The tyrant took me to make him immortal

Chapter 37 037 High-profile declaration of war

Jiang Yingying thinks that she is mentally ill and the resurrected Wang Haoran goes back. These two are not in conflict, but she doesn't even understand how she travels back and forth, so she can't help Haoran's brother for the time being.

However, she was sure that Master Hongyi must have a way!

Jindan!The golden core has already awakened, and she didn't even notice when the golden core awakened, nor did she notice whether the golden core had exerted its energy.

What the hell is this, can I have a progress bar!
Even upgrading and fighting monsters should have a level system!

"Sister, King Zhancheng is going to destroy the formula for refining Zhuyan Pill in public today. Ye Ke and General Ji Subao have both gone to see it. Let's go too!" Wang Haoran suggested.

The CPU was smoking and couldn't think of a way out, so Jiang Yingying gave up thinking hard, "Since it's here, let's settle down! Let's go and watch the fun first!"

The last hallucination ended in the Devil's Nest, and she couldn't recall what happened after that. It seemed that the world was still operating as usual when she was not conscious.

"Brother Haoran, what happened to Ye Ke and the others?" Jiang Yingying, who was walking on the streets of Dayuan City, asked.

"Ye Ke has been planning to kill the King of Zhan since he came back from the monster," Wang Haoran replied truthfully, "But now is not a good time to kill the King of Zhan, and Master Hongyi is already preparing to build a safe house. Have all the bamboo forests been cut down?"

Indeed, the Great Abyss was not as lively as it was when it first came, and there were no young and strong monsters along the way, only some old, weak, sick, disabled and pregnant were left, and the whole city was full of tension and depression before the storm!

"General Ji!" Since when did Wang Haoran become so friendly with Ji Subao, he drifted over as soon as he saw him, and Ji Subao made a gesture of silencing him.

Wang Haoran immediately lowered his voice, and asked cautiously: "Are you ambush? Don't you want to assassinate King Zhan?"

Ye Ke hid aside, followed by a few thousand hand balls, caught a glimpse of Jiang Yingying and said coldly, "Here, help if you can, and watch if you can't."

Ji Subao also put on black cloaks on Jiang Yingying and Wang Haoran to conceal them. There are many monsters on the street who are afraid of being exiled.

"King Zhancheng is here! He has come out!" With a loud shout, the crowd of onlookers gathered under the high platform.

Jiang Yingying, Wang Haoran, and Ji Subao mixed among the monsters together.

Ye Ke hid on the high eaves with the monster, ready to make a move from the sky.

"The citizens of Dayuan City!" King Zhan raised his arms to respond, and everyone below shouted, "King Zhan is mighty forever!"

Prince Zhan didn't talk nonsense, and directly took the secret recipe for refining Zhuyan Pill in his hand, "Everyone, this is the original recipe of Zhuyan Pill, as long as it is destroyed, all the copies will disappear!"

Oh——Destroying the original party means formatting. This different world is quite advanced, so what if someone has memorized it?
"Our Dayuan Demon City has suffered from the Yanling Pill for generations! Just because the shit emperor wants to live forever and be young, our Dayuan has to sacrifice hundreds of little demons' Yaoling Pill every year to refine the Yaoling Pill for the emperor. Yan Dan, I just want to ask everyone, did you voluntarily sacrifice the demon spirit pill to the emperor?"


King Zhancheng continued to speak righteously: "Do you want to see the children you raised be used as the raw materials for Zhuyan Pill, or do you want to see your children fight bloody for the Dayuan Demon City, fight for a way out, and make a living for you?" Generation after generation will not fight for the raw material of Zhuyan Pill?"

"Uh..." The crowd fell silent, no one wanted to be slaughtered, but there was nothing they could do. If they had the strength, they would have resisted long ago!

Donating one child's demon spirit pill every year can at least guarantee the continuation of the family, but if they really resist, they have to sacrifice all their children, and if they lose the battle, the incense will be cut off!

"I know what you are worried about!" King Zhan Cheng paced back and forth, his eyes sharp, "You think the same as the dead King Wei Ping, you all think that Dayuan's alluring power is no match for Emperor Zhengxi moving his finger!"

The silence of the onlookers was deafening!
King Zhan Cheng told the facts that everyone didn't want to admit but subconsciously recognized!
"Hahaha..." Zhan Chengwang raised his head to the sky and screamed, a spark was ignited in his hand and burned Yuanfang. This action frightened everyone, and some even subconsciously wanted to rescue Yuanfang, but were stopped by the guards.

"This king just doesn't believe in this evil! My Dayuan Demon City has millions of monsters, and all of them have advanced spells. If you really want to fight hard, I don't believe that you will lose!"

Speaking of this, Princess Zhifei also came to the stage, "Yes!" The little green eyes on her forehead blinked, and hundreds of monsters appeared around out of thin air, and they even surrounded Ye Ke by the way.

"Look! It's a monster!" The crowd was restless, "King Zhan Cheng used a monster dispatch order!"

Princess Zhifei followed his father's words, and said: "My Dayuan Demon City has strong monsters, and if monsters come out in full force, it is not necessarily a defeat! Think about it, everyone! What if we win? If we win, we will no longer have to sacrifice. My own child! I, Dayuan Demon City, no longer need to sacrifice demon spirit pills!"

Ji Subao secretly winked at Jiang Yingying, asking her to take back the initiative of the monster army, but she mingled in the crowd and shouted: "Well said! We would rather die standing up than live on our knees!"

Good guy, Jiang Yingying's words directly lifted the atmosphere of the audience!

"We fought!" "We fought!" "I would rather die standing up than live on my knees!"...

A few young men took off their cloaks on the spot and volunteered to join the army, "We want to do our part for Dayuan! My life is worth it for the peace of future generations!"

"Okay!" Seeing the enthusiasm of the people, King Zhancheng also had tears in his eyes, so he didn't want to be King Weiping who surrendered and asked for peace. He wanted to fight to the end!
Princess Zhifei knew that Ye Ke was in ambush and wanted to assassinate her father, so she waved her hand to kill the demon monster, "Brother Ye Ke, I'm sorry, after listening to my father's explanation, I think we Dayuan Demon City may be able to fight! Hope to win!"

Ye Ke watched the ashes of Zhuyan Pill being blown away in the wind, he knew that there was no turning back in the Dayuan Demon Capital!I finally understood why my mother told him to protect the people when she was dying!
"Brother Ye Ke, my father promised me that he will not attack you again before the big battle. If you want, my father can also let you be the charge general!"

Zhifei approached and pulled Ye Ke's sleeve, "Brother Ye Ke, we should also think about the bright side. If we really win, then Dayuan Demon City will..."

Ye Ke shook Zhifei away with his hand, turned his back to her, and said, "If we can really win, I will give up the position of city lord to King Zhancheng! General Charge will be spared, he has no right to give orders to me! I will divide the army of monsters between you Half, the other half is under my command!"

After speaking, Ye Ke left, and soon disappeared.


The news that King Zhancheng destroyed the original Fang of Yan Dan in public spread to the palace, and the ministers were very angry, and the battle post was thrown in the face!

The country has been in peace for so long, and the opportunity to make contributions has finally come, and the military officials have called for a fight, and the fight is immeasurable!
Emperor Zhengxi was sitting in a high position, his eyes were slightly tired. He didn't expect that he didn't dream of the apocalypse last night, but dreamed of the woman Jiang Yingying. Is this also a revelation from heaven?
"Your Majesty, I invite you to fight! In the small city of Great Abyss, our government army doesn't pay attention at all. Twenty thousand cavalry are enough for me!"

"Stop arguing! I will conquer myself!" Emperor Zhengxi raised his hand to stop the minister who wanted to dissuade him, "I will also go to see the scenery of our country by the way, I have made up my mind!"

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