The next day.

As soon as Jiang Ning appeared at the school gate on her front foot, Sun Mengying chased after her on her back foot like stepping on a hot wheel.

"Something happened, something happened, something happened."

Before Jiang Ning could ask what was going on, he saw five or six all-black Mercedes-Benz driving slowly across the campus avenue.

Sun Mengying stomped her feet anxiously, "Jiang Ning, you broke Qin Shanshan's hand and sent her to the hospital. Her father probably brought so many people here to make trouble!"

Before, she thought that Jiang Ning dared to be so arrogant because she had a stronger background, but now it seems that this is not the case.

Jiang Ning rubbed his forehead with some headaches, "I'm just defending myself, what can he do?"

Having said that, she still has some worries in her heart.

If Qin Dayong strongly asked the school to expel him, I am afraid the school would have nothing to say.

Just thinking about it, the head of the department called.

Jiang Ning put down the phone, showing a little helplessness.

"What did Director Xu say?" Sun Mengying asked worriedly.

Jiang Ning sighed and put away the phone.

"Let me go to the principal's office! Forget it, it's a disaster!"

Meanwhile, the principal's office.

Qin Dayong was sitting on the sofa, lighting a pipe while lifting his two bulky legs onto the tea table, his greasy face was full of dissatisfaction.

The head of the department and the principal stood aside and spoke for their students, but the attitude of the other side was very firm.

"Principal Liu, I know you intend to protect your students, but as a member of the school board, I firmly do not allow such misbehaving students to go rampant in our school!"

"Mr. Qin, in fact, many students can see it. It is really Ling Qianjin who made the first move. Jiang Ning just blocked it, yes."

Director Xu just wanted to explain what he had learned, but just halfway through the explanation, the other party went into a rage.

"What do you mean? According to what you mean, my daughter is looking for a fight, right?"

When Qin Dayong got up, he kicked over the water glass on the coffee table, and the glass shards splashed all over the floor.

"As a father, how can I not understand my Shanshan's character? She is usually as docile as a lamb, she doesn't speak loudly, so how could she do anything to her classmates?"

As he said that, he cast his sharp eyes on the silent principal, "Principal Liu, I think this Director Xu is pouring dirty water on my daughter here to protect his students!"

The principal pondered for a moment, then said carefully, "Mr. Qin, what Director Xu said is actually the truth."

The principal cherishes talents, and he still hopes to focus on cultivating students with excellent character and learning like Jiang Ning, so he also wants to restore the true situation of the whole incident.

However, Qin Dayong still didn't give the principal face, but interrupted angrily: "I think you are distorting the facts!"


"Liu Shiyan, let me tell you, if you don't give me a satisfactory solution to this matter, I will never end with the school!
"Don't even think about the new campus that is under construction! And I have to disband the school board. The future construction of Yunda has nothing to do with me, Qin Dayong!"

Principal Liu's face was a little ugly.


The school board of directors was established by Qin Dayong, and its function is equivalent to a school foundation. Several school board members regularly allocate some education funds to the foundation every year, which is a considerable income for the school.

Although the school will not rely on these funds to operate, it has to be admitted that this fund will still bring a lot of convenience to the school.

Without this fund, many academic programs in the school will be stranded.

Moreover, if the new campus is shut down this year, a series of chain troubles will follow.

The principal weighed the pros and cons, and felt that expelling a student seemed to have less loss.

Just as he was about to speak, a somewhat cold voice came from the door.

"Looks like my money has been spent somewhere!"

The three people in the office looked towards the door in unison.

Except for Director Xu, Qin Dayong and the principal were all taken aback when they saw clearly.

The headmaster was startled and hesitated for a while before saying, "Ayu, why are you here? When did you come?"

Lu Yu leaned against the door frame with a relaxed expression.

With one hand in his pocket, he responded slowly: "I'm here with Mr. Qin, I have something to do with you!"

Qin Dayong smiled awkwardly, the fat on his face trembling.

Then he immediately stepped forward obsequiously, and extended his right hand towards the other party.

"It seems that I'm still here today. I didn't expect to meet Mr. Lu here! Hahaha"

Lu Yu squinted at the fat hoof in front of him, then deliberately ignored him, and walked into the office while rubbing his body.

"Uncle Liu knows that I have always wanted to contribute to the cause of education, and I have mentioned it a long time ago, but you rejected me!"

Principal Liu looked at a loss, as if he didn't understand what the other party meant.

Until the accountant called and said that Stargate Entertainment had transferred 6000 million education funds to the school's account.

"I have long disliked the board of directors of Yunda University, why not take this opportunity to disband it!" Lu Yu said with a half-smile.

As soon as this remark came out, Qin Dayong beside him panicked.

The purpose of his establishment of the school board is to gain a good reputation from the outside world. In the name of contributing to the cause of education, he can obtain convenience for many projects at hand.

The cooperation with Yunda for so many years can be regarded as mutual benefit.

What he said just now was just to put a little pressure on the principal, and he never thought that someone would borrow the slope to get off the car.

After thinking about it, he immediately walked over with a stern face and said with a lost smile, "Mr. Lu, I was joking with Principal Liu just now!"

Lu Yu glanced at him with raised eyes, and then said with a smile: "So after this incident, you should know that some jokes can't be taken!"

Qin Dayong waved his hands again and again, "No, no, Mr. Lu, listen to me, the school board cannot be disbanded, after all these years the Yunda school board has always been."

Before he could finish speaking, the phone rang in his pocket.

After answering the phone, that fat face became extremely ugly.

However, just after answering one call, he made several more calls after that, and his complexion became livid along with these calls.

Lu Yu continued to smile from the side and said, "I forgot to say that the school board will not be dissolved, but the leader will be replaced.

"As soon as the people you recruited heard that I was going to take over the school board, they were rushing here now!"

Apart from Qin Dayong, even Director Xu, who has the lowest sense of presence, is amazed at the current wave of operations.

Not to mention how enjoyable it is to see the arrogant Qin Dayong so deflated.

Principal Liu was so shocked by the changes that happened within a few minutes that he couldn't even close his mouth.

"So Ayu, are you making the school board change hands?"

"Uncle Liu, don't you think I'm more suitable to be your partner than Mr. Qin?"


Qin Dayong was so anxious that he was sweating profusely. He wanted to say how much he had contributed to the school, but before he could say anything, he received a call from the company's finance manager, saying that there was a sudden extra sum in his account. Construction money.

"Boss Qin? I've already refunded your investment over the years with interest. Go back and check to see if the amount is correct!"

Qin Dayong's back was covered with cold sweat, and he could only suffer from this dumb loss for a while.

Could it be that the Demon King Lu was backing up that Jiang Ning?

He wanted to say something more, but found that he had been completely ignored.

Until Lu Yu smiled and hinted that Principal Liu had issued an order to evict the guests.

Director Xu, who was also ignored, had found an excuse to leave first.

Qin Dayong's face was dark, and finally he couldn't help asking: "President Xiao Lu, you and I have no grievances, why are you doing this to me?"

Lu Yu raised his eyebrows, showing a somewhat innocent expression.

"Boss Qin's words are interesting. According to you, the student you asked to be expelled has no grievances or enmities with you. Aren't you killing everyone?"

When Qin Dayong heard it, he thought it was really because of that damn girl!

He said angrily, "It was that dead girl who broke my daughter's hand."

"I just watched the video, it seems that your daughter did it first, and she did it out of self-defense."

"A Yu, how do you know?" Principal Liu asked from the side.

"I happened to see your school's forum."

Lu Yu took out his phone while responding, then turned to the page of the school forum and handed it to the other party.

When Principal Liu saw it, he immediately showed the picture to Qin Dayong, whose face had switched from black to green countless times.

"This is just one of them. If it was really such a light push, how could my daughter's hand be broken?" Qin Dayong objected.

"Maybe your daughter is a glass person!" Lu Yu said quietly.


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