Florida Village, at the entrance of Happy Valley Restaurant, the waiter Wang Haoran is soliciting customers.

Suddenly, he saw a tall and tall figure standing in front of him, and the other person took off his bamboo hat.

"Young Master Ye Ke!" Wang Haoran was very excited when he saw Ye Ke return after he had been away for a long time, "You are finally back!"

Ye Ke was dressed in black, and put on a cloak with a black outside and a red inside to cover his empty left arm.

"Sister Jiang, she hasn't woken up yet." Wang Haoran knew that Ye Ke would ask, so he answered first, "Besides, the water and rice haven't been eaten for several days, and little sister Ling and I can only take turns to feed them every once in a while. Put some water on my sister's mouth to moisten it."

"I'll go see her." Ye Ke looked serious and nervous, it seemed that going out to seek medical treatment was not going well.

Ling Xiaomei, who was greeting customers in the store, spotted Ye Ke going upstairs, and asked Wang Haoran, "That guy, Young Master Heihu? Didn't he go out to find a doctor? Why did he come back alone? The doctor couldn't find him?"

Wang Haoran frowned, shook his head, "I don't know, Young Master Ye didn't say anything."

"Actually..." Miss Ling looked upstairs, "I thought the young master you were talking about wouldn't come back! After all, his arm was taken off by Sister Ying, so he really wants to save Sister Ying?"

Hearing this, Wang Haoran felt worried, but now he has no other choice but to pin his hopes on the nine-tailed black fox Yeke.

Although his ability has improved, he can also feel that his every move is consciously or unconsciously controlled by Jiang Yingying.

If Jiang Yingying doesn't wake up, he won't be able to use his abilities to the fullest extent. What's more, he can only move within a certain radius centered on Jiang Yingying.

Ling Xiaomei stretched out her hand and shook Wang Haoran's sluggish eyes, "Hey! I'm talking to you, did you hear me?"

"Huh?" Wang Haoran came back to his senses, "What did you say?"

Miss Ling put her hands on her hips and repeated, "I said, does the young master of the black fox like our sister Ying?"

Bdsm?Ling Xiaomei, who has always been at the forefront of eating melons, has already made up a movie in her head.

She ran away from him, she couldn't fly...

After thousands of miles away, she finally met again, but she fell into madness, no longer recognized the lover in front of her, and even neatly removed the arm of the lover who used to sleep on her pillow.

But he didn't blame her, he only blamed himself for not taking good care of her.

He swore that even if he traveled all over the world, he would definitely find a good doctor for her to cure her demonic illness...

"Probably not!" Wang Haoran replied honestly, "Sister Jiang has a boyfriend in the real world."

"Ah~" Miss Ling let out a sigh of regret, almost wanting to knock Sister Ying and the male fox demon.

But our sister Ying is so beautiful, it's not too much to have two boyfriends guarding her together!
The two went upstairs to visit together.

As soon as he entered the door, Ye Ke said sternly: "Don't you know that there are notices flying all over the sky outside to arrest Jiang Yingying? And she was arranged in a restaurant where people come and go. There are so many people, and it will be troublesome if she is seen." Already!"

Ling Xiaomei was not afraid of Ye Ke, and replied calmly: "The opening of the restaurant is also considered within my organization. One is that I am afraid that it will cause suspicion if it closes for a long time without reason. There is no silver 300 taels here!

The second is that we need the Happy Valley Restaurant as a contact point. Those travelers who are scattered in other places will definitely come to look for the place name of Florida Village. "

Wang Haoran also added: "The restaurant is only open to rest and eat on the first floor, and the accommodation on the second floor is suspended. We are also optimistic about the stairs on the second floor, and we will not let strangers come up."

"Yeah!" Miss Ling nodded in agreement, and then asked Ye Ke, "You said you went out to find a doctor who can treat Sister Ying, did you find it?"

Ye Ke nodded and shook his head again, making Miss Ling and Wang Haoran confused and anxious!
"Young Master Ye, if you have anything to say, just say it!"

"Yes, can our sister Ying wake up?"

After Ye Ke left, he found out that Wizard Jiamu was not far away at the Laozishu Road Mountain. A large number of troops lost their way in the mountains for dozens of days, just to find the real Taixu on the top of the mountain.

Ye Ke had also heard of the name of Taixu real person in the palace in the early years.

When Emperor Zhengxi opened the furnace to refine the life-prolonging pill, the Taoist priest he most wanted to invite to be in charge of the furnace was Daoist Taixu, but he couldn't, so he retreated and invited Zhang Guzi next.

According to legends in the Jianghu, Daoist Taixu had ascended to immortality in the past two years, and only occasionally would he come down to visit the disciples and grandchildren of the Taoist temple on the top of the mountain.

Many people came here admiringly, but they all returned in vain.

If you are lucky, you can see the Taoist temple on the top of the mountain. Ordinary people are just trapped on the way up the mountain and hit the wall, and they can't find a way out.

"I went to the nearby Laozi Shu Dao Mountain." Ye Ke followed the smell of incense to find the Taoist temple with his keen sense of smell. "It's a pity that I didn't see Daoist Taixu, but a little Taoist boy sweeping the floor."

"Did you find the real Taixu who became a god to save sister Ying?" Miss Ling also heard the legend about the real Taixu, "Is there really such a person?"

"Xiao Daotong said that their patriarch was not at home, and asked me to tell him what I asked for. I will tell him when Taixu Daoist comes back, but..."

"But what?" Wang Haoran knew that what he was going to say after the turning point must be a difficult obstacle.

"But Xiao Daotong said that he needs incense money to ask their ancestors to do something."

Miss Ling breathed a sigh of relief, and waved her hand, "I think it's something difficult, it turns out it's money, so it's not easy to handle, we managed to make some money by organizing this restaurant, tell me, how much does it cost, I Go get it from the handsome guy!"

"The incense money they are talking about does not refer to money in the secular sense of gold, silver and jewelry."

"Then what money do they want? Ming coins?"

"It's a merit, and Jiang Yingying can only pay the incense money herself."

"..." Younger sister Ling and Wang Haoran looked at each other, unable to understand the meaning of the words, "Sister Ying is in a coma now, how can I pay the money?"

Ye Ke also didn't understand what the incense money Xiao Daotong was referring to.

"I came back this time because I want to take Jiang Yingying to a Taoist temple, maybe I can meet Daoist Taixu to clear up my doubts."

Since they asked me to donate "incense money", then he will recite Jiang Yingying!

"I'll go too!" Wang Haoran and Ling Xiaomei shouted in unison.

Wang Haoran asked puzzledly: "I followed because I had a special reason and couldn't do without Sister Jiang. Why are you going?"

"Why can't I go? I'm going!"

"Don't blame me for following you, a little girl with a mortal body," Ye Ke said, hugging the sleepy Jiang Yingying horizontally.

Miss Ling said unconvinced: "No! I must follow. What if you kidnap Sister Ying? Sister Ying is the hope of our organization, so we must not lose it!"

"Little sister Ling, time is urgent, stop making trouble," Wang Haoran persuaded, "Young Master Ye and I can travel hundreds of thousands of miles a day, but you can't keep up!"

"I can ride a horse! Wait, I'll pick a good horse right now!"

Ling Xiaomei hurriedly opened the door and slammed her head into her strong chest, "Ah! It hurts so much! Who is it?"

"Since she can't come to see me, then I will come to see her."


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