Judging from the source of the whole incident, Zhu Zicheng is actually a victim.

This baby show is a project that Xiong Taisheng single-handedly grasped, and the amount of investment is very large.

Zhu Zicheng had known for a long time that he had selfish intentions to praise his sons and daughters for their debut, but the facts were indeed as he said——

It's a win-win thing.

Anyway, small guests are invited, who is not invited?

It's a pity that neither Xiong Taisheng himself nor Zhu Zicheng would have thought that there would be the biggest unsettling factor in the show, let alone that this unsettling factor would eventually kill the show!

With Zhu Zicheng as the director, the program was like his child's. The child died early, and the old father naturally found it difficult to accept it for a while.

He chose to broadcast those tidbits, which can be regarded as an explanation to himself and to the audience who have been looking forward to this show.

However, an excellent director is not necessarily a good publicist.

How could Zhu Zicheng have thought that the broadcast of some tidbits would bring so much trouble to the lives of the guests.

Those so-called hot spots are basically the hot spots of the guests.

Now that Xiong Taisheng is not around, he has to take the blame.

Fan Ye insisted that the program group make a public apology, and explained to the outside world that the scenes broadcast in those tidbits were only to create the effect of the program.

Xu Jiayan agreed and arranged for Zhu Zicheng to do so.

As for the demands of other guests, it is nothing more than asking the program team to explain the untrue content shown in those tidbits.

It was relatively easy to deal with these problems, but it was Wei Zhi who was in trouble.

Behind Wei Zhi is GuoTV Media. She came to participate in the recording of the program. On the surface, it was said that she was saving the situation, but in fact Xiong Taisheng had already discussed with GuoTV.

State TV only knew that Wei Zhi and that Lu were always childhood sweethearts, so they wanted to use the two of them to hype CP on the show to create heat.

Xiong Taisheng has his own selfishness, so he only told the other party that Lu Yu participated in the show as an amateur, concealing the true identity of the other amateur.

If the relevant person in charge of the national TV party had known that the other amateur was actually the legitimate Mrs. Lu, they would never have allowed their artist to go into this troubled water.

So the current situation is-

The person in charge of State TV accused Tudou TV of concealing the real situation when inviting the guests, causing the guests to blindly cooperate without knowing the real situation.

As a result, the effect of the program was there, but in the end it seriously affected its own image.

After those tidbits were broadcast, there were a lot of Wei Zhi's black fans on the Internet, and they all reviled her for having the potential to be the third.

Xiong Taisheng should have come forward when this kind of thing happened, but now this mess has been dumped on Xu Jiayan.

There was a knock on the office door, and the secretary said that Special Assistant Wu from Stargate had come.

Xu Jiayan pinched the center of his brows with a headache, and asked the secretary to lead the person to the reception room first.

Immediately afterwards, the office door was pushed open.

Wu Fei squeezed into the office from the secretary, "Xu Tai, all I have to say is a few words, and I'll leave when I'm done."


He didn't shy away from the people present, but said in a very serious tone: "I know that the station wants to make hit shows, but I think we still have to abide by the bottom line."

As he said that, he deliberately glanced at Wei Zhi and Fang Yu on the sofa, and continued: "Miss Wei suddenly appeared on the show and targeted my wife everywhere, no one can say for sure whether the script is well designed or not.

"My Mr. Lu is on this show for his wife. It is understandable that Mr. Lu wants to use Mr. Lu to create a hot spot, but it hurts my wife...

"Mr. Lu only has one sentence for me to convey to your station——

"My wife is vegetarian, I am vegetarian, but we are not vegetarian!"


Within five hours, all related videos and Internet topics related to "Baby Adventures" were taken off the shelves.

Tudou Channel and the entire "Baby Adventures" program group were directly scolded on the trending searches, and at the same time faced various compensations.

Xu Jiayan, who took over as the director of the station, was in a state of desperation and didn't know where to start to deal with the problem.

That night, he hurried to Stargate Entertainment, and waited all night under that office building.

the next morning.

Wu Fei first received a call from Lu's HR, who asked him to report to the Lu's Group's advertising department.

The advertising department was under Lu Zhijie's management, and Lu Liting arranged for Lu Yu's people to work with his father, making it clear that he wanted to mess with their father and son's affairs.

star bay.

Lu Yu couldn't help laughing when he heard the news from Wu Fei.

"It is said that ginger is spicy when it is old, but this old man is not as spicy as me."

"President Lu, are you going to..."

"No plan, no matter what Lu Zhijie does, you don't have to report to me, just keep an eye on Lu Yan when you get to the Lu family!"


"Anything else?"

"Oh, and just now on the way here, I received a call from Xu Jiayan. He said that he had waited all night downstairs at the Star Gate. I hope you can find time to meet him."


"Mr. Lu, then I... am I going to report to the Lu family right now?"

Lu Yu, who was brushing the tablet with his head down, didn't look up, nor did he see the resentment on the assistant's face, but raised his hand and said, "Let's go."

Such indifference made Wu Fei look like a resentful woman. He said "goodbye" and walked out the door.

When going out, Lu Yu's faint voice sounded behind him——

"I will definitely let you come back before the new year, and I will give you a one-month holiday during the Chinese New Year."

Wu Fei immediately changed from a defeated rooster to one that had been bloodied.

"Don't worry, Mr. Lu, I must be the deepest nail you nailed into the Lu family."

"Report on the first day and don't be late."


In the restaurant, Jiang Ning was sitting at the table with her chin in her hands, her blinking black eyes were full of mist.

From their conversation just now, it seems that Lu Yu intends to get Wu Fei to the Lu family.

And the show "Baby Adventures" seems to be a trap set by him.

What Jiang Ning couldn't understand was that the cooperation with Tudou TV was a big project that Stargate could only make a profit from. Why did he kill that project himself?

"Lu Yu, I think you are a mystery."

A sudden voice drew the man's attention away.

Lu Yu put down the tablet in his hand, got up and walked over, his face changed from his usual indifference, and he smiled brightly.

Those deep and cold eyes were only focused and pampered at this moment.

"Huh? Just wait for Mrs. Lu to solve my mystery."

"I think we should sit down and have a good chat. Don't you think our relationship is a little... No, no, no, it's not a little bit, is it seriously off the track?"

Lu Yu sat down opposite her, and replied solemnly: "No!"

Jiang Ning choked.

She was embarrassed to say some things too bluntly, so after serious thinking, she asked cryptically: " Between us... do some things happen... ahem...too frequently?"

Seeing her dodging eyes and the blush on her face, Lu Yu immediately understood what she wanted to say, but at this moment he deliberately asked her what "something" meant.


"Jiang Ning, do you remember that you asked me if I liked you?"


"I ask you if I say yes, can we go both ways?"

Jiang Ning hesitated for a long time before speaking.

"what do you want to say in the end?"

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