Jiang Yingying entered the elevator, pressed the button for the fourth floor, and the elevator door slowly closed.

The polished tin reflects her features.

The chest-length black long straight hair highlights her pale complexion, amber pupils, and the whites of the eyes are bloodshot.

She licked her pale pink lips, thinking to herself, it's time for her to replenish her nutrition when she is discharged from the hospital.

When he was looking carefully, the elevator door opened unexpectedly.

A wrinkled and fleshy face appeared in front of Jiang Yingying's eyes, and she was so scared that she almost slapped her!

"Huh!" She steadied her breath a little, and stepped out of the elevator sideways from the grandmother.

But the old lady didn't intend to go in to take the elevator, she stared at Jiang Yingying, and turned around following her movement.

"Oh, I remembered!" Jiang Yingying looked at her grandma's plump belly, and remembered that she had met her in the hospital before and said a few words to her.

"Grandma, do you remember me? There was a singing competition held in the hospital, and we sat next to each other. At that time, you..."

At that time, the grandmother also said strange things to her, mentioning Zhang Guzi.

"Yeah," the old lady looked at Jiang Yingying meaningfully, "Okay, you act like it!"

"Ah? What?" Jiang Yingying was confused, "What do you mean?"

The old lady leaned close to Jiang Yingying's ear, covered her mouth with her hands, and asked mysteriously, "Can you teach me how to pretend? They don't believe me."

them?Do you mean doctors and nurses?

Jiang Yingying was alert and puzzled and asked, "Grandma, what are you trying to pretend?"

When the old grandma heard this sentence, the corners of her mouth drooped immediately, she glanced at Jiang Yingying, and muttered dissatisfiedly: "You know what you are asking, but you are doing well, you are going out soon, and you don't care about the old woman's life or death!"

what?Jiang Yingying's head was full of question marks!

Fortunately, when Li Jintao came out of the ward and saw this scene, he hurried over to make a rescue, "Yingying! Why are you alone?"

"Li Li," Jiang Yingying's eyes overflowed with joy, "I'm back!"

"Yingying is so obedient, she didn't run around alone, she obediently came to me after the inspection!" Li Jintao stroked Jiang Yingying's hair like coaxing a child.

However, Jiang Yingying did not mean coming back from the diagnosis room to the fourth floor.

"Li Li, can I be discharged from the hospital? Has Dr. Zhao told you?"

Li Jintao obviously hesitated for a while, and then said prevaricationly: "Well, soon! Yingying, you will be discharged from the hospital soon!"

Jiang Yingying could tell that he was lying.

It's just that before Jiang Yingying could question him, he was wrapped around his arms by the old lady beside him.

"Nurse Li, please help me too!" The old lady begged very sincerely, "You have already discharged your little girlfriend from the hospital, please help me and let me be discharged from the hospital too!"

Li Jintao comforted the grandmother patiently, "Okay, okay, take your medicine on time, follow the doctor's advice, and you will be discharged soon."

The grandma begged pitifully: "My old lady, I don't have much time to live. I don't want to die of old age in a lunatic asylum!"

"Grandma Tang," the female nurse wearing a mask came over and helped the old grandma's arm, "Why did you wander here, it's hard for me to find."

"Hmph!" Grandma Tang shook off the female nurse's hand, "I don't want you, I want Nurse Li!"

"Hey~Grandma Tang, you changed your mind very quickly!" The female nurse was neither angry nor embarrassed, and said in a funny tone, "Who was it that I put me to bed and sang me a lullaby last night? My kind Tang Where did grandma go?"

Grandma Tang was very fond of this, she raised her hand to claim it like a primary school student, "It's me, it's me! I'm your kind grandma!"

The female nurse pretended to be enlightened, "Oh ~ Grandma Tang is here! I have such a good grandma, I have to hide it well! Come on, go back to the room with me and hide, don't let others snatch her away!"

"Okay!" Grandma Tang cheerfully responded, and let the female nurse take her by the hand, "Grandma will follow you, grandma loves you the most! All grandmas in the world love their granddaughters!"

"Huh?" Jiang Yingying felt strange watching Grandma Tang leave happily, "Is this grandma also a patient?"

"Yes," Li Jintao replied, "Grandma Tang has been in the hospital for almost a year."

"Mental illness?"

"Yeah, Yingying, what's wrong?"

"I don't think so. At most, I'm old and a little confused."

Li Jintao smiled slightly, "Yingying, don't be fooled by Grandma Tang."

"What do you mean?"

"In this hospital, every patient has a different etiology and disease, and Grandma Tang's disease is also very special. She likes to pretend to be a normal old man."

Jiang Yingying almost suspected that her ears had misheard, and she was stunned for a long time before she realized it.

"You mean, Grandma Tang is a mental patient who likes to pretend to be a normal person? I'm surprised, how can I tell that she is pretending to be normal?"

If Grandma Tang was a normal person, the more normal she behaved when she was sent to a lunatic asylum with this disease, the greater the label of mental illness would be!
It's scary to think about it carefully!

How can a normal person prove that he is not a mental patient?

Li Jintao obviously felt that there was no need to explain too much to Yingying, so he just said: "You just need to remember that people who wear hospital gowns in Qidian Mental Hospital are not normal people!"

Shock and incomprehension flashed in Jiang Yingying's eyes.

What the hell?How could Li Li say such irresponsible words!
"So," she tugged on the blue striped hospital gown, "you always think I'm not a normal person?"

"No, no, Yingying, you..." Li Jintao didn't expect Jiang Yingying to think of him. He said this to let Yingying protect herself!

After all, there are all kinds of lunatics in the mental hospital, some are self-harming, some are flammable and explosive, and some are fond of mind control...

"I... Yingying, I didn't..." Li Jintao didn't know how to argue with Yingying, his tongue was tied and he couldn't speak.

Seeing that he couldn't explain why, Jiang Yingying walked ahead angrily, quickened her pace, and turned on the runaway mode.

Li Jintao followed quickly, took two steps and trotted for a while, then walked two steps and trotted for a while, before he could barely catch up with Yingying.

He knew Yingying well, when she was sulking, she would leave very fast!

"Yingying! Your room is here!" Li Jintao stood at the door of the ward and called Jiang Yingying to stop.

Although Jiang Yingying heard it, she purposely got angry and didn't look back, and continued to walk forward regardless.

Grandma Tang, who was sitting in the ward telling fables to the nurses, saw Jiang Yingying flashing past the door.

Immediately, he jumped up, rushed out the door, staggered his old steps in the corridor, chased Jiang Yingying and shouted: "It's not good enough!"

Jiang Yingying stopped, turned her head and a sharp knife flew out, "I don't look like it! I don't need to look like I am a normal person!"

It's just a normal person who accidentally fell into a strange world and experienced a little bit of strange things, that's all!

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