The tyrant took me to make him immortal

Chapter 7 007 Hao Ran's Death

Jiang Yingying stretched her sleeves, covered her mouth and nose, and pushed Wang Haoran's room away...

The rotten and stench suddenly hit the face like a wall!

At the same time, the bitter and sour smell of microbial corruption and fermentation will make people unable to open their eyes!

Jiang Yingying pressed the light switch, the light in the small room was dim and oppressive, and the floor was covered with human blood and decomposed liquid.

Wang Haoran was not discovered until a long time after his death, and his body had already begun to rot and liquefy, with fat dripping out.

Walking two steps inside, there is a bed sheet soaked in liquid on the floor, on which a human figure can be vaguely seen, Wang Haoran must have left the last drop of blood in this position!

The strong pungent smell forced Jiang Yingying to run to the corridor to vomit, she was so dizzy!
"Wang Haoran, why did you commit suicide? Vomit!"

"Sister, did you call me?" Wang Haoran's voice came from the room.

Jiang Yingying's throat was burned by the vomited stomach acid, and she just wanted to rush downstairs to buy a bottle of water for a flush.

"Wang Haoran, come out!"

After Wang Haoran changed into the form of Ah Piao, he only dared to appear in dark and humid environments. Now the sun has just set in the west, and the sky is not yet dark.

He intended not to go downstairs and appear in public, but when Jiang Yingying yelled at his body, he followed her uncontrollably.

Jiang Yingying quickly walked out of the unit building, and squatted in front of the green belt of the community, breathing with the vegetation.

Wang Haoran asked timidly, "Sister, are you okay?"

"You still ask, you said you kid, you don't care about your head, you mistakenly think that you killed someone and escaped, it's true, but why didn't you even say hello to your mother, even when I saw you live It hurts to be in this kind of place, let alone your mother!"

Jiang Yingying crossed her waist and scolded Wang Haoran.

She really felt sad for her aunt, thinking about the picture of her son's tragic death, or because of the clues she provided, she felt a little guilty.

"You know it all?"

Jiang Yingying smoothed her chest and calmed down her excitement, "I went to the hospital to help you see your mother. Your uncle has been taking care of you. The gold jewelry brought back from another world last time was exchanged for money. I will give it to your mother first. Sick."

"Yeah, thank you sister! The last time I saw you lying on the ground, I was afraid that I would never see you again. Fortunately, my sister called me, and I was able to appear by my sister's side!"

An idea flashed in Jiang Yingying's mind, "You mean you didn't show up until I called you?"

"That's right, I was still guarding your body in the other world. I wanted to follow you back to the real world, but I couldn't find a way, and I don't know why."

Jiang Yingying knew why, she seemed to have found the string to control her mind, and mind control can summon some things in another world, Wang Haoran this time, the gold jewelry last time, the loess that time...

"I'm not sure, just wait and see!" Jiang Yingying chuckled, she was about to master the ability to soul travel to another world at any time.

Wang Haoran only saw the appearance, not the inside, but the only thing he was sure of was that only Jiang Yingying was the one who could help him.

"Sister, do you understand how to bring back treasures from another world? That would be great. Help my mother pay off her debts and leave enough money for retirement. I only hope that my mother can enjoy her old age without worrying about food and clothing!"

"If you are not with your mother, no amount of money will mean anything to the old man," Jiang Yingying sighed regretfully. "Why can't you think about committing suicide? Seventeen or eighteen years old, the same age as Chaoyang."

This question brought Wang Haoran's thoughts back to the rainy night when he committed suicide...

At that time, there was a thunderstorm outside, and he curled up on the sheets on the floor, covered with a dirty coat.

This was two months after Wang Haoran absconded in fear of crime, he finally rented a cheap house with the money he earned from working on the construction site.

Although there is no bed board, it is much better than sleeping on the street, at least you don't have to worry about wind and rain.

In the past two months, he has never dared to return a call to his family, he is afraid that the voice of the police will come through the phone.

Even though he is now living a life of being afraid and hiding from the world, he has not regretted it for a moment. He does not regret impulsively stabbing the debtor.

"Let them know that my mother is not easy to bully, and there are still men in our Wang family!"

As soon as Wang Haoran finished speaking, a flash of lightning pierced the night sky outside, briefly illuminating the small room.

Then rumbling thunder rolled from the west, deafening.

Wang Haoran curled up, hugged his legs, and pressed his forehead tightly to his knees, putting himself in a state of high defense.

Not long after, Wang Haoran let out a sobbing voice, "Mom! I miss you, I want to go home..."

Suddenly he heard someone ask:

"Do you want to strengthen yourself? Do you want to protect your mother? Do you want countless money?"

The voice seemed far away, but Wang Haoran searched the room with wide eyes, "Who is talking?"

"I am you, you in another world!"

Wang Haoran rubbed his ears, he thought he was hallucinating.

"Come on! Sacrifice your soul, here is everything you want!"

The light of lightning reflected a figure on the wall, Wang Haoran seemed to be bewitched by something, suddenly convinced by the voice, and knelt down on the floor.

"Please! I need money, pay off the debt, and there will be no debt collectors to bully my mother."

"Come! Slice your belly, pull out your intestines, and express your sincerity!" Following the voice, a long knife lay horizontally in the middle of the room without warning!

Wang Haoran walked towards the horizontal knife with dull eyes, the blade was blocking his waist.

The severe pain made him wake up briefly, "No no!! I can't die, what will my mother do if I die, she only has me as a son!"

At this time, accompanied by the sound of rain, the siren sounded from downstairs. Wang Haoran looked out of the window and saw red and blue lights flashing alternately.

This is the police car coming, the police are coming to arrest him!

Wang Haoran's body was trembling. Instead of being locked up for a lifetime, it's better to go all out and go to the world that can give him everything!


Wang Haoran roared angrily, and ran towards Hengdao, his body was scattered on the floor in two pieces, blood gushing out!
"Then, I really traveled to another world, but I didn't have the money I wanted. The identity I traveled was just an ordinary farmer. I still had to earn money by myself. Later, I was caught selling illegal salt, and you will know .”

Wang Haoran said he was wronged, why couldn't he escape the fate of being cut in half?

Jiang Yingying put her hand on her chin, as if thinking, "The voice you said, and the long knife that appeared in the sky, if it's not your hallucination, then there is only one possibility, they are from another world, but And why did you trick you into committing suicide?"

The phone ringing interrupted Jiang Yingying's messy thoughts, it was Li Jintao calling.

"Hey, Li Li, I forgot to tell you that I've been delayed here for a while, and I won't be able to go back until tomorrow."

Li Jintao waited at the exit according to the original itinerary, and Jiang Yingying was not seen after the same batch of people had left.

"Are you all right? Are you in any trouble? I'll buy a ticket and go to Qiaoyu City to find you!"

"No, don't be so nervous, I'll go back tomorrow, just wait for me at home!"

Li Jintao's tone was slightly jealous, "Then where are you staying tonight?"

"A hotel, it must be a hotel."

"What about your new friend Wang Haoran? Is he going to sleep at his own home?"

"He..." Jiang Yingying glanced sideways at Wang Haoran who was floating, "He doesn't seem to need to sleep!"

"Yingying, I'll make another video for you. You can introduce Wang Haoran to me and let me know what he looks like."

Also let him know that I, Li Jintao, is Jiang Yingying's real boyfriend, so don't try to trick my family Yingying!
"I'm afraid this is inconvenient, and you can't see it... Uh, no, Li Li, you don't believe me, do you?" Jiang Yingying said jokingly.

"Of course I believe you. I don't believe that Wang Haoran. How can you be sure that he won't hurt you?"

"He won't, okay, I'll give you a video when I go to the hotel, okay? I'll hang up now!"

Jiang Yingying pressed the hang up button and said to herself: "From what I know about Li Li, he will definitely not go home obediently. He might buy a ticket quietly and rush over overnight."

"Sister, is it my brother-in-law?" Wang Haoran said with a crooked smile.

"Brother Haoran, help me see if Li Li is at home."

"But I can't float too far away from my sister, I tried, it's like there is an enchantment."

Jiang Yingying closed her eyes, activated her spiritual thoughts, and her thoughts controlled A Piao to go to Li Jintao's side...

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