The tyrant took me to make him immortal

Chapter 55 0559 Tailed White Fox

Chapter 55 055 Nine-Tailed White Fox
"After so many years, if Yebai is not dead, he should have cultivated human form."

Jiang Yingying sighed, "The twins are unknown. In fact, the ancients have a shallow understanding. They are just rare twins!"

She then asked: "You and your brother Nine-Tailed White Fox have been separated since childhood, will you recognize him when we meet again?"

"He can use human skin to change his appearance and change his appearance. He doesn't look the same every time he sees him."

After Ye Ke finished speaking, he curled up and lay down.

Jiang Yingying poked at him, but he closed his eyes deliberately not to respond, "Ye Ke, don't sleep yet! If your brother really did it, what are you going to do?"

"Let's talk about it tomorrow! Go to sleep!" Ye Ke murmured in his heart, not knowing how to face Ye Bai.

In terms of blood relationship, they are brothers, but the rumor that the unknown twins must be sacrificed puts them on opposite sides.

The Great Abyss Demon City suffered an indiscriminate disaster of destroying the city, perhaps because the sacrifice to Yebai was unsuccessful, or Yeke was the one who should have been sacrificed.

He was thinking about it, when suddenly there was a strange feeling in his lower body, which made his heart flutter.

"Aying, what are you doing! Put down my tail!" Ye Ke shouted coquettishly.

Jiang Yingying held her hands in a circle and let a black tail slip away from it, "What? Can't you touch the tail of the nine-tailed fox? It's fluffy and feels good to stroke."

" can't just touch it casually." Ye Ke put the nine tails together, this silly woman doesn't know that intertwined tails are flirting!
Jiang Yingying heard the words and said mysteriously: "I know why I can't touch it anymore. Are you afraid that I will spoil it? It seems that there is a legend that the nine tails of the nine-tailed fox represent nine lives. Is it true?"

"Of course not! Why do you have so many questions! Talk to me and get out!"

Jiang Yingying has a flat mouth, and she can't be blamed for being like a live-action version of a hundred thousand why. If you want to blame, blame this strange world with too many unknowns!

She got up and sat down at the table, pouring herself a cup of tea to moisten her throat.

After dealing with the case of the faceless female corpse, I will have a good chat with Granny Xi about the time traveler organization, and find a way to return to the real world as soon as possible.

"Whoa, whoa..."

There was a baby crying from the door of the room for no reason.

"Huh? Where did the child come from?"

Jiang Yingying walked to the door curiously, and the crying sound was getting closer and closer, as if separated by a layer of window paper.

Just when she was about to open the door, Ye Ke, who had turned into a human form, pressed the door heavily.

The baby outside cried suddenly.

Jiang Yingying looked at Ye Ke's serious expression and asked, "The child cried in the middle of the night, did that monster come out to commit crimes again? Can you tell it's your brother?"

Attracting humans with the sound of babies crying is a common trick of their nine-tailed fox.

Ye Ke has almost concluded that the skinned monster is his brother Ye Bai.

"He may be preparing for the oiran competition, and the skin peeled off from humans rots quickly, so he has to replace it with a new skin every once in a while."

There were a few faint cries of babies floating in the distance outside the door, and then fell into a deathly silence.

"Then why are we still standing there, go and stop him!" Jiang Yingying pushed Ye Ke out, "You have high spiritual power, you go ahead!"

But Ye Ke didn't open the door, but turned around and snapped his fingers at Jiang Yingying.

Jiang Yingying suddenly felt groggy, with a top-heavy feeling of weightlessness, "I...what's the matter with me, I...didn't drink any alcohol! Why are you drunk?"

Ye Ke's own spiritual power was not enough to stun the golden core host, so he hurriedly poured some wine from the wine bag into his hand, sprinkled it on Jiang Yingying's face, and snapped his fingers several times in a row.

Only then did she slowly fall down and fell asleep.

Ye Ke carefully helped her lie on the bed, covered her with the quilt, and then went out alone.

He turned around on the second floor, listening carefully with his ears pricked up.

Suddenly he heard the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground at the corner ahead, and hurried over.

Seeing a woman wearing a bamboo hat lying on the ground, you don't need to look to know that her face has been peeled off.

But the real murderer didn't take the stairs, and jumped on the railing to the third floor.

Ye Ke didn't make a sound, and quietly followed, if it's some other monster, kill him, but if it's Ye Bai...

The third floor is the room of the oiran candidate, and it is already late at night, only one room still has dim candlelight.

Ye Ke went to push the door, but it was not locked inside, so he tiptoed in.

Dim yellow candles were lit in front of the brass mirror, and a man with nine white tails was kneeling in front of the mirror, holding a skin as thin as a cicada's wing and sticking it to his face.


The man with nine tails trembled in fright when he heard the sound, half of his skin fell off and fell into the copper basin.

"How do you know my real name?" The nine-tailed man turned his head, half of his face could be called beautiful, while the other half of his face was more hideous than a devil.

Ye Ke showed his nine black tails, "I am Ye Ke, your brother from the same country, do you still remember...uh!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Yebai strangled his neck emotionally, "Damn you! It was you! If you were the one who was sacrificed back then, the Great Abyss Demon wouldn't have been wiped out, you still have face Live! Go die! Die!"

"Amount!" Ye Ke patted Ye Bai's shriveled arm, instinctively wanting to perform a charm, but immediately withdrew his gaze.

"Oh! How powerful you are, you are born with charm skills! How can I sacrifice you! My good brother!" Ye Bai let go of Ye Ke, and said in a strange way.

"Brother," Ye Ke touched his neck to make the red marks disappear, "this is the first time I call you brother since I was born."

Ye Bai sat down in front of the bronze mirror again with resentful eyes, picked up the freshly peeled human skin and put it on his face.

However, his hand trembled uncontrollably, and he couldn't stick it to the perfect position several times. He was so angry that he took off all the skin on his face and threw it towards Ye Ke.

"I'm not your brother! Look at your beauty, and then look at my ugly appearance, how could I be your brother! I'm not!"

Ye Ke exhaled lightly, and soaked the crushed human skin in the copper basin.

"Brother, it's not up to you and me to decide how you look. It's not my fault that you look better. My mother chose to sacrifice you in the first place because of her helplessness."

Ye Ke stood behind the nine-tailed white fox and pressed his shoulders, "You have also heard about the Dayuan Demon City, where parents were plotted to death, and the people of Dayuan were massacred by the emperor to almost extinction.

In this world, you and I are each other's only relatives! "

Yebai's resentment didn't dissipate, and it wasn't him who almost died back then, so of course he could stand and talk without back pain.

"I don't recognize you as a so-called relative, unless you make your face like mine!" Ye Bai picked up a hairpin and handed it over, motioning for him to scratch his face with it and become as ugly as me.

(End of this chapter)

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