Chapter 100 Temporary Assistant
The sweet and sour short ribs tonight seemed particularly sour, and Jiang Ning frowned after taking a sip.

At the same time, she suddenly realized that a certain person could not eat such greasy and indigestible food at present.

After wasting so much effort, most of the ribs on the plate ended up in Erha's stomach.

Jiang Ning actually likes dogs very much, but not silly dogs.

She squatted in front of the dog bowl, muttering in a low voice: "It's true that the dog follows its owner! It's just as virtuous as anyone else in the family. It's just good looks, but the character is really unlikable."

But for Erha, whoever has milk is a mother.

Because of a plate of delicious sweet and sour pork ribs, this guy has become Jiang Ning's little follower.

Lu Yu unhappily drank a bowl of millet porridge that didn't even go with any pickles, and his sharp eyes fell on a person and a dog who were coming in from the door.

"Snow Wolf, come here."

Erha glanced at him, then continued to follow the girl into the kitchen.

Lu Yu: "..."

Not long after, Wu Fei sent Rococo back to Xinghai Bay, only to see that the little guy's mouth was so raised that he could hang a bucket, and his eyes were full of complaints.

Lu Yu called Wu Fei to the study, and Jiang Ning took Luo Keke out for a walk with the dog.

The library on the second floor.

Lu Yu went to the window and opened the curtain a crack, saw three shadows under the street lamp in the distance, then pulled up a chair and sat down.

He pointed to the Taishi chair behind Wu Fei, "Sit."

Wu Fei said while sitting down: "Mr. Lu, Mr. Lu wants to win the Muteng project. Now is the best opportunity to make a move."

Lu Yu lit a cigarette, looking a little lazy.

"Tell me."

Regarding the Makito project, he had been on the sidelines before.

Those members of the Lu family took turns to attack, but the other party still didn't recognize the Lu family as a partner.

After all, once the project won by Makito starts to be put into research and development, it will be worth tens of billions of profits if it changes hands.

For such a good thing, the other party would certainly not choose a partner so hastily.

"Lu Zhifeng is more straightforward. He bought a piece of land in the east of the city to develop the 'Dongshan Apricot Garden' holiday villa, and gave Shen Mu 49% of the shares." Wu Fei said.

After hearing this, Lu Yu blew out smoke rings and smiled, "He only knows that Shen Mu is Shen Xingyun's grandson, but he doesn't know what this grandson who is loved by thousands of people wants."

"Yes, that's why Lu Zhifeng was almost beaten out by Shen Mu's bodyguards."

After Wu Fei finished speaking, he added: "Lu Yanjian took the lead, I heard that he is attacking Shen Mu's fiancée."

Lu Yu raised his eyebrows, "This guy will only attack women."

Whether it's at Lu's house or outside.

This is also what he despises the other party the most.

"There is also Lu Zhigang's family, Liu Yun is directly looking for someone to match up and try to get an invitation letter for Mrs. Shen's birthday party;

"Lu Zhigang sent someone to secretly help Mrs. Shen find the person she was looking for, but we couldn't find out who Mrs. Shen was looking for."

"Where's Lu Cheng?"

"He's rather obsessed, so far he's only had a little contact with Muteng's board of directors, and he hasn't had direct contact with the Shen family."

"You just said that now is the best chance to win Makito, what do you say?"

For Lu Yu, it was not difficult to win Mu Teng's project, what he considered was whether it was worth it!
After all, once he makes a move, not only the entire Lu family, but also the entire Yunzhou business community will be shocked.

"Mrs. Shen was looking for a string of white jade bracelets at a high price. It is said that it was a token of love when she was young, but it was lost in the chaos.

"After so many years, I haven't found any clues, but recently our people in S state have found the whereabouts of the bracelet."

"Continent S?"

"Yes, in the hands of a reclusive old man surnamed Fu, but this old man has recently returned to China and currently lives in Luozhuxuan in the south of the city."

"You mean to let me start with this string of bracelets?"

"That's what I think. The most important thing is to look at you."

Lu Yu put out the cigarette butt, his face thoughtful.


the other side.

Jiang Ning was walking her dog when she suddenly received a small video.

In the video, she was playing balloons with a toy gun, and the crowd applauded and applauded.

She didn't pay attention to who the sender was for a moment, and just muttered a few words casually.

"In the age of self-media, everything can be posted on the Internet."

After a while, the phone rang.

Jiang Ning glanced at the caller, her scalp numb for a moment involuntarily.

After hesitating for more than ten seconds, she reluctantly pressed the answer button.

Before she could make a sound, the growling sound from the receiver could be heard by anyone within a radius of five meters.

She hurriedly took the receiver away from her ear, "Grandpa, you're smoking... uh... who's messing with your old man again?"

"You worthless kid is playing with toy guns, do you want to give you a water gun?" Fu Sinian said angrily.

Jiang Ning: "..."

"If you are really bored, or if you have no money to spend, get out of here!"

"No, grandpa, why don't you watch those boring little videos on the Internet if you have nothing to do!"

"Oh, so you want to be an Internet celebrity sharpshooter?"

"Tsk tsk, grandpa, you can do it, even internet celebrities know about it!" Jiang Ning said with a playful smile.

"Don't yell at me, what the hell are you doing now?"

"Hey, hey, what else can I do besides go to school?"

After Jiang Ning finished speaking, she explained: "I just went to the supermarket today and ran into an event in the supermarket, and the temptation of the 5000 shopping card blocked the exit of the supermarket.

"I think I can't get out anyway, so I put the 5000 yuan delivered to my door into my pocket first, don't want it for nothing!"


a few days later.

Jiang Ning, who just got acquainted with the position of life assistant, received a new task - to be Xu Yiran's temporary assistant for two days.

Xu Yiran is still in the hospital, and the work at hand has been temporarily put on hold.

The agent was busy helping her adjust the itinerary, and the assistant had to ask for leave because of something urgent, so only the nurses were with her in the hospital.

However, she has a special status, and the nurse cannot guarantee that she will not be harassed by the media there.

It just so happened that Lu Yu was absent from the company these two days, so it was An Yue's decision to let Jiang Ning go to the hospital as a temporary assistant.

An Yue said to her: "I remember you said that you studied public relations, so I thought that you might be able to deal with those media reporters who went to the hospital."

Jiang Ning felt a little baffled, thinking that there is no other candidate for such a big public relations department of Stargate Entertainment?

Although she was not very happy, this job was arranged by the leader after all, so she had to reluctantly accept it.


At noon, Jiang Ning went to the bathroom on the public relations department floor when she went to the public relations department to get the materials.

When he was about to leave the cubicle, he suddenly heard his name appearing in the voice of a conversation.

"Hey, what do you think An Yue is thinking? She dared to go beyond her authority and mobilize someone from the CEO's office."

"Then what's the matter? The president can't say anything even if she was sent to serve Xu Yiran."

"You said that Jiang Ning stays in the CEO's office all day, and there is really nothing between lonely men and widows?"

"So what if there is? Doesn't the CEO take her to the hospital to see Xu Yiran? After all, Xu Yiran is the one that the CEO puts on top of his heart. Just her, Jiang Ning? At best, she's just a housewife."

(End of this chapter)

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