Jiang Ning mercilessly refused to let Cheng Yuxing leave with a dark face, and smashed the large bouquet of white roses to the ground.

The white petals were scattered all over the ground, a bit desolate in its gorgeousness.

Jiang Ning bent down to pick up the bouquet, picked up the scattered petals one by one, and finally threw them into the trash can on the side of the road without hesitation.

"Keep the campus avenue clean!" She said lightly, as if she was talking to herself, but also as if she was deliberately speaking to the onlookers.

Sun Mengying looked dumbfounded, thinking that Jiang Ning is too calm!
Jiang Ning cleaned up the ground, but when she was about to leave, Qin Shanshan blocked her way.

"What are you doing, you shameless mistress? How dare you embarrass Senior Cheng in front of so many people!"

Hearing the sound, Jiang Ning frowned slightly, and then responded calmly: "I'll give you a chance to appease your male god, thank you!"


Qin Shanshan was so angry that her face turned pale, and she raised her hand and was about to shout at the other party's face.

However, when the palm wind fell, that slender wrist was grabbed.

Jiang Ning looked at her indifferently, "I don't want to cause trouble, but it doesn't mean I'm afraid of trouble, so don't mess with me!"

Qin Shanshan cursed and cursed, and her words became more and more ugly.

While struggling, she was pushed out by Jiang Ning.

Then, those cursing sentences were replaced by a scream that resounded through the campus.

"Damn it, Jiang Ning beat someone up, hurry up and find the head of the department!"

"Oh my God, Shanshan's wrist seems to be dislocated, call an ambulance!"

Jiang Ning moved her wrist, and glanced coldly at the people around Qin Shanshan.

"Adults should pay the corresponding price for doing wrong things!"

After leaving this sentence, she turned around and walked out of the school gate in a chic manner.

Sun Mengying froze for a long time before running after her.

"Jiang Ning, you are too cool! But if you offend Qin Shanshan, life in Yunda may be difficult in the future!"

Qin Shanshan's father, Qin Dayong, invests a huge amount of education funds in Yunda every year, and the construction of the new campus that started last year was also invested by Qin Dayong.

The whole Yunda knows that Qin Shanshan dares to be so domineering in school because her father is the father of the whole school!
Jiang Ning looked indifferent after hearing this, "Then he can't be my father!"

Sun Mengying secretly gave her a thumbs up, and a few clusters of gossip flashed in her eyes.

"So your background is tougher?"


This affirmative answer immediately made Sun Mengying's eyes shine, she covered her mouth and said excitedly: "Really? Who is it? What's your relationship with him?"

Jiang Ning turned her head to the side, and responded slowly: "Buddha! Believers!"

Sun Mengying was in disarray.

In the school forum, the people who are keen on eating melons are still waiting for the stranger to release a bigger melon about Jiang Ning.

Half an hour later, the melon was there, but it was not very easy to eat.

The anonymous user recently released a post with a similar statement——

[I am the owner of Building 9 in Xinghai Bay, Jiang Ning is my nanny, stop the rumors!Repass, fire! 】

With such a big reversal of things, those who eat melons can only leave in disappointment.

As everyone said, there are a total of several villas in Xinghai Bay, and we can use the method of elimination to know which one Jiang Ning is related to.

But the owner of Building 9 is the most mysterious. There are rumors that she is a middle-aged woman with a withdrawn personality. She always hides at home and doesn't like to see people.

Jiang Ning took the subway back to the hospital and received a message from Sun Mengying on the way——

[Jiang Ning, being a nanny is too hard, you should consider my suggestion. 】

Sun Mengying mentioned before that Jiang Ning and her should go to the film and television base to work as stand-in actors. First, the working hours are relatively free, and the wages are all cash;

Secondly, you can also find opportunities to meet some crew members, and you can also have more contacts in the media industry in the future.

Jiang Ning frowned while pinching her phone, what nanny?
Just as she was about to reply to the message to ask about the situation, a thought flashed through her, and she clicked on the school forum.

She didn't understand until she saw the statement, so she bowed her head and replied:

[The nanny is very good! 】

Sun Mengying didn't reply even after she got out of the subway station.

Jiang Ning put away her mobile phone, got off the escalator and went straight to Yunzhou No.1 People's Hospital across the road.

In the ward, the nurse who was making the bed was a little surprised to see the person coming.

"Mrs. Lu, why are you back?"

Jiang Ning was even more questioning, "Where are the others?"

"I'll be discharged from the hospital this afternoon!"


Jiang Ning was a little depressed.

No matter what, she should tell herself when she is discharged from the hospital, lest she make a wasteful trip.

But after thinking about it, I think it's better not to involve too much between them.

According to the agreement signed before, their lives will not interfere with each other except when he needs to cooperate with him when dealing with the Lu family.

If it wasn't for Lu Yu's unexpected situation that day, they would have gone their separate ways long ago.

Back at Xinghai Bay, the extremely luxurious villa was empty.

Jiang Ning settled down and packed all her luggage, then made a cup of coffee and walked to the courtyard facing west.

The villa under the night is so quiet that it makes people panic.

She sipped her coffee, thinking about how to spend the next 1000 days in her mind.

The WeChat notification sounded, and she raised her phone to take a look.

It was from Jiang Tianhua again, and the content was the time and place of Jiang Yaoping's birthday banquet.

There is also a sentence at the end: Grandpa misses you very much, so you must participate!

Jiang Ning was too lazy to type with a coffee cup in her hand, so she replied a voice message:
"Understood, I will go!"

At the same time, Mansion No. [-].

At the Jiang family dining table, just as Jiang Tianhua clicked on the voice message, the sharp eyes beside him gouged him out.

"You still have contact with that girl?" Ye Lan said in a bad tone.

"Tsk, it's Dad's birthday party next month, Dad misses her a lot!"

"I don't know what's going on in the old man's mind. When did that dead girl come back to take a look at him after so many years? I really don't know what is worth thinking about!"

"Ye Lan, don't say a few words!"

"Don't say anything, don't say anything, I will get angry when I see her! Look at what shameful things she did in school!"

As Ye Lan said, she dropped her mobile phone on the dining table, and the school forum of Yunda University was displayed on the screen.

The sharp-eyed Jiang Ying quickly said after seeing it: "Mom, why are you still on our school forum? Everything you said on it was to discredit my sister, and now everything has been explained clearly!"

Jiang Tianhua picked up the phone and began to browse carefully.

The more he looked down, the more gloomy his face became.


The phone fell to the table.

Jiang Ying was taken aback by the side, looking at Jiang Tianhua with a bit of timidity.

"Yingying, what's going on? What did Jiang Ning do at school?" Jiang Tianhua asked sharply.

"Why are you yelling at Yingying? It was that dead girl who caused the trouble. Fortunately, she didn't announce her relationship with the Jiang family, otherwise Yingying would have become a victim!" Ye Lan said angrily.

What made Jiang Tianhua angry was not the clarified post about Jiang Ning being adopted, but another new post about her beating someone.

The post stated that Jiang Ning fought with a female classmate because of jealousy of a certain male classmate, and severely injured the other party.

Jiang Tianhua questioned Jiang Ying repeatedly, and the latter confessed the whole thing like squeezing toothpaste.

"Father, in fact, that senior Cheng likes my sister, and he confessed to her in public today, but she rejected her!
"That Qin Shanshan who had a crush on Senior Cheng wanted to vent his anger on him. She was the one who wanted to hit my sister first, and my sister was acting in self-defense!"

"So it is!"

Jiang Tianhua muttered softly, his face relaxed a little.

However, in the next moment, Jiang Ying's pleading made him black again.

The frantic middle-aged man slapped the table and got up and shouted, "What did you say? Who did she hit?"

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