Li Jintao drove a black and bright luxury coupe, slowly drove into the high-end community, turned two corners in the villa area, and stopped in front of one of the small western-style villas.

The co-pilot's door was opened, and Jiang Yingying got out of the car suspiciously.

He supported Li Jintao's arm so that her legs would not be weak and she would not be able to stand up.

"Yingying, this is our new house. Do you still like it?" Li Jintao asked her opinion on the appearance of the building. "If you think it is not tall enough, we will buy another one when we have children."

Jiang Yingying wanted to ask how much the villa cost, but she felt that Li Jintao would be very annoyed if she asked for more money.

Entering the interior of the villa, the overall design style is modern and simple, with black, white and gray as the main color, which doubles the sense of luxury, but... this is not like the style of Jiang Yingying and Li Jintao.

At least in Jiang Yingying's imagination, the home is warm and warm, and there should be soft sofas and other fabric items, as well as green potted plants.

Li Jintao led Jiang Yingying from downstairs to upstairs, tirelessly introducing small details. If he could not always tell a lot of their common memories, Jiang Yingying would have suspected that he was not Li Jintao.

"Yingying, this is the master bedroom, our room," Li Jintao pushed open the door, "come in and have a look, is it big?"

"'s quite big!" Jiang Yingying glanced at it without interest.

"This is the master bathroom with a bathtub for two people." Li Jintao was so excited that he was immersed in the joy of the new house, not noticing Yingying's state. "And this room is the cloakroom. Currently my clothes only take up half of the cabinet. Leave the rest for you to store your clothes, and I will accompany you to go shopping and buy clothes later?"

Jiang Yingying shook her head dejectedly, and went to the French window.

"Yingying," Li Jintao followed, and continued to say enthusiastically: "In the evening, you can see the sunset and sunset here. It's so beautiful. You must like it!"

Jiang Yingying was silent for a while, sighed heavily, and finally caught Li Jintao's attention.

"Yingying, why are you sighing? What are you thinking?"

Jiang Yingying raised her worried eyes, "Li Li, this house is pretty good, but... where did you get so much money to buy it in full? Is it the money from uncles and aunts? I'm afraid that's not enough!"

She didn't believe that Li Li was able to buy the car and the house with all the money, and felt that Li Jintao said this just to make her feel at ease.

But if the origin of this large amount of money is not explained clearly, how can she feel at ease?

Li Jintao said firmly: "Yingying, we are rich!"

"How come I never remember that we have money?"

Wasn't it because she had no money and was greedy for money back then that she used the ability of dream wear to go to another world to steal gold.

If she had money, she wouldn't fall into some kind of indescribable conspiracy, getting deeper and deeper!
Li Jintao had no choice but to explain. His eyes rolled around twice, and he said, "It was my mother who sold the family's ancestral jade pendant. The money she sold was enough for us to live comfortably for the rest of our lives!"

"The ancestral jade pendant? I haven't heard you mention your family's ancestral jade pendant before!"

Although this reason sounds lame, but fortunately it is a serious way to get money, and the worries in Jiang Yingying's heart gradually dissipated.

"My mother has a strict tongue, and I only found out about it. She even told me not to let me leak money to the outside world, hahaha..." Li Jintao laughed awkwardly to hide his guilty conscience.

"Your mother is right," Jiang Yingying finally smiled. "We have suddenly become an upstart, so we won't be jealous. When we meet acquaintances, we should keep a low profile and don't show off."

"Yeah, I got it, my wife!" Li Jintao shouted softly and sweetly.

"Hahaha..." Jiang Yingying blushed, stretched out her hand and gave Li Jintao a gentle push, "Get out of here, don't do this!"

Li Jintao grabbed Jiang Yingying's outstretched hand, exerted more strength, and wrapped his other hand around her slender waist, "I'm not wrong, you are my wife!"

Jiang Yingying smiled knowingly, and placed her hands on Li Jintao's chest around his neck.

There is no need to say much about this minute and this second, but anyone with a little experience in love knows what to do next.

Seeing Li Li's face getting closer, Jiang Yingying closed her eyes subconsciously.

However, Li Jintao missed Jiang Yingying's lips, hugged her instead, rubbed his palms on her back comfortingly, and then patted her twice to release her.

"Yingying, what do you want to eat? I'll make it for you, do you almost forget what my cooking tastes like?"

Jiang Yingying was a little embarrassed at being wrong. She cleared her throat and said cheerfully, "I want to eat your corn rib soup and scrambled eggs with tomatoes."

"No problem!" Li Jintao looked anxious to leave, "Then Yingying, you rest in the room first, and I will go to the kitchen first."

"Ang!" Jiang Yingying had just finished responding when Li Jintao walked out of the bedroom with big strides.

Jiang Yingying was bored and paced in an unfamiliar room. The view from the floor-to-ceiling windows was good, but today was a cloudy day, and the distant scenery was hazy and not bright at all.

She simply went out of the bedroom and wandered elsewhere by herself.

The things in the house are still relatively new, and many of them have no traces of use.

She took a mobile phone and randomly looked at a certain decoration, and the prices she found out were all hundreds of dollars, or even thousands of dollars.

"Wow! Li Jintao is actually an invisible rich man?"

Jiang Yingying's mood was mixed, the sky and wealth suddenly poured down on them, and life after marriage can't be exhausted to make ends meet, which is of course something to be happy about.

But after all, it was all money from Li Jintao's family, and none of it was earned by Jiang Yingying.

She stared at the phone screen in a daze, thinking about her future way out.

I failed the postgraduate exam last year, and this year it happened again. I have to take the exam again in more than four months. Do I still want to take it this year?

If I don't continue to take the postgraduate entrance examination, what kind of job can I find as an undergraduate student in the Department of Literature?

teacher?Hmm... I have passed the teacher qualification test, but it seems that this year's teacher recruitment test is already too late to take.

I searched the exam registration time on my mobile phone, and the registration has indeed ended.

"Find a recruitment software and check it out!"

Jiang Yingying was very slow in downloading the software, only to realize that her mobile phone was not connected to WiFi, so she had to go downstairs and ask Li Jintao for the WiFi password in this house.

It happened that she also wanted to go to the kitchen to see how Li Li was cooking.

Cooking good food is the best medical beauty for men!

Li Jintao was processing the ribs in the kitchen, "Yingying, why did you come down? Are you hungry? There are a lot of snacks you like in that cabinet, go get them and eat them."

"I'm okay, I'm not too hungry. Does Chef Li need my help?"

"No, just wait and eat!"

"Hee hee," Jiang Yingying patted Li Jintao's butt mischievously, "What's the WiFi password?"

"The first floor is my mobile phone number, and the passwords for the second and third floors are your birthday."

"Okay, it's connected," Jiang Yingying said with a sigh, "This house is so big, it must be tiring to clean it!"

"It's okay, I hired a nanny. Today I specially gave the nanny a holiday. When I'm busy with work, I'll ask the nanny to make delicious food for you."

Jiang Yingying shrugged and said with a smile, "Well, it's good to be rich! Hahahaha..."

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