Xianyun Village is a small mountain village located in Mao County under Yunzhou.

It is far away from the city, surrounded by mountains and rivers, and the natural environment and climate are very good.

There is a large sanatorium in the village, in which many people who have recovered from illnesses live in recuperation.

At that time, Song Xiuyue would often go to the mountains to hunt game, and the five-year-old Song Ning would wait for his elder brother who had returned with a full load at the intersection down the mountain.

"I remember that day when the sun went down, I went to the foot of the mountain to wait for my brother as usual.

"When I passed the ancient bridge at the entrance of the village, I saw a big brother in a white shirt sitting on the railing of the bridge, looking very dangerous.

"I walked over to remind him that the ancient bridge is old and the railings are at risk of loosening.

"When the eldest brother turned his head, I realized that he was crying."

Jiang Ning talked about these things like an outsider.

She didn't observe the expression of the man beside her, but told all the stories he wanted to know in one breath.

"He may have been frightened when he saw me, and almost fell into the river, but fortunately, he has good arm strength, so he just clung to the bridge railing to get up.

"We sat by the bridge and chatted for a while, and he said that the sunset here is beautiful, dyeing the green mountains and rivers red.

"I asked him why he was crying and he said he didn't have a mum anymore!
"His dad and the rest of the family didn't like him, and that's why he was sent here to recuperate when he wasn't sick at all.

"I told him it's okay, the villagers in Xianyun Village are very nice, they can regard this place as his home and the villagers as their family.

"He smiled, and he looked good when he smiled, and that was the first time I felt that there was a boy who was more beautiful than my brother in this world!
"We became friends that day. He said I was a cute little sister, and I said he was a better big brother than my own brother..."

Having said that, Jiang Ning stopped and didn't make another sound for a long time.

She fell into a distant memory, recalling the parting she faced when she first met.

Lu Yu listened quietly, seemingly calm on the surface, but a turbulent wave had already set off in his heart, which almost drowned him.

His eyes locked that strange yet familiar face like a big lock, but he couldn't find the girl's innocence back then.

Jiang Ning continued: "I have only been with him for more than two months, and he was picked up by an old man.

"I cried that day, but luckily it rained a lot that day, he shouldn't be able to tell whether it was rain or tears on my face.

"When he left, he gave me an emerald pendant, shaped like a small bottle, and said he would come back to me ten years later, and we could recognize each other by this token.

"Unfortunately, I was picked up by the Jiang family not long after, and then sent to Huazhou, country M, and I didn't return until this year.

"I don't know if he has returned to Xianyun Village to look for me..."

"Why didn't you take the initiative to find him after you returned to China?"

Lu Yu finally couldn't help but interjected, his hoarse voice had a broken trill.

The girl's story brought back memories he had long forgotten.

He found himself looking for the little girl who saved him at the Mandon River, but ignored the little sister who had half cured him.

But what is she talking about now?
The young man rescued at the Mandon River is like her old friend, so this old man is...

A hazy thought gradually became clear, and there seemed to be a trapped animal trying to break through the shackles of the cage in the deep eyes.

Xianyun Village, the emerald pendant in the shape of a small bottle, the sunset by the bridge, the cute little girl...

The fragments of these memories will soon be pieced together into complete fragments.

But Jiang Ning suddenly said with a little frustration: "I don't know how to find him, and I don't know if he can still recognize me, and I lost the token he sent."

The jadeite pendant was the only valuable item she brought to Jiang's house, but she lost it.

If she can't find it, there will be a big regret in her life.

"Maybe...you can find him without a token, he..."

Lu Yu's words were interrupted in the middle.

Jiang Ning turned her head to look at him, a bit of helplessness accumulated on her dull face.

"He won't recognize me."

Because she knew that she could no longer find a trace of her innocence back then.

The two pairs of pitch-black pupils stared at each other.

At this time, Lu Yu had an illusion——

He felt that the girl across from him had already recognized him, and the reason why she didn't say anything was to see if he could recognize her in the same way.

All of this is her deliberate temptation...

However, this illusion lasted only for a moment.

Because the next moment the girl avoided his sight, and the lowered eyebrows concealed the trace of regret and sadness.

"I've told you everything you want to know, are you satisfied?"

The corners of Lu Yu's mouth curled imperceptibly, and when he spoke again, his voice was much softer.

"you like him?"

"Brother, I was five years old that year, and Luo Keke was only so old, what do you like?" Jiang Ning responded angrily.

Those things she didn't want to mention were brought up, which made her feel inexplicably restless.

She got out of bed and went to the balcony.


The rainy night is bleak and lonely.

Jiang Ning tightened the torn home clothes, her thoughts still drifted back to the rainy day when she parted from the boy in white.

She will never forget that slender white figure under the setting sun for the rest of her life.

The boy always walked through the fields at sunset, wearing a clean white shirt and light-colored jeans, with short hair blown to and fro by the wilderness wind.

Under the setting sun, that faint smile perfectly interprets "Moshang is like jade, and the son is unparalleled in the world".

It stands to reason that five years old is not the age of first love, but when she reached the age of first love, even though many outstanding boys confessed to her, she only had the memory of five years old...

Jiang Ning was a little bored, and suddenly caught sight of the cigarettes and lighters on the window sill.

She smoked, but quit long ago.

At this time, she suddenly missed the feeling of using tobacco to numb herself, so she reached out and picked one up and put it in her mouth.

A small cluster of blue flames flashed before the eyes, and bursts of white mist curled up in the bleak rainy night.

Suddenly, a big hand took the cigarette she had just lit out of her mouth.

"Who allowed you to touch it?" Lu Yu asked with a straight face.

Jiang Ning thought that he was angry because she smoked his cigarette, so she curled her lips and said, "Brother, it's just a cigarette, don't be so stingy!"

"Who allowed you to smoke?"

Jiang Ning froze.

After staring at each other for a long time, I picked my lips and said, "I'm an adult, who else needs permission to smoke a cigarette?"

"My consent will be required in the future."

Seeing the serious and bluffing look of the other party, Jiang Ning smiled lightly and lowered her eyebrows.


After speaking, he lay down on the railing of the terrace and watched the thin and dense rain under the shadow of the lamp.

Lu Yu put the cigarette she had smoked in his mouth and took a puff, then walked to her side and watched the outside with him.

"You said... the drowning youth you rescued in the Manden River looks like an old friend, is that the one you just mentioned?"


"like him?"


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