Lu Yu's way of doing things has always been simple and rude.

He thought so——

By sealing off the school forum and putting pressure on the school to clarify Jiang Ning's matter, this matter can be properly handled.

As a result, before he could express his thoughts, he found that the girl looked at him as if she was looking at a mentally retarded person.

"I'll help you clear up the rumors, are you sick?"

"You asked someone to block Colonel Yun's forum, so my rumors no longer exist? Aren't you trying to deceive yourself by doing this?"

Lu Yu looked at her speechlessly.

Jiang Ning waved at him, "I thank you for your kindness, but don't interfere with this matter, I will handle it myself."


After being quiet for less than 2 minutes, Lu Yu suddenly spoke again, with a slightly aggrieved tone.

"I'm not bald, and I don't have a belly, so why am I an old man?"

Jiang Ning froze for a moment, then remembered the "a certain old man" mentioned in the school forum, and suddenly felt a row of crows flying over her head.

Sure enough, no matter how cold and cold a man is, he will have a childish side.

Two days later, Friday.

There was an important event in the Media Department, and Jiang Ning had to go back to school.

Before leaving the hospital, she called the other party with the business card Wei Lan left for her.

When Lu met his escort from a beautiful woman to a rough guy, he immediately yelled at Wei Lan to be discharged from the hospital.

"Let's go, I've already completed the formalities for you!" Wei Lan said.

What he knew about Lu Yu was: as long as this guy can catch his breath, he will never stay in the hospital for half a second longer.

This time I was able to stay in the hospital for three days in peace, no matter how I looked at it, it seemed that I had another purpose.

When the two came out of the hospital, Lu Yu's face was still pale, and in addition, he could only rely on nutrient solution to maintain his physical strength these days, so he was relatively weak.

Wei Lan drove him back to Xinghai Bay, but when he opened his eyes, he immediately asked, "What are you doing here?"

"What? Could it be that you asked me to send you back to Jingshan Palace?"

Jingshan Palace is the villa where Lu's house is located. Not only will Lu Yu not go back, but he even regards it as a forbidden area.

Wei Lan's question was obviously looking for scolding.

But this time Lu Yu didn't react too much when he heard these three words, but replied quietly: "Send me back to Jinlin Huafu."

"Huh? What do you mean?" Wei Lan turned to look at him.

Lu Yu closed his eyes again, "Stop rambling, just do it!"

Wei Lan opened his mouth, but made no sound.

Jinlin Huafu is far away from the busy city and is located in the suburbs, where Lu Yu has always lived.

Others couldn't figure out why the dandy who looked flamboyant on the surface would choose such a secluded house.

The reason for this is probably only known to Wei Lan, a psychiatrist.

He thought that Lu Yu moved to Xinghai Bay a while ago because he had figured out some things, but now it seems that this is not the case.

Back in Jinlin Hua Mansion, Lu Yu completely ignored the friend who sent him back, but directly threw himself into the study.

With two days of work piled up, he had to hurry up.

Wei Lan stayed in the living room on the first floor for more than ten minutes, and only after seeing Wu Fei's appearance did he realize that someone was working hard again.

He greeted Wu Fei, gave him a few words and left.

On the other side, Yunzhou University.

After Jiang Ning participated in the department's activities, she came out of the director's office with Sun Mengying with an internship registration form in her hand.

"Ning, have you settled for your internship? What are you planning to do? Do you have any way to get into a TV station?"

Sun Mengying has a straightforward personality, so some questions are very straightforward.

This is why Jiang Ning can become good friends with her.

It's good to be straightforward, without so many twists and turns.

Jiang Ning glanced at her, raised her eyebrows and asked, "So you also believed the nonsense on the forum?"

Sun Mengying stuck out her tongue at her, "Who told you not to explain? Although I didn't think about you in that way, but if you go in and out of Mansion No. [-], there must be your friends there, right?"

Jiang Ning: "Haven't you ever thought that I might come here to seek revenge?"

Sun Mengying's footsteps stopped, and she froze in place for a moment.

After the other party walked a long way, she caught up with a face full of disbelief.

"Jiang Ning, are you kidding me?"

At this moment, Jiang Ning's footsteps were blocked by a bouquet of white roses, "..."

The owner of White Rose was wearing a maroon long coat, and inside was a black suit that didn't quite match his student status.

He has a clean and handsome manga face, with three-dimensional and deep features, standing upright on the campus avenue.

He is personable and personable, just like the noble son who came out of the comics.

He was tall, a head taller than Jiang Ning, but at this moment he suddenly got down and knelt on one knee.

"Jiang Ning, I don't believe those rumors on the forum, so stay with me! Let's prove those are false with practical actions!"

The students who came and went stopped because of this scene.

Someone excitedly said: "Go and tell Qin Shanshan that her male god has attacked the exchange student."

This sudden confession caught Jiang Ning by surprise.

"Cheng Yuxing, what are you doing, get up!"

"If you promise to be my girlfriend, I'll get up!"

The boy smiled lightly, as gentle as the warm winter sun.

Cheng Yuxing is a well-known talent in the Chinese department, and was also given the title of "Department of Grass". This year, he is a senior.

He was Jiang Ning, who he met when he was an exchange student at Huazhou University last year, and fell in love with her at first sight.

This time Jiang Ning returned to China as an exchange student. He was convinced that this was a predestined fate, so he decided to confess his love to the other party before graduation.

"Jiang Ning, I like you, I have liked you since I was in Huazhou, so be my girlfriend!"

Cheng Yuxing's confession at the top of his voice caused a lot of screams, and some clapped their hands and booed.

"Promise him, promise him..."

Sun Mengying, who was following Jiang Ning, covered her mouth in shock, and she stepped forward and tugged at the corner of Jiang Ning's clothes.

"Jiang Ning, Senior Cheng is confessing his love to you!"


Jiang Ning's temples twitched, and then she took a step back, maintaining her usual calm face.

"Cheng Yuxing, I don't think I've done anything to misunderstand you!"

Cheng Yuxing's face froze for a moment, then he paused and said, "I know you think we don't have a deep relationship, but from now on..."

Before the other party could finish speaking, Jiang Ning interrupted him.

"Sorry, if I misunderstood you, I sincerely apologize to you, but I don't like you!"

Such a straightforward refusal did not save the other party any face at all.

In terms of feelings, she doesn't like ambiguity and sloppiness.

After speaking, she tried to bypass him and pass by him.

Amidst the sighs, Qin Shanshan hurried over, just in time to witness the embarrassing scene of Cheng Yuxing being rejected.

Cheng Yuxing lost face in public, and became unscrupulous in his desperation.

He turned around and growled: "Jiang Ning, you rejected me, is it because what you said on the forum is true?"

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, he immediately regretted it, and quickly stepped forward to stop the girl and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it!"

Jiang Ning lowered her eyes and smiled slightly, "It doesn't matter, I don't need to explain to you whether it is true or false!"


Some people who are keen to eat melons took pictures of this scene, adding a new topic to the school forum.

[The male god of the Chinese department publicly confessed that the exchange student was rejected, why is this exchange student so awesome? 】

The drama of Cheng Yuxing's public confession has not yet ended, and the school forum has already exploded.

A strange user hacked into the Yunda forum and posted many photos of Jiang Ning going in and out of Xinghai Bay in a luxury car.

Judging from the shooting angle and clarity, it looks like it was intercepted from a surveillance screen.

Some students started to discuss on the spot after seeing it——

"Oh my God, Xinghai Bay, do you know the identities of the residents in this place?"

"There are only a few villas in Xinghai Bay, and we might be able to pick them out with the method of elimination!"

"The big melon is about to come out, just wait!"


Jinlin Washington.

Lu Yu's operation made the assistant next to him completely dumbfounded.

Wu Fei slandered inwardly: Boss, why are you cheating on your wife like this!

"Wu Fei, also call out the surveillance camera at the entrance of the villa, I want the picture of her entering the door!"


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