When Lu Yu was about to speak, there was a "tiger roar" from the door——

"Little brother, you can do it, your sister and I finally invested in a project, and you actually cut my project yourself!"

The person who came was Luo Xi. She had just founded a brokerage company a while ago, and "Baby Adventures" was her first investment project.

It was through her face that Rococo was able to be included in the show.

Originally, she thought that the cooperation with Xingmen in this project would ensure that she would make a steady profit, but she never thought that she would be cheated out of everything by her cousin.


"What kind of a watch! You show your face!"


After Luoxi sent out a blast of evil fire, he began to question why the other party did this.

Lu Yu explained the ins and outs of the whole incident, and finally concluded: "Xiong Taisheng knew about my relationship with Jiang Ning, and secretly replaced Gu Yifan with Wei Zhi, in order to create a triangular relationship to win the audience's eye."

"Variety show, is there any problem with this operation?" Luo Xi asked back, spreading his hands.

"No problem, but Wei Zhi has a problem."

"what is the problem?"

"She pushed Jiang Ning down the gutter."

These scenes were actually in the sideshow broadcast the night before yesterday, and from a third perspective, it is easy to judge whether Wei Zhi intended it or not.

It was because of this obvious action that Wei Zhi's manager insisted on asking the show to apologize in public.

"You cut the whole show because of this little thing?" Luoxi looked a little unbelievable.

"It's not a trivial matter. Jiang Ning caught a cold from the cold." Lu Yu said with a serious face.

Luoxi gave him a thumbs up, "If you don't support the wall, I will obey you!"

"Cousin, what I did was just to scare others. The marriage between me and Jiang Ning was exposed. I am afraid that she will not be able to hide from others in the future. It would be much better to give a warning in advance."

Luo Xi was so angry that he finally gritted his teeth and squeezed out a sentence——

"Rococo continues to let you go, it's compensation!"

"Okay." Lu Yumian was puzzled.

Jiang Ning stayed silent at the side, as if what she heard just now was just her own auditory hallucination.

The reason why the entire show was cut off and caused such a huge loss to the company was just to support her in the circle?

My heart was beating wildly.

Jiang Ning felt that if she continued like this, she would definitely fall in love with the feeling of having someone backing her up.

But who is Jiang Ning?
She is a top agent in the world's top spy organization, and she is shielded from the entire world.

Killing decisively, ruthless and desireless, without weakness.

The heroine who has always been the only one who is the only one who is the only one in the world, is actually obsessed with the feeling of being protected by others?

This is a very dangerous signal for her.


Luoxi came aggressively and left in a hurry.

Lu Yu returned to the dining table, wanting to continue the previous conversation with Jiang Ning.

But Jiang Ning suddenly faltered, she pretended to have a stomachache and ran back to the room.

Lu Yu's eyes darkened again as he looked at the fleeing figure.

Instead of catching up, he took the initiative to call Lu Liting.

It was connected in the first second, and then cursed.

"What on earth do you want to do, brat? Who allowed you to disclose that you are married without authorization?"

"Grandpa, marriage is my own business."

"You are from the Lu family, this is not your business!"

"Then the people of the Lu family have worked really hard."

"You come to the hospital immediately."

"I'm sorry, I'm not available."


"Also, you used your right to transfer my special assistant to the Lu family. I won't quarrel with you about this matter, but I hope you don't trouble me about my own affairs!"

"Do you know that the Lin family..."

"The affairs of the Lin family are your business and have nothing to do with me, and that Lin Ying is already with the eldest brother, so don't think about changing wives for us.

"As I said, Lu Yan doesn't have a cleanliness habit, but I do. Finish talking, hang up. Take care of your body!"

"Hello, hello? Ah Yu!"


Lu Yu had already hung up the phone. The main purpose of making this call was a reminder, even a warning.

He couldn't rule out that the old man would think of other ways to return him to the Lu family.


Second floor bedroom.

Jiang Ning sat by the window and stared at the scenery outside the window in a daze, watching the large expanse of morning sun covering the entire Xinghai Bay like a golden veil.

The computer with a black screen on the desk suddenly turned on, and the notification sound brought the girl back from her wandering thoughts.

Jiang Ning glanced across the screen, and her heart tightened with that dark girl's profile picture.

After hesitating for a moment, she took a deep breath, then reluctantly walked over to connect the video.

Immediately, Fu Yu's face appeared on the screen, making people know that something big happened at a glance.

"Xiao Wu, you have been used by someone."

"Senior sister, you can't talk about taking advantage of it, he actually helped me a lot."

"What's so busy that you want to make a promise with your body?"

"I do not……"

Before he finished speaking, a touch of black replaced Fu Yu's face and occupied the entire screen, followed by Fu Sinian's extremely gloomy face.

"Grandpa." Jiang Ning whispered guiltily.

"You still think of me as a grandfather?"

Fu Sinian looked dissatisfied, and then continued: "Girl, didn't you say that the relationship with him will not be seen?"

"It's... a long story."

"To make a long story short, you have to explain it to me too."

Fu Sinian hadn't interfered with their relationship too much before, because he felt that his granddaughter could handle these complicated emotional relationships well.

When they were in Taiyun Mountain, they talked about these issues.

The girl at that time was very calm, so calm that he had to believe that there was no special relationship between them that was unclear.

But the development of the situation now clearly made him feel that his granddaughter was being used.

Jiang Ning remained silent for a long while.

"Girl, do you know that kid in S state has been investigating you?" Fu Sinian asked.

"Yes, I asked my senior sister to give him a fake document." Jiang Ning replied truthfully.

"Then do you know that the person he is investigating now is not Jiang Ning, but Fu Xiaoning?"

After the words fell, Jiang Ning's heart skipped a beat.

"Did she... find out?"

"Xiao Ning died a long time ago, of course he couldn't find anything."

When Fu Sinian knew that someone was investigating this identity, he immediately arranged for S state to block all news about Jiang Ning and Fu Xiaoning.

Therefore, even if the other party checks, they can only find the result of "Fu Xiaoning is dead" for the time being.

Jiang Ning breathed a sigh of relief.

Just as he was about to make a sound, the bedroom door was suddenly pushed open.

Lu Yu didn't know that the girl was on the phone, so he spoke directly.

"Jiang Ning, don't go out today, my cousin will send Rococo over later."

Jiang Ning frantically pressed the end call button, then stood up and responded, "I have an appointment with Su Nian, I have to go out."

"Let her come to the house, the media outside will block you."

"It's okay, I can put on makeup and go out."


Lu Yu walked over and pulled her into his arms, and said softly, "I may have to wrong you in the near future."

Jiang Ning's side face just pressed against his chest, only to hear a surge in his chest.

Her brain also froze.

"It's possible that the old man will look for you, or that Qin Shu will look for you. They may say something bad to you, don't pay attention!"


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