The tyrant took me to make him immortal

Chapter 39 039 The War Begins

"Doctor Zhao, why was Yingying so emotional yesterday?" Li Jintao asked the doctor, "Did improper intervention stimulate her?"

Zhao Hongyi stroked his white beard and said proudly, "I have found the root of Jiang Yingying's illness!"


"Yes, I tried to enter the patient's delusional world, and it succeeded! Combined with my previous analysis of Jiang Yingying's condition, the worst time for her to get sick is when she sees you in fantasy, so you are the root cause of Jiang Yingying's illness !"

Li Jintao's quick memories and Yingying's bits and pieces, "But... Yingying and I have always had a good relationship, she has no reason to go crazy because of me!"

"In her imagination, you are an emperor named Zhengxi, whose personality is completely opposite to yours!" Zhao Hongyi thoughtfully admired Li Jintao's micro-expression, "I will guide Jiang Yingying to kill Zhengxi in the next step." The phantom of Emperor Xi!"

Li Jintao nodded in agreement, "This will make Yingying come out of her delusions!"

"Your cooperation will be needed then."

"Doctor Zhao, I will definitely cooperate actively so that Yingying can recover as soon as possible!"

After Zhao Hongyi prepared the environment of the consultation room, he invited Jiang Yingying to receive treatment again.

Jiang Yingying sat down with a blank expression. Whether it was Doctor Zhao or Master Hongyi, at least neither of them could be regarded as her enemy. Of course, don't expect her to regard Zhao Hongyi as an ally of the same camp.

"Xiao Jiang, can you tell the truth from the fake?"

An idea came to Jiang Yingying's ears. Dr. Zhao always called the patient's full name, but Master Hongyi liked to add a small character before the last name, "Master Hongyi, I can tell the difference!"

Zhao Hongyi cast a provocative look, are you sure you can tell the difference?

Jiang Yingying responded flatly: "Someone once told me that if I think it's true, it can't be fake, and if I think it's fake, it can't be true!"

She could feel Li Li's sincerity, the Li Li who hugged her and cried in the ward was real, but the Li Li who lied to her was fake.

"Very good!" Zhao Hongyi encouraged with a hint of sarcasm, "Our purpose today is to kill the fake Emperor Zhengxi in your heart! Kill Emperor Zhengxi!"

"I...I can't do it." Jiang Yingying subconsciously began to deny herself.

Zhao Hongyi turned on the video recording, "Jiang Yingying, believe in yourself, there is nothing invincible about fakes, isn't it?"



Great Abyss Demon Capital, the city gates are tightly closed.

All the monsters who can go to the battlefield are in the barracks, and the monsters who can't go to battle are placed in the safe house led by Ye Ke.

"Young City Master, the safe house can't accommodate so many people!" Ji Subao reported.

Everyone turned into a space-saving human figure, but the safe house was still packed to the brim, and there was a line of people outside as far as the eye could see.

Ye Ke also made a mistake, his palms and backs were full of flesh, of course he wanted to protect the people of the whole city, but now he had to give up something.

Jiang Yingying patted Ye Ke from behind, "I have a small suggestion, give priority to letting children from the monster race into the safe house, they are the future!"

This idea coincided with that of the adults present. Several mothers put down their children and walked out of the safe house, "Young City Master, just keep my children inside. I will go to the front line to cook for my father!"

"Me too!" The mothers who were holding their children let go and walked out, "Let more children go into the safe house, we have lived for so long, we will die when we die!"

The children who left their parents in the safe house hugged each other and cried softly.

"Uncle Ji, bring people to guard this place," Ye Ke ordered, "Even if they are not in the safe house, make sure they are safe!"

"Okay!" Ji Subao was ordered to lead the demon soldiers who instigated the rebellion, and set up a barrier to resist foreign enemies.

"Is Emperor Zhengxi here?" Jiang Yingying asked.

"Here we come!" Ye Ke put away his fan, and he lost his idle look and was very serious.

Emperor Zhengxi's seat was carried by hundreds of soldiers, and he came to the front of Dayuan Demon City in a mighty battle.

Outside the city, the King Zhancheng arranged a poisonous barrier in advance, and he died immediately after inhaling the poisonous gas.

"Wizard!" Emperor Zhengxi didn't pay attention to this little trick at all, he ordered Wizard Jiamu to fetch the poison-avoiding beads.

Wizard Jiamu put the poison-avoiding pearl on the top of the staff and recited the mantra devoutly. After a while, the poison barrier dissipated.

King Zhan Cheng led the soldiers to stand on the city gate, ready to fight.

"Unexpectedly, the emperor will be able to fight in person!" Prince Zhan raised his sword, "That's good, so I don't have to rush into the palace to take his dog's head again! Soldiers, follow me to the battle, let's go!"

"Father, do you want to go down in person?" Princess Zhifei's small face was wrinkled and ugly, she was really worried, facing the elite of Emperor Zhengxi, they didn't have the strength to fight with each other, and if they wanted to win, they had to fight to become famous!
"Zhifei, guard the city gate, even if I die outside, don't open the city gate!"

"Father!" Zhifei knelt down on one knee with the knife put away, "You let me go first! I can't do it anymore, you go later!"

"No..." Before King Zhan Cheng opened his mouth, Princess Zhifei flew down to the city, followed by all kinds of grotesque monster soldiers.

Ye Ke and Jiang Yingying also just rushed to the gate of the city, seeing the huge army below the city, Jiang Yingying couldn't help shivering.

"Sister, I have died once anyway, and no one can kill me. Let me help!" Wang Haoran asked Jiang Yingying for instructions.

"Go if you want, see the enemy clearly!" Jiang Yingying let Haoran's brother go down. He can take away a few years of life by penetrating the enemy. To kill a person, he needs to penetrate back and forth more than ten times.

Jiang Yingying observed the situation at the city gate, and gave Wang Haoran an idea, "Brother Haoran, you don't have to kill the enemy, just go on a rampage in a large area, let the enemy grow old, move slowly, and then hand over to Da Yuan's demon soldiers to kill !"

Emperor Zhengxi was so arrogant that he didn't lead the general to go out, but Princess Zhifei led all the generals to go out together. With the brutal and bloodthirsty monster army, coupled with Haoran's group attack skills, Zhifei swung his sword to slash the enemy, and the momentum was fierce!
"Bring my bow and arrow!" Emperor Zhengxi stood up and drew his bow and arrow.

Swish Swish Swish!Three arrows were fired, and the three masters on the opposite side were shot and fell to the ground.

"Is it so powerful? My Li Li!" Jiang Yingying slapped herself lightly after she finished speaking. This is Emperor Zhengxi, I want to kill him!

"Brother Haoran, you are as powerful as a bamboo, go straight up! Kill Emperor Zhengxi!" Jiang Yingying issued a clear task.

Wang Haoran turned his spear and charged straight at the emperor in the center of the distance, unstoppable along the way!

"Your Majesty!" Wizard Jiamu managed to slow down the passage of time around Emperor Zhengxi, making Wang Haoran's impact slower.

Emperor Zhengxi fired two arrows at once, one aimed at Wang Haoran who was charging, and the other aimed at Princess Zhifei.

"Little children, you deserve to play with me!"

Wang Haoran was the first to bear the brunt, the arrow did not penetrate his body like an ordinary weapon, but knocked him back dozens of steps, pinning him to the ground and immobilizing him!

King Zhan Cheng made a timely move, splitting the arrow with a knife, and blocked the arrow that was shot at Zhifei. The arrow that was divided into two was deflected to both sides, and two demon soldiers were shot dead.

"So strong! He, is he cheating?" Jiang Yingying rubbed her eyes and said in disbelief, "How can cold weapons beat magic attacks?"

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