Chapter 99 This Woman Is a Pit
The fresh section of the supermarket.

Lu Sanshao looked blankly at all kinds of red and white raw meat with the same appearance, and suddenly felt that it would be better to eat just a piece of sweet and sour fish.

After standing in front of the stall for five or six minutes, he expressed his desire to eat sweet and sour fish.

Jiang Ning smiled secretly and didn't speak, but picked some of the best small ribs and handed them to the butcher stall owner.

Lu Yu hurriedly said quietly from the side: "I wanted to choose it just now, but it doesn't look too fresh."

This remark displeased the stall owner, and the burly man pointed at him with a knife sharpening stick and asked him sharply what he said.

"My meat has been quarantined before entering the market, how can it not be fresh!"

Jiang Ning hurried forward and explained in a low voice, but Lu Yu didn't hear what she said.

The stall owner looked at the man strangely.

He thought to himself that a big man looks like a human being, but his thoughts are so childish.

When handing out the weighed meat, he made another suggestion.

"I think you two can go to the door to participate in the game of the supermarket's anniversary event. It's a test of tacit understanding. It's quite interesting."

Jiang Ning took the bag and smiled at the other party and left.

A game that tests tacit understanding?Even if she wants to play, she can't play with someone who has no tacit understanding.

Lu Yu asked with some dissatisfaction what she had just said to the butcher.

"Say this little fresh meat is fresher than you!"

"You compare me to pork?"

"Okay, you childish ghost, go to the front and buy some soy sauce and go back!"

After paying the bill, the two were blocked by the crowd at the exit of the supermarket.

The challenge game of 5000 yuan shopping card has attracted many customers.

Jiang Ning watched for a while, and found that the game was quite simple for her.

In a team of two, one person holds a balloon and lets the other shoot. If 1 balloons are broken within 30 minute, the challenge is considered successful.

She feels that this game is not so much a test of tacit understanding, but a test of mutual trust.

Although it is only a toy gun and it is loaded with soft bullets, once it is hit, it still has a great impact on the flesh of a person.

Jiang Ning observed for a while, and found that there were only a handful of people who went up to challenge not to mention breaking 30 balloons, but even breaking 10.

The main reason is that the shooter took aim, but the one holding the balloon was in a panic. When he panicked, his hands shook, and the shooter aimed in vain.

She cast a sneaky glance at the man beside her, who happened to be looking at her too.

Lu Yu: "Why are you looking at me? I won't be ashamed to go up with you for 5000 yuan."


2 minutes later, at the gaming table.

Jiang Ning and Lu Yu picked up the toy guns at the same time.

The game emcee stepped forward with a smile and said, "Have you two not agreed on who will shoot?"

Lu Yu responded impatiently: "It's still a matter of discussion? Which couple on the stage was not shot by a man?"

Jiang Ning secretly said: Negligence!

In the next moment, her sly eyes rolled, and she immediately reached out to put the protective mask on the prop stage over the man's head, and pushed him to the designated target position.

When it was over, he whispered next to him: "Aren't you ashamed? You happen to cover your face and no one will recognize you, so don't pick it off!"

Under the protective mask, the man's face is absolutely colorful.

Lu Yu secretly thought: This woman is a trap!
Jiang Ning patted his chest, "Trust me!"

This tone is confident.

Jiang Ning quickly took his place with the prop gun.

The man three meters away reluctantly picked up a balloon.

Before the timing started, he suddenly asked, "Can you put both hands together?"

The master of ceremonies was stunned for a moment, then laughed out loud.

"As long as your partner can keep up with your speed, you can do it!"

Lu Yu: "Yes."

He thought that since this girl could cheat himself without limit, he wouldn't let her win the 5000 yuan shopping card as she wished!

The electronic screen behind the booth began to display a 60-second countdown.

Jiang Ning raised her hand, but did not shoot immediately, but calmly asked the master of ceremonies: "Is the protective gear absolutely safe?"

Master of Ceremonies: "Don't worry, it's made of steel."

The moment the voice fell, there was a loud noise on the booth.

The audience laughed.

"It's been so long, this is the first time I've seen someone slap me in the face, hahaha..."




Lu Yu's head was buzzing from Duang.

There was continuous laughter from the audience.

"Girl, did you just quarrel with your boyfriend and take advantage of the game to vent your anger?"


Jiang Ning smiled with the corners of her mouth bent, and then glanced at the electronic screen.

25 seconds left.

Immediately, she half-closed her eyes and adjusted the posture of holding the prop.

The next moment, the audience suddenly fell into silence.

When the two balloons in Lu Yu's hands burst with two crisp sounds, he didn't react for a while.

"Why are you in a daze, get the ball!" Jiang Ning said loudly.

Immediately afterwards, the men took balls out of the basket beside them one after another like workers on an assembly line.



clap clap clap-

The fragments of the balloon flying around are dazzling.

The achievement of breaking 25 balloons in 36 seconds is also amazing.

This marksmanship is absolutely perfect.

Many people suddenly realized something——

"So the girl was joking at first?"

Jiang Ning responded with a smile: "No, no, this gun is a few centimeters off, I'm trying to feel it!"


"You can meet a master when doing activities in a supermarket!"

Jiang Ning likes to mention the 5000 yuan shopping card, but ignores the mysterious gaze that falls on her.

It would be a lie if Lu Yu said he wasn't shocked by her aiming speed just now.

This marksmanship, this speed, cannot be practiced in a few days or months.

For a while, doubts about her identity deepened.

Who is she?What is hidden in the body?

Back at Xinghai Bay, Jiang Ning entered the kitchen in a good mood.

Lu Yu led Erha into the room for a while, then threw him out, and then walked to the kitchen.

Across the long bar counter, smelling the rich sweet and sour smell of sweet and sour short ribs, he asked the question that he had been holding back all the way.

"Have you practiced?"

Jiang Ning focused on the pot, and responded casually: "I can't even talk about practicing, I just do it often."

She was talking about sweet and sour short ribs, but the other party obviously didn't mean it.

This answer is also misleading.

Lu Yu raised his eyebrows, "Do it often? Why do you do it?"

"What else can I do? Eat!"

Lu Yu thought she was playing sloppy with him, and his attitude became a little serious.

"You know what I'm talking about."

Hearing his cold voice, Jiang Ning turned to look at him, only to realize that his face was colder than his voice.

"what did you say?"


Jiang Ning let out a long cry, then withdrew her gaze and returned her attention to the pot, and spoke calmly.

"What am I doing? I used to work at a balloon stand in an amusement park. The boss forced me to practice a new skill in order to let me work as a trustee!"

Lu Yu frowned and looked at her, wondering if he should believe such words.

From the point of view of accuracy alone, maybe this is true, but how to explain her speed?

Since she didn't want to talk, he didn't ask any more.

Jiang Ning felt the man behind him leave, and her suspended heart finally eased a little.


(End of this chapter)

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