Jiang Ning's two beautiful eyebrows were tightly wrinkled together.

She doesn't quite understand why this man is so obsessed with whether he likes someone today.

"Lu Yu, do you like me? That's why you care so much about who I like?"

"Of course I don't like that my wife has other men in her heart, and it's embarrassing to spread it!" Lu Yu replied, looking at her intently.

Jiang Ning turned around, and stared straight at him with shallow eyes, with a bit of feigned firmness.

"Yeah, I like him, what to do!"

After the words fell, the man smiled lightly and asked her another inexplicable question.

"Want to smoke?"

Jiang Ning's heart trembled because of the smile just now, and she nodded subconsciously without listening to what the other party said.

Immediately, a strong smoke of tobacco rushed straight into her mouth, causing her to cough violently.

But Lu Yu pressed her forehead and said quietly: "Next time I find you smoking, I will use this method to make you smoke."

"You are sick..."

A kiss blocked what she was about to say.

And the emotion conveyed by this kiss also made her hard to figure out.

This man seems to have never been so gentle, meticulous, persuasive and seductive.

Jiang Ning is crazy.

She really wanted to push him away, but somehow felt that this was what she had been looking forward to.

In this regard, he seems to have always been a master, and he can easily tease her to surrender automatically every time.

On the dimly lit balcony, the two hugged and kissed each other, carrying on the unfinished business.

The damp cold wind blew Jiang Ning's shoulders.

She said coldly.

In the next second, she was carried back into the warm room like a child.

This man seemed to be particularly keen on kissing tonight.

He kissed her long, almost reverently.

While Jiang Ning was forced to bear it, she subconsciously responded.

Just like the night before in Taiyun Mountain.

Until the smell of tobacco dissipated, what enveloped her was a familiar and reassuring smell of agarwood mixed with mint.


Afterwards, the man did not leave as before, but hugged her and fell into a colorful dream together.

When Jiang Ning woke up in the middle of the night.

The man's even and long breathing was heard beside his ears, and his long iron-like arms were around his waist.

This seemed to be the first time she fell asleep so close to him, and it also made her feel what it was like to be bumped by a deer for the first time.

If she really had a deer in her heart, she would probably have fainted by now.

She turned over cautiously, and stared at the face in front of her at close range by the faint light of the night light.

This man was indeed good-looking, and his facial features were so exquisite that they seemed to be carved by the hand of God.

It's just that Jiang Ning still can't understand his abnormality, but she is addicted to the current state.

At a certain moment, she had a wonderful illusion——

As if he was the one he loved deeply.

Holding this dreamlike illusion, she fell into a colorful dream again.

The dream is no longer bloody and rainy, but a fairytale beauty.


The next day, the cloudy and rainy weather finally cleared up, and the warm sun of early winter revealed a bit of laziness.

Jiang Ning woke up in a warm embrace, and received a good morning kiss the moment she opened her eyes.

She froze in place.

The brain rotated at high speed for a moment, and then entered a dead state.

She was wondering if the relationship between them had been sublimated?

Or is she dreaming?

So she closed her eyes again and opened them again.

In front of her eyes is still that handsome face that is evil and flamboyant, and those eyes that are as captivating as a thousand-year-old fox demon.

It was rare to see such a cute and silly side of a girl, and Lu Yu felt teased.

He chuckled, "Mrs. Lu, good morning!"

Jiang Ning ignored the waist tightly clasped by him, and just looked up at him blankly.

After a long time, she swallowed hard and asked, "You...don't have a fever?"

Lu Yu raised his eyebrows, "No."

The story she told yesterday has already loaded his blocked memory, and her story also made him clear who the person who really rescued him from the Manden River was.

It turned out that his strong intuition was so accurate.

God knows what kind of surprise and ecstasy he felt when he knew the truth last night.

It felt like my heart, which had been empty for a long time, was suddenly filled to the brim.

The white moonlight in his heart had already shone back to his side.

The person in his arms was breaking free, and he grabbed it back aggressively.

"Run what?"

Jiang Ning didn't dare to look directly at him.

His eyes like a dry well were like the rising tide of sea water, and the churning waves rolled her into the bottom of the water, almost drowning her.

"You... what happened to you all of a sudden?"

Jiang Ning was wondering if she had done some unbelievable actions to him before, so what he did was actually imitating revenge?
"What? Do you want me to be the kind of person who doesn't recognize anyone when I put on my pants?"


The two started the entanglement mode early in the morning.

Not only did Jiang Ning's entanglement not produce any results, but sparks were sparked after the entanglement.

The warm sun penetrating through the curtains poured down in large swaths, stirring up the beauty of the room.


Lu Yu didn't tell Jiang Ning the fact that he was the big brother back then, and he didn't tell her the fact that he was the young man who was fished out of the Mandeng River.

First, he had to verify some issues;
Secondly, he hoped that one day the other party would recognize him by himself.

He was a little overwhelmed with emotion, and rushed to tell his therapist that his hunch was right.

At noon, Wei Lan Clinic.

After receiving the last patient, Wei Lan locked the door of the office casually.

He walked into the sleeping cabin, and looked at the man on the sleeping couch with a little resentment.

"I said, can you stop always running around when I have patients?"

"Feel sorry."

This apology directly blocked Wei Lan's mouth, and he thought to himself when did that guy learn to apologize?

After hesitating for a few seconds, he waved his hands and sat down on the chair.

"Forget it, it's not me that you want to say sorry, just now that patient has severe sea phobia, and I was just trying to do hypnotherapy for him.

"If you break in the door suddenly, if the patient under hypnosis wakes up, I can't even imagine the consequences.

"You want me to have a medical accident!"

Lu Yu sat up from the sleeping couch and spoke softly.

"I'm responsible for the accident."

Wei Lan glanced at him quietly, "By the way, isn't it about your wife? Why didn't you bring her?"

"She's a bit tired!"


"Lan, that little girl back then wasn't Xu Yiran, nor was it a shadow I imagined, it was Jiang Ning."

Lu Yu's words directly choked Wei Lan who was drinking water.

After a burst of earth-shattering coughing, Wei Lan wiped his mouth and said that his condition had worsened.

"You, you, you, you should hurry up and lie down on the hypnosis chair outside, and I will talk to you."

"I'm not confused, what I said is true." Lu Yu argued, and then completely restored what happened yesterday.

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