The tyrant took me to make him immortal

Chapter 93 093 They Are the Crazies

Chapter 93 093 They Are the Crazies
"Hehehe..." Grandma Tang patted her thigh and laughed loudly. The laughter seemed ironic, "You are normal, hahaha... You, Jiang Yingying, are the most normal! Hehehe..."

The female nurse chased her out and coaxed Grandma Tang back to her room to take medicine.

Li Jintao also came over to hold Jiang Yingying's hand, "Yingying, I was wrong, I said the wrong thing! I'm sorry, I won't do it again."

"What's wrong with you?" Jiang Yingying shook her arm vigorously, but she couldn't shake off Li Li's hand.

"I was wrong about that, every word that made you angry was wrong."

The anger in Jiang Yingying's heart didn't subside by half. Li Li wouldn't be so ambiguous if she wanted to put it aside!
The former Li Li must have understood that the point of her anger was that Li Li didn't believe in herself and was still lying to herself.

Grandma Tang was walking back with the help of the female nurse, and she still didn't forget to turn her head to taunt Nurse Li, "My little girlfriend is angry! You can't coax her to break up!"

"Yingying, come back to the room with me, good boy!" Li Jintao put his arms around Jiang Yingying's shoulders and stroked her back.

At this moment, this intimate gesture made Jiang Yingying feel very stiff and awkward.

But as Li Jintao was her fiancé, there was nothing wrong with this action.

"Yingying—" Li Jintao called out to her in a long voice, "Let's go!"

Jiang Yingying was gently pushed to the ward, she glanced at Li Jintao from the corner of her eyes, it was Li Li's appearance, her nose and eyes hadn't changed, but she always felt that something was missing, a feeling...

After the fire in her heart was extinguished, Jiang Yingying opened her mouth to explain the conflict just now, "Li Li, I was a little anxious just now, I was just angry, and you don't even believe me!"

Li Jintao pressed Yingying's shoulder, motioned her to sit down, and shook his head lightly in denial, "No, how could I not believe you!"

"I understand you. Indeed, you can't empathize with me. During this period of time, in the eyes of outsiders, I may have behaved a little strangely. In addition, I was sent to a mental hospital and your profession is a nurse. You put I can understand it as a patient."

Jiang Yingying talking to herself like this is more like making excuses for Li Li to convince herself.

"Yingying, I..." Li Jintao listened with mixed feelings in his heart, "I'm very excited and happy now, you know? You haven't spoken to me for a long time!"

"But!" Jiang Yingying seriously emphasized, "I now, at this moment, I know what I saw and what I did. I am really normal, and I don't have any mental illness!"

Li Jintao nodded again and again, "Okay! I believe in you, Yingying, we will be discharged from the hospital soon! When you are discharged from the hospital, we still have a lot of things to do together!"

"En!" Jiang Yingying nodded deeply, with joy and longing in her eyes, "Li Li, I want to meet Zhao Hongyi alone, can you help me find him?"

"Of course, I'm going to see Dr. Zhao soon," Li Jintao said, pointing to the bedside table where there was a small pack of prepared pills and a glass of water, "Yingying, finish your medicine obediently, wait As soon as I wake up, I will bring Dr. Zhao to look for you, okay?"

"What medicine? Do I have to take it?"

"It's just some calming medicine. You can sleep more soundly after taking it." Li Jintao opened the package, and there were five or six colorful pills and capsules.

Jiang Yingying has made up her mind not to take any more medicine!

Maybe these seemingly normal pills and capsules are the culprits that caused her to travel through another world, it's not certain!
"No, I can't take it." Jiang Yingying pushed away Li Jintao's hand holding the medicine, "I'm not the same now, the dose of this medicine must be re-prepared, you should ask Dr. Zhao before giving me the medicine Bar."

Li Jintao pursed his lips, speechless.

Today Jiang Yingying made sure to have a comprehensive inspection again, and after the inspection, she took the elevator upstairs by herself.

As for the results of this examination, it is possible that Jiang Yingying can be discharged from the hospital!
"Then...then I'll ask Dr. Zhao first," Li Jintao said quickly and wrapped the pills in paper again, "Yingying, wait for me in this room, don't wander around, find If I don't get you, I'll be very anxious!"

"Okay, I'll wait."

Jiang Yingying watched Li Jintao go out, silently counted to ten before getting up, went to the door, and tentatively turned the doorknob to make sure the door was not locked.

Open a crack in the door, revealing half of the eyes to see, Li Jintao's figure has not yet finished walking, wait a minute, when he enters the elevator, the elevator door closes and begins to rise...

It is noon now, the patients have taken their medicines and lie down for an afternoon rest, and the nurses are also free after their check-ups.

The outside of the corridor was quiet. She was about to take a step when a person suddenly appeared from the ward a few meters away on the right. She was so frightened that she quickly retracted and straightened her body to hide by the door frame.

Boldly taking a peek, the person who came out was the female nurse coaxing Grandma Tang. Fortunately, she walked in the opposite direction. After the female nurse disappeared at the corner of the corridor, Jiang Yingying tiptoed out against the wall.

Looking through the long strip of glass on the door of the ward one by one, I soon found Grandma Tang's ward.

Without the slightest hesitation, Jiang Yingying immediately turned the doorknob and went in, then turned around and gently closed the door.

Grandma Tang was lying on the hospital bed with her eyes closed, exhaling and breathing steadily, she seemed to be asleep, but Jiang Yingying knew she was feigning sleep.

"Grandma Tang, I'm Jiang Yingying, and I believe you are a normal person like me."

Grandma Tang suddenly opened her eyes. Her fat body made it difficult for her to get up from the front. She first turned to lie on her side, and then supported her with both hands before sitting up from the bed.

"You..." Grandma Tang stretched out her index finger, pointing at Jiang Yingying bobbing up and down, and then sighed, "You believe I have something to do! You have to believe the doctor!"

Jiang Yingying asked, "Grandma Tang, is your attending physician also Zhao Hongyi?"

"Yeah, but it's obvious that Dr. Zhao cares more about you than me!" Grandma Tang pouted and gave Jiang Yingying a jealous look.

Jiang Yingying didn't care about Grandma Tang's attitude, and continued to ask: "Why did you come to this hospital? How did Zhao Hongyi treat you?"

Upon hearing this, Grandma Tang put away the expression on her face, and stared at Jiang Yingying meaningfully, "Why are you asking this?"

"I suspect that Zhao Hongyi is the real lunatic. He abducts us normal people into a mental hospital, and is doing things we can't even imagine in the name of treatment!"

Jiang Yingying was very sure of her guess. It was because of this that she became more and more crazy and lost herself after being admitted to the hospital.

And since she stopped drinking the strange water in Zhao Hongyi's wine bag, she gradually had the opportunity to return to a normal life, and became qualified to negotiate terms with Zhao Hongyi.

"Jiang Yingying, you are right! You finally found out!"

Grandma Tang's eyes lit up, and she jumped at Jiang Yingying excitedly, "In Qidian Mental Hospital, we are normal people in hospital gowns, and their doctors and nurses are the real lunatics!"

(End of this chapter)

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