The tyrant took me to make him immortal

Chapter 56 056 Have you heard of Jindan

Chapter 56 056 Have you heard of Jindan

Ye Ke stared at his elder brother Ye Bai's deeply sunken distorted pupils, slowly took over the hairpin, and raised the tip of the hairpin to his face.

Yebai clenched his teeth fiercely, screaming evilly in his heart, stab down!stab down!

Why is he so beautiful and I am so ugly when he has a compatriot of the same mother!Why don't I sacrifice him!

Let him be disfigured, and let him taste the feeling of living in the abyss of inferiority all day long!
Go ahead, scratch his face, and destroy his most proud beauty!
But when the tip of the hairpin was about to touch the skin, Ye Bai still couldn't help shouting: "Stop!"

Ye Ke burst into a triumphant smile, "I knew you were reluctant to destroy my perfect face."

Although Yebai didn't want to admit it, he really didn't want to waste everything. This younger brother is even more coquettish when he grows up!Looking at this face, I can't even hate it.

If I had let myself choose one of the sacrifices, I would have chosen myself, an ugly monster!
"Brother, don't be angry, and don't be sad," Ye Ke knelt down and looked at Ye Bai at the same level, "I have a way to keep you as beautiful as you imagined forever."

Yebai turned his head away, expressing his disbelief.

"Have you heard of Jindan?" Ye Ke's words made Ye Bai puzzled.

"What golden elixir, is it the elixir of immortality refined by the dog emperor?"

Ye Ke pretended to be mysterious and shook his head, "What Yanshoudan Zhuyandan is weak compared to Jindan. You only need to take a bite of Jindan to achieve the effect of ascending to immortality!"

"I was supposed to be sacrificed when I was born, and I am satisfied with my life so far, and I have no obsession with longevity." Ye Bai didn't want to live forever, but he didn't want to live forever with this ugly appearance.

What's the point of living 100 or 1000 years if you look in the mirror every day and see such a horrible face!

He would rather exchange this thousand years of longevity for Yeke's day.

If he really has Ye Ke's cute face, he can admire it in the mirror from morning to night.

Ye Ke hated him for not being able to live up to expectations and said: "Brother, pay attention to reviewing the questions! Not only can you live forever, but you can also ascend to immortality. Think about it, you have become a fairy. If you want to pinch your face, you can pinch it What is it like!"

Yebai thought about it secretly, and suddenly realized that this is really the case!Fairies are omnipotent!
"Is this golden elixir really as miraculous as you said?"

"for sure!"

Otherwise, why was he chasing after Jiang Yingying?
Jin Dan takes Jiang Yingying as her body, and regularly feeds her the wine left by her master, which can help Jin Dan come to the world. This is also the ultimate divine purpose of Master Hongyi as a family of prophets.

Ye Bai asked eagerly: "Where is the golden core?"

"Well... the golden core doesn't exist yet at this stage, but it will always be there. When the golden core comes into the world, we brothers will share the food!"

He was also not sure whether the golden pill was a pool of fine wine or a pill. He would not know whether the so-called golden pill could be shared when Jiang Yingying separated the golden pill.

"Why are you so kind?" Ye Bai tilted his head, is it because I feel guilty about the sacrifice?
Ye Ke spread his hands and shrugged, "That's the reason you thought in your heart!"

"Hmph!" Ye Bai proudly stood up and went to wash off his newly peeled human skin. The oiran competition has to be played in the best condition!

"Brother, don't peel the skin anymore, even if you peel it, you should throw the corpse far away!"

Yebai lived on the third floor by himself, and left the body on the second floor. This distance is too close, too dangerous!

Ye Bai's subordinates froze, "Because I've been preparing for the oiran election contest, I haven't smoked women's yin energy for a while."

Without the spiritual power to support him, he used human form to throw the corpse.

Ye Ke opened his mouth slightly and nodded, it turned out that's the case, this ugly brother's spiritual power is still so low.

"Then I'll help you deal with it again. Don't allow it next time! Trouble!" Ye Ke felt a headache when he thought of Jiang Yingying, who loved to ask questions.

"Wait!" Ye Bai stopped Ye Ke who was about to open the door to leave, opened his mouth, wanted to say something but couldn't say it, "Forget it, it's okay."

Ye Ke blinked mischievously, "You want to ask me to show mercy to you during the Oiran competition?"

He shook his finger, "No way, I will definitely win the oiran!"

Ye Bai squinted at him, waiting for my new face to be done, it's not sure who the oiran will be!After all, he has many regular customers in Happy Valley.

Stepping out of the door of the room, Ye Ke walked from the third floor back to the second floor, his expression became more and more serious.


the next day.

Jiang Yingying woke up in her room in a daze.

"What time is it? Why didn't anyone call me? Where's Ye Ke? Hey——nothing bloody happened last night, right?"

She checked her clothes, she was well dressed, she should have simply slept.

She couldn't wait to open the door of the room, just as Grandma Xi was standing outside the door just about to knock.

"Ouch!" Granny Xi carried her into the room and quickly closed the door, "Jiang Yingying, why don't you wear the bamboo hat properly, and be careful that others will see you and report you."

"Oh, I forgot in a hurry," Jiang Yingying went to pick up the bamboo hat standing beside the bed and put it on, "Did you take my young master to see the oiran candidates? Have you found the real culprit who was skinned?"

Granny Xi rolled her eyelids upwards, "Well... there's no rush for this, the young master said he will deal with it after the oiran is selected."

"Not in a hurry? Why not in a hurry? Grandma Xi, why are you listening to my young master? Why does he do whatever he says? If he doesn't investigate, I'll report to the authorities!"

As soon as Jiang Yingying uttered her bold words, she saw Granny Xi's questioning eyes, and she immediately died down. She was a wanted criminal who was offered a huge reward, so going to the government to report to the government would be like throwing herself into a trap!
"Jiang Yingying, it's time for us to talk about our time traveler."

The two women nodded and sat down solemnly with serious expressions.

Jiang Yingying raised her hand to speak first, "I'll come first, first pass my arrest warrant all over the street, you shouldn't have to doubt my identity as a time traveler! That's official certification!"

Granny Xi continued, "Yes, I have no doubts about you, but there are people in our organization who are extremely suspicious. If you want to join our organization of traversers, you still need to pass the test."

"Okay, then, Grandma Xi, please prove your identity, why should I believe that you are a time traveler?"

"I can give you a brief self-introduction. My name is Su Xi. I was 30 years old when I traveled through time. I was never married and had no children. I had a decent job in Shanghai. I drove a Land Rover and rented a house. I paid [-] yuan a month. .”

Jiang Yingying nodded. This situation fits the characteristics of women in big cities in the modern world.

"What job?"

"Xiao Shuai, the operations director of an Internet celebrity incubation company, is a small Internet celebrity under my command. He usually disguises himself as a woman to play PK. He has trained several big brothers to help him guard the tower."

(End of this chapter)

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