The tyrant took me to make him immortal

Chapter 25 025 Rescue His Mother Ye Ke

On the night before the Shangsi Festival, King Zhan Cheng found his daughter and told her about recruiting relatives.

"Zhifei, don't blame your father for not discussing with you." King Zhancheng put down his majestic airs in front of his daughter and coaxed him patiently, "This Shangsi Festival is the year when you are married. Good day."

Zhifei crossed her hands on her chest, she was not only angry with what her father did, but also angry that his father had been hiding it from her, causing her to almost break up with Brother Ye Ke.

"I don't want to get married, in my heart...I, anyway, I just don't want to get married, but..." Brother Ye Ke explained that recruiting relatives delayed Daddy to do it.

King Zhancheng explained angrily, "Okay, okay! My little daughter wants to marry me, but I am not willing to give up! Zhifei, don't worry, this recruitment is just a formality, you just need to show up when the time comes. Dad mainly wants to take this opportunity to choose Some all-rounders in the city!"

"Well...then it's settled, daddy and I will show up at the recruitment scene, and no one is allowed to leave until it's over!" Zhifei raised her palms, waiting for her daddy to give her a high-five as a pledge.

King Zhan Cheng slapped his palms suspiciously, he didn't expect to coax his daughter so easily this time, he thought he was going to talk about it again like before until his throat smoked!
"Zhifei, you are more sensible, you have grown up!" Zhan Chengwang smiled gratifiedly.

Seeing that his father is his only relative, Princess Zhifei felt pity in his heart when he thought of Ye Ke's elder brother saying that he must take revenge, "Father, is there anything else you are hiding from me?"

King Zhan Cheng was poked at the center of the matter, and a panic flashed in his eyes. Was his daughter found out about Ye Ke's usurping power and wanting to arrest him?It can be seen that Fei has been practicing in the room, and she should not notice the abnormality by herself unless others tell her.

"Daughter, what can Dad hide from you!"

"Hmph!" Zhifei was a little disappointed, "Then why do you think Zhang Guzi appeared in the mansion?"

"Oh - did you see that stinky Taoist priest Zhang Guzi?" Zhan Chengwang felt much relieved, he was not afraid of his daughter finding out, anyway, he and Zhang Guzi were just playing around!

"At that time, Zhang Guzi came to ask for a way to Zhuyan Dan, and you kicked him out without saying a word, but..."

King Zhancheng smiled kindly, "Don't be angry, Zhifei, I will definitely not teach that stinky Taoist priest the method of refining Zhuyan Dan, and my father will use him to do a big thing, as long as it is done, we will Da Yuan no longer needs to take Yaoling Pills to refine Zhuyan Pills!"

"What's the big deal?" Zhifei asked curiously.

"That's right..." Prince Zhan kept his mouth shut, "Daddy can't tell you now, but you will know later!"


The next day is Shangsi Festival.

Dayuan Demon City is full of joy and harmony. Monsters of all kinds, men, women and children, are willing to go out and play in the streets, because on this day, you can see many young girls who have just reached adulthood.

The young and strong monster boys hurriedly took a cold bath to dispel bad luck, folded willow branches along the road and carried them with them, and then rushed to the center of the city. Today, everyone has a chance to become the princess' husband-in-law!
Princess Zhifei dressed up beautifully and sat on the sedan chair, watching her father's face while worrying about Brother Ye Ke.

After Ye Ke's troops left the palace, "Action!"

Hearing the order, Ji Subao climbed up the wall at once, "As expected, the guards in this area were transferred by Princess Zhifei. It's safe, and you, Young City Master, quickly follow!"

This is not an ordinary wall, this is the wall of the Great Abyss Demon City, is he able to climb up it with low-level spiritual power?

The most regrettable thing about this rescue operation is that no matter how much Master Hongyi tried to persuade him, he was unwilling to leave the bamboo forest, refused to provide help, and said that everything was preordained.

After seeing Ji Subao's luck on the wall, Jiang Yingying also realized that she grabbed Ye Ke by the back of the neck with one hand and flew over the wall.

"Jiang Yingying, you're a quick learner!"

Jiang Yingying ignored Ye Ke's joke and walked ahead with a cold face to lead the way.

"Sister, Zhang Guzi is in front!" Wang Haoran reminded, he always felt that Jiang Yingying was much more indifferent after she came out of the stone room, and the control over his thoughts was more serious than before. He was like a pet dog tied to Jiang Yingying.

"Who is it!" The patrolling troop of demon soldiers spotted them.

The crutch in Ji Subao's hand flicked and turned into a spear, "Young City Master, leave these little fellows to me, and we'll meet you after we're done!"

After Ji Subao finished speaking, Zhongping threw his gun into the demon soldiers to attract their attention, and then fell into a melee.

Wang Haoran took a few more glances at Jisubao's moves, ground dragon gun, and phoenix nodded, and it was easy to see that it was ten light. He was pulled away by Jiang Yingying's mind before he had seen enough.

Zhang Guzi took the whisk and slapped Mrs. Jinxia's body one by one. Every time he slapped her, the skin was torn apart, and the gray hair was already dyed red with blood.

Jiang Yingying remembered that when she dreamed of traveling through another world, Zhang Guzi had cracked her flesh like this, exposing the white bones and refused to give up. He must find out what was hidden in her body.

"Stop!!" Ye Ke yelled, and at the same time a cloud of spiritual energy attacked, but it was like scratching an itch to Zhang Guzi.

Mrs. Jinxia raised her head, and looked at Ye Ke with one empty eye, "Son... son, you finally..."

"Mother!" Ye Kefei stepped forward, but was kicked away by Zhang Guzi.

Wang Haoran looked anxiously, "Sister Jiang, Ye Ke has no spiritual power now, we are too weak to beat Zhang Guzi, we should hide and wait for General Ji Subao to help us!"

It's strange that Jiang Yingying didn't need Wang Haoran to tell her before, she knew to protect herself first, and she would not rush recklessly, but now she is standing directly opposite Zhang Guzi, without any fear!

"I'm not someone who will retaliate, but I don't have the measure to repay grievances with virtue!" Jiang Yingying said, secretly calculating in her heart, based on the harm Zhang Guzi had done to her, let him die only once, and he already missed it!
"I don't know why the emperor is willing to let you out of the palace because of your unique constitution of immortality." Zhang Guzi stared at Jiang Yingying greedily.

"Oh," Jiang Yingying said in a nonchalant manner, "It doesn't seem like Immortal and Immortal can read infinite files now, so I will cherish my life even more."

After Jiang Yingying finished speaking, she dared to fly to meet Zhang Guzi, grabbed his arm with her backhand, "You chopped off my left arm and threw it into the alchemy furnace."

Zhang Guzi was startled, this speed is beyond the reach of ordinary traversers.

"Bitch!" Zhang Guzi tapped Jiang Yingying's forehead with his right hand whisk.

She didn't hide either, two or three streams of blood flowed from her forehead, all over her face, she blinked and smiled, laughing like crazy, "Hey ha ha ha..."

"Hahahaha... ah!"

Jiang Yingying held Zhang Guzi's upper arm with one hand, pressed his shoulder with the other, and exerted force in the opposite direction, dislocating his joints and tearing his flesh!
"Does it hurt? Zhang Daxian! Hahahaha..."

She stepped on Zhang Guzi's back instead, and exerted force with both hands, and she actually tore off his arm. The blood was dripping and sticking together, and the torn off arm was touched by a reflex arc, and she kept closing and opening her arms in Jiang Yingying's hands.

"Look! Your hand is beckoning to you!"

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