Bai Fei'er crossed her arms and spoke sarcastically.

"I'm talking about Qin Zihao, you're really sympathetic! What's the matter? I'm afraid I'll let Gu Feng pick her up?"

"Honey, how could such an elegant person like you do such a vulgar thing? Forget it, little girls want to save face!"

Qin Zihao deliberately wanted to protect Jiang Ying, so he tried his best not to make things worse.

However, Bai Fei'er was also known for her willful and reckless behavior. She threatened to strip off Xiao San's clothes and throw them on the road, which was definitely not just talking.

How could Jiang Ying, who has learned piano, chess, calligraphy and painting since childhood, be the opponent of Bai Feier, who has studied judo since childhood?
The entrance of the clubhouse with neon lights.

Bai Fei'er grabbed Jiang Ying's hair and dragged her to the side of the road like a dog.

Although she didn't really strip off the other party's clothes as she said, Jiang Ying's coat was already in disarray, and the neckline of the bottoming skirt was also torn a big hole.

"This time it's just a warning, if I find you seduce my fiance next time, I will definitely throw you naked on the street!"

The crowd of onlookers sighed and expressed sympathy for Miss Jiang.

Under the blurred night, Jiang Ying covered her face with her long hair and fled the scene in embarrassment.

Before he could run far, he received a message from Qin Zihao——

[500 million has been transferred to your account, don't let Mayfair know about you and me!Also, don't forget about our partnership! 】


Jiang Ying tightly clutched her phone and boarded a taxi.

She didn't dare to go back to Jiang's house directly, but went to her best friend's place to change into neat clothes.

Seeing her like this, even her girlfriends didn't dare to ask what happened. Instead, they learned about what happened in the club more than an hour ago from the Internet after she left.

The Internet is really a convenient and terrifying thing!

It was difficult for Jiang Ying's red and swollen face to go away in a short time.

Afraid of worrying Ye Lan, she put on a mask in advance and lied that she had a cold.

Ye Lan didn't think much about it, she just asked her to rest early, and made an appointment with Mrs. Zhou for afternoon tea tomorrow.

"Okay, good night mom!"


The next afternoon, Mansion No. [-].

Mrs. Zhou arrived more than half an hour earlier than the agreed time.

After busy work, Ye Lan made coffee and baked some snacks by herself.

Jiang Ying was obediently sitting in the living room chatting with Mrs. Zhou, but she vaguely felt that the other party's attitude towards her was different from before.

"Aunt Wang, have you changed your skin care products recently? Your skin has improved again!"

Mrs. Zhou smiled faintly, "Yingying really picks out something that makes people feel comfortable!"

"What people say is true!"

Mrs. Zhou didn't make a sound, but sipped her coffee in a thoughtful state.

After a long time, she suddenly said: "Yingying, don't blame Auntie for talking too much, I'm only telling you these things for your own good."

Jiang Ying's heart trembled violently when she heard the sound, and she was inexplicably shrouded in an ominous premonition.

"Auntie, tell me, I'll listen."

"I know you young people advocate freedom in love, but there must always be a bottom line, right?"

Because of her personal marital status, Mrs. Zhou hated Xiaosan to the bottom of her heart.

She saw the hot search on the Internet early in the morning, and immediately felt a little disgusted with Jiang Ying.

Originally, she didn't even want to go to today's appointment, but because she and Jiang Ying still hit it off, she finally decided to come over and explain to each other.

Jiang Ying hadn't had time to go online yet, so she didn't know that yesterday's incident was posted on the Internet.

She asked with some doubts: "Auntie, where did you start?"

Ye Lan came over with a plate of cut fruits.

"Mrs. Zhou, my Yingying is so stupid in studying now, and she is still in love! I hope she will go out and have a relationship while she is young.

"But for her, she either sits in the piano room and practices the piano for a whole day; Proficient in 13 languages..."

Mrs. Zhou heard the other party's showing off, but she said with disdain: "Ye Lan, it's important for a girl to be versatile, but character is the most important thing!"

Hearing the sound, Ye Lan immediately frowned, her face obviously gloomy.

She thought that although the other party was a high-ranking and powerful person, he should pay attention to his words.

"Mrs. Zhou, I can't understand what you said. Is there something wrong with my Yingying's character?"

"Is there any question? Didn't I just start asking her?"

Mrs. Zhou continued to drink her coffee, looking coldly at the girl beside her who was not in a good mood.

"Jiang Ying, what's going on between you and the son of Qin Dayong's family?"

Jiang Ying shook the cup she just picked up, and the hot coffee spilled all over her body.


When Mrs. Zhou spread the crazy video on the Internet in front of the mother and daughter, Ye Lan was so angry that she almost lost her breath.

She really couldn't believe that it was her daughter Jiang Ying who was pulling her hair and was in a mess in the video.

"Qin Dayong's son and Bai Qiucheng's daughter got engaged last year. Although that kid from the Qin family spends his days messing around, everyone knows that his relationship with those girls is just buying a few bags at most, but Jiang Ying What are you planning?" Mrs. Zhou asked, frowning.

Jiang Ying's face was pale, but she kept explaining that it was a misunderstanding.

"It's Bai Fei'er who is too domineering and doesn't give people a chance to explain."

"What are you explaining? Even Qin Zihao himself said that you asked him out!"

"I didn't. It was because he poured dirty water on me to explain to Bai Fei'er and to cover up his obscene thoughts."

While explaining, Jiang Ying cast a begging look at Ye Lan, hoping that the other party could say a few words for her.

However, at this moment, Ye Lan only felt that Mrs. Zhou had trampled on her face severely, so how could she spare her reason to care about her daughter's grievances.

Especially since she knows what Mrs. Zhou is most taboo about!
"Jiang Ying, I also hope that someone deliberately smeared you. You don't need to explain to me, the most important thing you should do now is to silence those rumors on the Internet.

"You said it was Qin Zihao who poured dirty water on you, then you should wash yourself off.

"I'm here today to tell you this, so please do it yourself.

"I'm sorry Ye Lan, you know me well, so I don't want to have too much to do with your Jiang family until your mess is resolved.

"The coffee is delicious, I hope I will have the opportunity to drink it in the future!"

After Mrs. Zhou finished speaking, she picked up her coat and got up to leave.

The oven dinged.

Jiang Ying whimpered and explained, but her voice sounded like annoying flies buzzing to Ye Lan.

"Cry, cry, cry, you still have the guts to cry for what you did!"

"Mom, that's not the case. I have nothing to do with Qin Zihao at all. I just went to ask him for a favor. I really didn't do anything shameful."

"It's useless to explain to me. Didn't you hear what Mrs. Zhou said? Go quiet the rumors on the Internet!"


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