Song Xiuyue got a satisfactory result, but in order to show that his main purpose is for money, he decided to do enough tricks.

Moreover, he just happened to be short of money recently.

"In that case, then I heard that the Jiang Group will have some kind of nonsense appreciation reception next month, right? Then I'll go there and ask your fake father for money.

"Our Song family treats it as selling their daughter, and we have to get back the money from selling the daughter, just to see how much you are worth in your fake father's heart!"

Jiang Ying gritted her teeth and looked at the man's foolish look, she knew that since the man could say something, he would definitely do it.

In all these years, how could she not be crushed to death by such similar words?
"Song Xiuyue, what are you going to do to let me go?"

"Sister, this is too serious for you, we both have the same blood in our bodies!"

Jiang Ying was almost driven crazy, and finally could only agree to give him 500 million.

"But after the 500 million is given to you this time, we have to sign a clearing agreement."

Song Xiuyue slanted his lips and smiled wildly, "Sign it, sign ten copies! I don't abide by the agreement, do you dare to take it to sue me?"

Seeing the girl's anger and fear, he restrained his smile and said, "Don't worry, this is the last time!"


Jiang Ying really didn't have anything valuable to sell, so she could only bite the bullet and ask Qin Zihao for help.

Knowing that the man is not kind to her, but she really has no other way to go right now.


At nine o'clock in the evening, Jiang Ying had just walked into the clubhouse where she had made an appointment to meet her, and she was greeted with a loud slap across the face.

There was a buzzing sound in the ears, and a large area of ​​emerald green came into view.

The daughter of the Bai family, an old rich man in the north of the city, stood there proudly in a green coat and green skirt, with a green beret on her head, which was particularly eye-catching.

The green color of this body is also implying something.

"Whose family's little fox did I think it was, it turned out to be Miss Jiang's family who almost went bankrupt.

"What's the matter? Jiang Tianhua has no money again? Is this asking his daughter to sell him?"

Jiang Ying came back to her senses, and also responded with a cold face: "The young lady from the nouveau riche family is vulgar, and she really has a dirty heart, and everything is dirty."


This time, it was no longer Bai Fei'er's hand that slapped Jiang Ying's face, but her personal bodyguard - a man who was over 185 in height and covered in flesh.

"Smelly shameless woman, dare to talk to Miss Bai like that, she's tired of work, isn't she?"

Bai Fei'er stepped forward, staring fiercely at the girl who was bleeding from the corner of her mouth.

"Do you dare to say that you didn't come to sleep with Qin Zihao today?"

Jiang Ying sneered coldly: "Miss Bai, do you want to go to the box on the second floor with me?

"But let me tell you the truth, if it's not what you think, I will definitely repay the two slaps just now!"

Bai Fei'er looked at her with eyes full of contempt, "It's better not, otherwise I will definitely strip you naked and throw you out!"

5 minute later.

The door of compartment 222 was opened, and a man wearing only a pair of boxers opened the door.


The next second, the door was slammed shut.

Jiang Ying had already petrified in place, and her two black and white eyes were full of panic.

In the box, even if Qin Zihao used his toes to think, he would never have thought that Jiang Ying would appear with Bai Fei'er.

Unfortunately, he really thought that Jiang Ying took the initiative to ask him to borrow money because he understood his hint, but he didn't expect that he was digging holes for him.

Outside the door, Bai Fei'er was standing in the corridor with her arms folded, that touch of green was particularly dazzling.

She still glared at Jiang Ying angrily, with a clear expression on her face, "I see what else you have to say!"

Although Jiang Ying guessed that Qin Zihao had no good intentions for her, she dared to come to the appointment at such a late hour because the other party invited her to a club instead of a hotel.

How could this wretched man be so bold!
"Miss Bai, it's not what you think!" She hurriedly opened her mouth to explain.

"What else can I think, I'm not blind!" Bai Fei'er said through gritted teeth, and then sternly said to her bodyguard: "Take this bitch downstairs to the lobby for me."

Immediately, she knocked on the box door roughly.

Qin Zihao had already put on his clothes, and said to her with a playful smile, "baby, why did you come here?"

Without saying a word, Bai Fei'er directly dragged the man by the crooked tie and dragged him to the lobby on the first floor.

Nine o'clock is the golden time of the clubhouse, and there are many guests coming and going in the lobby.

Seeing such a lively scene, everyone can't help but look twice.

Especially the protagonists are all well-known sons and daughters in Yunzhou City.

The marriage of Bai Fei'er and Qin Zihao has long been known to everyone, but it is also an open secret that Qin Zihao spends his days out messing around.

So "Miss Bai tearing Xiao San up with her hands" is nothing new.

However, today's "little three" is surprising.

"Oh my god, isn't that Jiang Ying, the daughter of the Jiang Group and the flower Jiangying of the University of Yun? Why did you get together with the young master Qin?"

"That's right, Jiang Ying has such a good condition who is not good to find. She has to find Bai Fei'er's man. The key point is that this man is greasy and ugly. Is she blind?"

"Maybe it's true love!"

In order to prevent more embarrassing things from happening, Jiang Ying no longer cared about embarrassment, but hurriedly explained to Bai Fei'er about her and Qin Zihao.

"Miss Bai, it's really not what you see..."

"That's right, dear, it's really not what you saw!" Qin Zihao interrupted, then looked at Bai Fei'er sincerely and said: "It's Jiang Ying who fooled me, let me wash it off Wait for her!
"She also provoked me to say that there is a tigress in my house, which I would never dare to do!
"You know men always save face, how can I lose face, right?
"Honey, she's deliberately tricking me!"

Jiang Ying was stunned by the other party's brazen remarks, and even the palm wind in her ear seemed to become much smaller.

Bai Fei'er took a slap that was not satisfying, and she slapped loudly with her backhand.

"Tigress? You even used 36 tricks to hook a man!
"Who said you would give me two slaps back just now? Ha! Slapped yourself on the face?"


Jiang Ying's coiled hair was loosened, her cheeks were already swollen like buns, and tears of humiliation welled up in her dark eyes.

Her lips trembled as she tried to make a sound, but she couldn't make a sound.

Qin Zihao hurriedly stepped forward and pulled Bai Fei'er aside first, "Honey, calm down first, calm down, didn't I fall for her tricks too! Let's stay classy, ​​stay classy..."

After speaking, he stepped forward to Jiang Ying and said, "I said Jiang Ying, if you want me to help, I will help."

While speaking, he winked wildly at the other party, and the phrase "I want to help" in his mouth also had a bit of warning and meaning.

"I don't ask you for anything in return for helping me. You just need to come to me less in the future, do you hear me?"

Jiang Ying stared at him with beautiful eyes full of tears.

But at this moment, she really couldn't do anything other than kill with eyes.


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