This jade pendant can be regarded as a little compensation for me!"

"Ye Ke, you have spoiled my good deeds time and time again, don't go too far, if you make a fuss in front of the emperor, you and I will have no good fruit to eat!"

Zhang Guzi originally wanted to use Jiang Yingying to ask for credit from the emperor, but after being dug out by Ye Ke, Jiang Yingying looked like a dead person, and the good thing of presenting treasures to ask for credit was destroyed and delayed.

"Zhang Guzi, I still want to drag you to judge in front of the emperor. You made such a thief by refining alchemy? You stole my jade pendant and my spiritual power. Do you dare to steal life yuan after meeting the emperor? !"

Who doesn't know that what the emperor cares most about is longevity, Ye Ke actually compares it to stealing the emperor's life yuan, turning a small matter into a big one, putting a high hat on Zhang Guzi, and putting pressure on him.

"The evildoer has nothing to prove, so I will subdue you and send you into the alchemy furnace to refine the elixir and dedicate it to the emperor!"

"You and I are both the emperor's royal alchemists, you dare to hurt me privately, the emperor is angry, you can't take responsibility!" Ye Ke knew that his spiritual power was damaged now, so he couldn't confront Zhang Guzi head-on.

"It's clear that you came to interfere with my affairs first!"

"That's because Zhang Guzi, the time traveler you found this time is really rare, why don't you lend me a couple of days so that I can study it too?" Ye Ke smiled evilly, relieving the atmosphere of Zhang Guzhang.

"Impossible!" Zhang Guzi couldn't bear to part with Jiang Yingying, a rare treasure!

The main reason was that Zhang Guzi hadn't figured out how to refine this medicine, if Ye Ke was allowed to research the method of longevity first, wouldn't it make him gain the limelight from the emperor!
Jiang Yingying told Wang Haoran to stay in the other world to find out the news for her, and controlled her mind to return to the real world.

When I opened my eyes in the hotel, I was indeed holding Yeke's white jade pendant in my hand. In the bright environment, it was transparent and warm, and looked very nice.

"It shouldn't be as expensive as gold, but if you don't go short, you should be able to exchange some pocket money!"

Travel to another world next time, keep up the good work!

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