Knowing whose daughter Jiang Ning beat the girl, Jiang Tianhua was so angry that he almost lost his breath.

As soon as he won a big project of Qin's real estate, his daughter sent the other party's favorite jewel to the hospital.

Ye Lan was already upset, but now that she heard this, she even dropped the bowl and chopsticks.

"This girl is the broom star of the Jiang family, she should not have been brought back in the first place! After all, she grew up in the countryside, and she is vulgar in her bones!"

Hearing the sound, Jiang Ying's hand holding the chopsticks shook uncontrollably, then put down the chopsticks and said, "Dad, why don't I go to the hospital tomorrow to apologize to Qin Shanshan!"

Jiang Tianhua and Ye Lan spoke at the same time——


"The relationship between Jiang Ning and the Jiang family has not been announced to the public, and Boss Qin may not know whose daughter she is. You don't need to worry about Yingying, wait until Boss Qin finds out about me!" Jiang Tianhua said.

As soon as the words fell, Ye Lan immediately added: "That's right, let's talk about Jiang Ning's troubles, and she will naturally bear the consequences. Yingying, you must not be influenced by her."

Jiang Ying frowned and remained silent, while at the same time observing her parents' faces calmly.

It was late at night, and Jiang Ning couldn't sleep because of some things.

Whenever she is alone, her mind becomes very active.

She always couldn't help recalling what happened in the hotel that night, and it still feels like a dream.

Probably because the man lived in that man's house, as soon as he closed his eyes, the slight breathing seemed to appear in his ears
At two o'clock in the morning, Jiang Ning failed to fall asleep.

She simply sat up and swiped her phone for a while, then logged into the school forum again.

Tomorrow is the weekend, so the atmosphere of the forum is still active in the middle of the night.

After browsing for less than 2 minutes, she threw the phone aside in annoyance.

It seems that there is nothing wrong with what Sun Mengying said, she really doesn't understand the school situation——

Once someone wants to pour dirty water on you, if one bucket is not dirty, then pour another bucket!
[I heard that Jiang Ning dared to be so arrogant because she used to be a mixed society in S state. 】

[Children who grow up in orphanages are wild. 】

【What?Orphanage? 】

[Well, she has no parents. 】

[Does this young lady have any inside story?Reveal reveal! 】

Jiang Ning looked at the young lady's portrait of Lian Li Lian Qi, feeling a little disdainful for a moment.

This kind of low to slag method dares to be used on the stage!

The young lady with the user name "Tingting Jingzhi" published a lot of ambiguous and thought-provoking sentences, clearly trying to divert the public's impression of Jiang Ning.

Later, when words such as "wild child" and "little sister" appeared frequently, two users named "Jiang Ning" suddenly appeared in the forum.

Jiang Ning 1: I'll go to your uncle!
Jiang Ning 2: Do you want to know the big melon of a fake daughter?
Everyone:? ? ? ? ?
The curiosity of the people who eat melons about the fake daughter quickly overshadowed the previous topics of discussion.

As long as there are melons, who is not knocking?
[Jiang Ning, who do you think is a fake daughter? 】

[Why are there two Jiang Ning?What is this operation? 】

【Are you saying that Qin Shanshan is a fake daughter?That's why you dare to beat her up? 】

Looking at the grayed head of "Tingting Jingzhi", Jiang Ning knew it.

She ignored these questions, instead @江冰1 asked who the other party was.

Two minutes later, her cell phone rang, and the caller ID was a string of unfamiliar numbers.

After hesitating for nearly a minute, she connected the phone.

Two crisp words came from the other end——

"it's me!"

Jiang Ning froze for a moment, trying to search for the voice in her brain.

"Your husband!" The other end continued.


"You are sharp-tongued towards me, why don't you know how to fight back when you are bullied?"

"Isn't it you who greeted the uncle in the forum just now?" Jiang Ning said quietly.

Lu Yu laughed out loud, "Don't be so civilized, I'm just scolding!"

Jiang Ning was quite depressed at first, but it was a lot easier to be teased like this.

"Thank you!" She said sincerely.


"Thank you for helping me clarify the matter of being adopted during the day!"

The other end hesitated for half a minute, and then responded disapprovingly: "I'm not helping you, I'm afraid I'll be ripped off!"


"Don't worry about beating people, I will help you settle it!"

Just as Jiang Ning was about to speak out, she realized that there was a busy tone in her ear.

She curled her lips, then stared at the phone screen for a while, before adding her name to the string of numbers.

On the following Saturday, in order to improve her sleep problems, Jiang Ning spent the whole day arranging the bedroom she lived in to her favorite style.

Of course, she got the owner's permission before changing the wallpaper.

On weekends, she went to supermarkets and bookstores to buy a lot of daily necessities for herself.

After all, if you want to live here for three years, you should have a sense of ritual in life.

Lu Yu hadn't shown up in the past two days, and it seemed that he planned to stop interfering with each other according to the agreement.

In the evening, Jinlin Huafu.

Wu Fei took the initiative to come and report to Lu Yu.

"The copyright of the novel you watched two months ago has been taken down, but the original author has requirements for film and television adaptations, and she must be the screenwriter herself!"

After finishing speaking, he glanced at the boss secretly, seeing that the other party didn't intend to speak, he continued.

"Miss Xu wants to win Vn's endorsement in the Asia-Pacific region."

The Miss Xu that Wu Fei was talking about is one of the hottest young girls at the moment, the first sister of Stargate Entertainment, Xu Yiran.

However, her road to popularity has always been a mystery, and she doesn't even have a representative work until now.

There are rumors in the entertainment industry that Xu Yiran is a high-level woman of the Lu Group;

Rumor has it that Xu Yiran is the lover of the CEO of Stargate Entertainment.

Rumors were raging in the company, and Lu Yu never clarified, but any good resources would always be stuffed into Xu Yiran's hands.

Vn is a perfume brand with a long history in Europe, and there has never been an oriental face among its spokespersons.

Seeing that the boss still didn't say anything, Wu Fei continued to say: "Vn actually intends to find an Asian lady as the spokesperson for the Asia-Pacific region this time, but Ms. Xu's competitors are too strong. If she wants to win the endorsement, she may have to wait have to."

Before he finished speaking, Lu Yu put away his phone in a dispirited manner, took off the earplugs from both ears and threw them on the coffee table.

"Let's start reporting!"

Wu Fei: "."

Dare to love yourself for talking for a long time?
He paused for a few seconds to reorganize his language, and repeated what he said just now coherently.

Immediately, several sharp blades appeared in Lu Yu's raised deep eyes.

The back of Wu Fei's neck felt cold, and his mind quickly recalled what he said wrong.

"Wu Fei." Lu Yu said lightly.

"Boss Lu Lu?"

"How many years have you been with me?"

Beads of sweat broke out on Wu Fei's forehead when he was asked this question.

He knows that once the boss asks questions in a roundabout way, it is usually because he has done something wrong without knowing it.

"I've been following you since you founded Stargate, seven or seven or eight years!"

Lu Yu let out a long sigh, and muttered again: "I don't know if there is a seven-year itch between the boss and his subordinates!"

Wu Fei cried, "Boss Lu."

"After following me for so many years, you still don't know what kind of person I am?"

Lu Yu leaned back against the sofa and continued with a blank expression: "Tell that little author that I bought the copyright for her face, not for her face!

"Improve conditions with me? Still writing the screenplay? Who does she think she is!"

Wu Fei: "."

"And the relationship between that Miss Xu and me, don't you know if others don't know? Giving her resources is not giving her face, tell her not to push her face!"

Wu Fei wiped the sweat from his forehead, nodded repeatedly and said yes.

According to his judgment, the boss seems to be in a bad mood today, so he has to be careful about the candles.

After a while, Lu met the other party and stopped talking, and raised his eyebrows and asked, "Are you okay?"

Wu Fei shook his head, "No, no more!"

Lu Yu pointed to the single sofa beside him, "I have something to do, sit down."


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