The tyrant took me to make him immortal

Chapter 26 026 Zhang Guzi's Tragic Death

"Hahahaha... I can do it! I can!" Jiang Yingying crazily took one of Zhang Guzi's arms and threw it on the ground hard.

Both Ye Ke and Wang Haoran looked at this scene in amazement. Wang Haoran felt that Jiang Yingying had become so unbelievable. Ye Ke felt that her lines had been robbed. All she said and did were my words!
Zhang Guzi who fell to the ground was even more blindfolded!

How can it be!Even though she was a strange fetus, every time the Shouling in her body was dissected, she would accept it obediently, and would never be so violent and crazy!
Jiang Yingying threw her arm to Mrs. Jinxia, ​​and she ate it crunchy!
Then Jiang Yingying continued to approach Zhang Guzi, her black hair stood up abruptly, her eyes were red, "Hey ha ha ha... ha ha..."

Zhang Guzi threw the whisk with his right hand and chanted a mantra, causing the whisk to spin on top of Jiang Yingying's head and stir into her long hair, twisting her scalp, hard!Try harder! !

Until the whisk wrapped her face, blocked her sight, and blocked her oxygen!
"Ah! Get out! This is all fake," Jiang Yingying held the whirling white hair and her own hair with her backhand, "Fake!!!"

With a cry, she snapped at the tangle of hair.

The dust whisk fell to the ground and lost its effect, and there was not a hair left on the top of her own head. Her bright red bald head was chilly when the wind blew!
Zhang Guzi was not in a hurry, Fuchen was just a small trick for him to hide his eyes. At the same time, he was already sitting on the ground, recruiting lonely souls for his own use.

Of course, Wang Haoran is also one of the lonely souls nearby.

"elder sister!"

"Well, let's go!" Jiang Yingying didn't care at all, she stopped and watched Wang Haoran mingling with other lonely souls, "Sister will give you strength and help you!"

Jiang Yingying pushed out the incompatible spiritual power in her body with both hands, mixed it into Zhang Guzi's formation, and instilled it into Wang Haoran's body.

"Hey, I read that right," Ye Ke Yama was stunned, "Jiang Yingying, what you are sending out is my spiritual power!"

Jiang Yingying stared with bloodshot eyes, making Ye Ke shut up.

Zhang Guzi pinched the talisman in the air, and finally pointed with his sword, "Kill... what! What is this!"

Wang Haoran's body changed from transparent to white mist, and gradually revealed half of a normal person's body, with blood dripping down the cross-section of his waist!
Jiang Yingying pushed Wang Haoran through the air, causing him to pass through Zhang Guzi's body and take away part of his life.

"Sister, this is..." Wang Haoran felt that his own strength was gradually increasing, and the lonely souls attracted by Zhang Guzi's formation were able to listen to him.

Countless ghosts surround Zhang Guzi, robbing him of his longevity.

When Zhang Guzi was shocked, he thought of the longevity pill in his arms, which was forged from Jiang Yingying's stump, and because of something strange, he hid it privately.

"Maybe this is the real longevity medicine!" Zhang Guzi swallowed the longevity pill in one gulp.

The body swelled suddenly, but only half of his body was inflated and enlarged. Zhang Guzi stomped his big foot, the sky collapsed and the earth shattered, dark clouds covered the top, and the ghosts were dissipated by the huge yellow talisman. Take a bite.

Ye Ke took the opportunity to go around the altar, trying to tear off the iron chain, but he couldn't get close to the purple talisman paper.

"Hahaha... This is about to ascend! Daoist, I really want to grow into a fairy!" The other half of Zhang Guzi's body was almost swallowed by the swollen body. Blast!

Jiang Yingying brushed her hands over the top of her head, the injured scalp healed, and new white hair emerged. She pinched a strand of hair and wrapped Zhang Guzi from his feet to his head.

"If you want to ascend, you want to eat farts!" The hair in Jiang Yingying's hands tightly wrapped around Zhang Guzi, embedded in his body.

"Spit it out!!"

Jiang Yingying slapped Zhang Guzi's Tianling Gai with her palm.

In an instant, Zhang Guzi's inflated body shrank rapidly, "Uh...uh..." He made a hoarse sound of pain.

Black smoke came out from Zhang Guzi's seven orifices, and the subcutaneous fat kept decreasing. The whole layer of human skin stuck to the bones, like a mummy.

Jiang Yingying rubbed the black smoke with her palm, and put her fingers into it to pick and choose, "No, no, oh it's this! It belongs to brother Haoran, return it to him."

She blew a wisp of black smoke to Wang Haoran's waist, the smoke was lingering, and his legs recovered in an instant, but Wang Haoran couldn't touch the ground with his feet, and was still floating in the air.

"Sister Jiang, I have legs now! My legs are back!" Wang Haoran was very excited, and was also full of gratitude to Jiang Yingying, who was unfamiliar before him. If he could land on the ground, he really wanted to kowtow to her.

Jiang Yingying didn't let go of the mummy Zhang Guzi yet, she snapped Zhang Guzi's bones, cranium, ribs, leg bones...

Countless bone parts were flying all over the sky by her!
Ji Subao arrived with a red-tasseled spear gun, just in time to be hit by Zhang Guzi's skull, "Hey, what is it, bad luck! Young city lord, let's take my wife away, I am afraid that King Zhancheng has already rushed here Already!"

Ye Ke endured the burning sensation, and wanted to remove the purple talisman paper, the black fox fur already smelled of burnt, "Mother, I will... save you... ah!"

Jiang Yingying's white hair returned to black hair, and her red eyes turned amber in the blink of an eye. She walked to the altar and squatted down, "If you expose this, your mother will be able to leave?"

After speaking, he tore off the purple talisman paper, crushed it and threw it beside Zhang Guzi's bones.

"You, why are you so relaxed!" Ye Ke couldn't believe it, she looked like I was stunned just now!

"I'm a human and you are a demon. Zhang Guzi's talisman is only effective for demons."

Mrs. Jinxia broke the iron chain and jumped onto Jiang Yingying's head suddenly, a ball of hair hugged her face.

"Hungry!! I want to eat!"

Ye Ke grabbed her mother, "Mother, no, this can't be used for eating, the master said she has golden pills!"

"Golden Dan? Golden Dan!!" Mrs. Jinxia bulged one eyeball, and stared at Jiang Yingying's eyes from a close distance, almost touching her eyeball.

Mrs. Jinxia's trembling short hair suddenly became limp, "Oh, here I come! I'm about to die!"

Ye Ke hugged his mother from Jiang Yingying's head, "Let's go!"

"No, I can't go." Mrs. Jinxia's ugly face showed a mother's kindness, "Son, you have to take on the responsibility of protecting the people of Dayuan Demon City. My son has suffered!"

"Mom, what are you talking about? Come with me!"

"King Zhancheng killed your father just because your father did not agree to rebel against Emperor Zhengxi, and he also took away my monster dispatch order and used monsters as the front line." Mrs. Jinxia shook her head, "It's useless, once the monster dies , the people of Dayuan will lose their last refuge!"

Mrs. Jinxia caressed Ye Ke's face with her short paws, "Son, you must not learn to fight for temporary gains and losses with the prince, you must learn to make long-term plans and put the interests of the majority of the people in Dayuan Demon City first. ,do you know?"

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