The tyrant took me to make him immortal

Chapter 38 038 Dr. Zhao looks like this?

Jiang Yingying obeyed Ye Ke's arrangement, dispatched half of the monsters to leave, and ordered them to listen to Ye Ke.

When they returned to the hut, Master Hongyi lay flat on the straw mat quietly.

"Master?" Ye Ke suddenly had a bad feeling, "Master, what's wrong with you?"

Jiang Yingying took two steps closer, she also wanted to ask Master Hongyi about time-traveling and how to take Wang Haoran back through time-traveling.

"Master Hongyi?" Why is he dying suddenly?
"Alas—" Master Hong Yi let out a long breath, and confessed to Ye Ke: "Xiao Ye, the safe house has been built, and maybe I can support it in a critical moment!"

Ye Ke looked flustered, and his relatives were about to leave him one by one, "Master! You're fine! You'll be fine! Tell me how to save you! I'll do it!"

"Hold it!" A wine pouch suddenly appeared in Master Hongyi's hand, he stuffed it into Ye Ke's hand and held it tightly, and whispered a few words to him, Ye Ke's pupils trembled slightly!

Jiang Yingying asked: "Master Hongyi, what's wrong?"

"Hey!" Master Hong Yi smiled at her old urchin, "Xiao Jiang, we still have a chance!"

Countless question marks popped up above Jiang Yingying's head, can she stop being a riddler!
"Master Hongyi, I want to ask you a question, can the traversers in this world travel back again? How did they travel back? If they want to travel back, where is the stop?"

"Jiang Yingying, look down!" Master Hongyi's voice gradually overlapped with Dr. Zhao's in the hospital.

Jiang Yingying looked down and saw that she was wearing a blue and white striped hospital gown, with the logo of Qidian Mental Hospital stitched on the left chest.

" is...really!"

Doctor Zhao nodded, "Jiang Yingying, don't sneak out again!"

"Ah? Master Hongyi, why are you here?" In Jiang Yingying's eyes, Dr. Zhao had a bald head and white beard, and it was clearly Master Hongyi wearing modern clothes and a white coat!
"Xiaojiang, I said we still have a chance!" Master Hongyi stood up, smiling harmlessly to humans and animals, "This place is fake, Jindan's nightmare and illusion! I'll help you go back!"

Jiang Yingying retreated to the bookshelf, took out a book and gestured to her chest, "You are talking nonsense! This is the truth! I am mentally ill!"

Li Jintao pushed the door open when he heard Yingying's shout, "Yingying, don't get excited, what happened? Did you see a bad hallucination?"

"Li Li!" Jiang Yingying seemed to grasp at straws, the world with Li Li must be real!

"Li Li, he's fake, he's not Dr. Zhao, he's Master Hong Yi! He's Ye Ke's master in another world! It's fake!"

Li Jintao patted Jiang Yingying's back lightly, "Yingying, take a good look, this is Dr. Zhao!"

"He's not! Dr. Zhao is not bald, nor does he have a white beard!" Jiang Yingying argued anxiously.

"Yes, Dr. Zhao Hongyi has always looked like this!"

Jiang Yingying looked at Master Hongyi in shock, his name is Zhao Hongyi!Zhao Hongyi?Master Hongyi is Dr. Zhao, and Dr. Zhao is Master Hongyi!

No, no, no!How do people in hallucinations appear in reality?

"Li Li," Jiang Yingying pushed Li Jintao away, "You lied to me! You lied to me too! You lied to me that you had never been to Qiaoyu City, but you booked a ticket to go there! Why did you lie to me? ?”

You clearly know that I am mentally ill, and that I am in danger of falling into chaos at all times, yet you lie to me, you lie to me with the doctor, how could you collude with people from another world?
ah!Li Li, you are going to make me confused!

Jiang Yingying beat her head hard, calm down!Calm down and re-groom!

"Yingying!" Li Jintao took her hand that beat her head, and looked at Dr. Zhao Hongyi for help, "Dr. Zhao, why did she get worse after coming back for treatment?"

"Xiao Li, please send her back to the ward first, I want to make a plan for the next step!" Dr. Zhao Hongyi looked confident and confident.

"Yingying, don't think too much!" Li Jintao picked up Jiang Yingying and went to the ward while comforting her. "Relax, let yourself go! I'm here!"

Jiang Yingying was hugged, her eyes lost focus, and she suddenly locked onto the doctor's portrait on the wall in the corridor!
A big picture of Master Hongyi crossing his arms and hugging his chest, next to it are three big bold characters, Zhao Hongyi!

"How could this be? I'm obviously wearing a hospital gown! Isn't that true?"

What did Dr. Zhao look like in the past?Simple and honest, honest, gentle, ah - damn it!How can you not remember your appearance?
Jiang Yingying jumped down from the door of the ward, shut Li Jintao out, and slid down with her back against the door.

"Yingying! Don't sit on the floor, you let me in, Yingying?" Li Jintao slammed on the door.

Two nurses ran out from the intensive care unit next door, "Li Hu, Li Huowang has disappeared again!"

"How could he escape!" Li Jintao was a little angry, and locked Jiang Yingying's ward outside to prevent her from escaping again. "Yingying, don't think about it, I will come to see you when I find Li Huowang!"

Jiang Yingying waited until there was no movement outside before she stood up, pulled the door twice, but couldn't open it, "Li Li, how dare you lock me!"

She kicked the door angrily, walked to the window in a hurry, and pulled the curtains tightly, not wanting to see such bright sunshine!
"I'm going to think about it, where did things go wrong?"

Wang Haoran from another world traveled from reality to the past, while Zhao Hongyi traveled from another world to the real world. Are these two worlds connected?

Master Hongyi is Dr. Zhao!That Emperor Zhengxi is Li Li!No, how could Li Li be Emperor Zhengxi?Will not!
Sitting by the bed, Jiang Yingying slapped her forehead, "I'm mentally ill! Everything I can't figure out is fake! What kind of logic can there be in the world of mental illness! Anything without logic is fake!"

"Zuo Wang Dao! You are sitting Wang Dao!" A hand stretched out from the bottom of the bed and grabbed Jiang Yingying's ankle.

Startled, she raised her feet, leaned against the edge of the bed and lowered her head to look, "Li Huowang, what are you doing hiding under my bed?"

"Hush!" Li Huowang's exposed skin was covered with gauze, and his eyes were staring vigilantly, "They are staring at me!"

"Who? Sit and forget?" Jiang Yingying suddenly felt a sense of superiority, "You still can't tell? This is reality, and what you see is an illusion. They grow in your fantasy, and you are the world Lord! They can't hurt you!"

"Bah! Don't lie to me again! You can't lie to me!"

Jiang Yingying swung her arm, "Look, this is a hospital gown! We are all mentally ill! What do you think you are wearing?"

Taoist robe!The blood-stained red Taoist robe!
"Red! It turns out that red has always been on me! No wonder no wonder!"

Jiang Yingying's small sense of superiority was swept away in an instant, because she suddenly realized that the secret of her distinction was no longer working, "Where is my hospital gown? Why am I lying on the hospital bed wearing an ancient skirt?"

"Li Huowang!" Jiang Yingying lowered her head again, but the bed was empty.

The worldview she has built up over the past twenty years is crumbling!

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