Jiang Ning never thought that she would become the focus of attention one day, and it was still in this way.

The title of the post that was pinned to the top was "Picking up the private lives of students who returned from the Open Country".

The post constructed Jiang Ning's character in the form of a novel, and also gave her a new identity.

In addition to these made-up content, there are also some accompanying pictures, most of which revolve around her getting into the same luxury car twice.

The photo looks like it was taken secretly with a mobile phone, and the distance is too far, so the man's face was not recognized by everyone, but the person who posted it used "a certain old man" to refer to it.

The other photos are of her going in and out of Mansion No. [-].

Mansion No. [-] is a well-known wealthy area in Yunzhou, but how can a work-study exchange student afford to live in such a luxurious house?
After Jiang Ning read all the content, her tensed face relaxed a little.

Heh, she didn't even bother to fight back with such a clumsy way of splashing dirty water.

Thinking about it now, it's no wonder that some people kept pointing at her on the way here just now.

Sun Mengying regained her breath and asked her how she planned to explain.

"It's just something out of nothing, what's there to explain?" Jiang Ning disagreed.

"But if you don't explain it, others should take it seriously!"

"What's true can't be fake, and what's fake can't be true either!"

Jiang Ning put away her phone and took the notebook from the other party.

Seeing that she was still worried, he smiled and patted her on the head.

"Don't worry, those who clean themselves will clean themselves! Only silence is the highest contempt!"

Su Mengying muttered: "But you don't understand the school situation."

This is true.

Jiang Ning's silence turned into acquiescence by the next day.

It just so happened that she asked for leave again, so she became shameless.

In the hospital, Lu Yu was arranged to stay in the hospital for observation.

The Lu family got the news from nowhere and came to visit, and Jiang Ning showed a perfect image of a good wife.

"Ning Ning, it's really hard work for you!" Qin Shu held her hand with a loving face.

Knowing from Mr. Lu that this girl grew up in an orphanage, she cherished him even more.

"Aunt Qin, this is what I should do!" Jiang Ning responded softly.

All the women who came to visit were the female family members of the Lu family.

Qin Shu glanced in the direction of the hospital bed and saw that Lu Yu was busy dealing with his two aunts, so he took Jiang Ning's hand to the corridor outside the ward.

"Ningning, can you tell Auntie how much do you know about the Lu family?"

Jiang Ning froze for a moment, and looked at the other party with a little more vigilance.

Although she doesn't know anything about the Lu family's affairs, it's not that she can't feel it at all.

Judging from the conspiracy designed by Lu Yu, the main conflict should be between his two elders.

Qin Shu can be regarded as the only outsider in the Lu family dispute.

Although she was the third young lady of the Lu family, it was a pity that she failed to give birth to a son for the Lu family, and Lu Yu, the stepson, didn't seem to like her.

In a wealthy family where mothers depend on children, she is the one with the least sense of existence.

But now that she suddenly asked, Jiang Ning had to have some other opinions about her.

Qin Shu saw her concerns, and stretched his eyebrows and said to her: "Ningning, don't get me wrong, the boss and the second are guarding Ah Yu like a thief all day long, for fear that Ah Yu will snatch their heir's position.

"But I know in my heart that Ah Yu doesn't care about this position at all.

"The Stargate Entertainment he founded was forcibly incorporated into the Lu family by the old man."

Qin Shu said that he and Lu Zhijie are more Buddhist, as long as they can get by, they will not chase fame and wealth too much.

"Lao Lu likes to engage in art, and has no ability to manage the company at all; Yiyi is still young, and I plan to let her go to Australia to study after finishing university, and I will accompany her when the time comes;
"So we only have Ah Yu left in this room. I'm really worried about him."

Jiang Ning frowned and listened quietly, while thinking carefully about the purpose of the other party telling her this.

From the reading between the lines, it seemed that the stepmother's concern for Lu Yu came from the bottom of her heart.

If it's not true, it's because this woman's acting skills are too good.

Jiang Ning didn't know anything about the situation of the Lu family, so she couldn't draw conclusions about a person at will.

She listened to what Qin Shu said.

After the other party finished what she wanted to say, she asked softly according to the other party's words: "Auntie, do you need me to do something when you tell me this?"

"I hope you will not only take good care of Ah Yu in life, but also help him in work!"

Jiang Ning lowered her eyebrows slightly, then smiled, "But I'm still a student, what can I do to help him?"

"Auntie, tell the truth, don't be angry." Qin Shu smiled softly, took her hand again and said, "Actually, Auntie checked your background secretly."

After the words fell, Jiang Ning's expression froze for a moment.

Checked the background?So how much did she find out?
"I know that you studied communication at Yunda University, but you used to study public relations at Huazhou University in State S, right?"

Jiang Ning nodded and hummed lightly.

"I heard that you will also enter the internship stage recently, so I want to ask if you can work in the Lu family?" Qin Shu continued.


Jiang Ning was surprised.

Even if she has the heart, she probably isn't up to the mark, right?
She knows exactly what kind of company Lu's is, even if the public relations department wants to recruit people, it is impossible to choose an intern.

Just as she was thinking about how to reply, a dispirited voice sounded behind her.

"Aunt Qin stretched her hand too far. Why do you even interfere with my wife's work?"

Jiang Ning turned around.

I saw the man wearing a blue and white striped hospital gown leaning against the wall, holding an infusion bottle high in his right hand, with a sense of alienation on his half-smile face, which made it impossible to judge his true emotions.

The moment he looked at her, Lu Yu touched the corner of his mouth with the tip of his tongue, and smiled lightly: "Honey, you agreed to stay with me 24 hours a day, what's going on?"


"Ayu, I asked Ningning to talk about something." Qin Shu took the initiative to speak.

"Are you finished?"

It seemed that Lu Yu was asking Qin Shu, but he didn't even leave the corner of his eye to him.

"After talking, my wife, please come and help me go to the bathroom. I'm such a big person, I can't ask my aunts to help me when I go to the bathroom!"

Jiang Ning's eyebrows twitched, "."

Immediately, she turned her head and said to Qin Shu with embarrassment, "Auntie, I'll take him back to the ward first."

Qin Shulue sighed helplessly, "Ayu, have a good rest and stop drinking!"

Lu Yu smiled frankly, "Why do I drink, does Auntie have no idea?"

After speaking, he took the girl who walked to him and left without looking back.

Gao Yue and Liu Yun were waiting at the door of the ward, their faces seemed to be very angry at Lu Yu's words or actions.

Especially Gao Yue, when she saw Jiang Ning, she said a few words in an incomprehensible manner.

Liu Yun just glanced at the two of them with indifferent eyes, but Jiang Ning felt that there was a bit of sharpness hidden in the eyes that fell on her at the end.

When both of them left, Qin Shu returned to the ward and gave some instructions, but when he left, he hesitated to speak.

Lu Yu lay back on the hospital bed, picked up his phone from the bedside table and started playing games.

Jiang Ning had a lot of questions, but she didn't know where to ask them, so she simply didn't ask any questions.

She sat by the side and continued to scan the school forum with a tablet, but her face turned blue and white.

"Don't worry, I'll settle it for you!"

When Lu Yu's voice sounded, Jiang Ning didn't realize that the other party was talking to him, so he didn't even raise his head.

Until the next voice sounded——

"Block Yunda's campus forum for me!"

Jiang Ning suddenly raised her head, and then faced a face frozen thousands of miles away.

She frowned slightly, and said casually, "Are you sick?"


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