Chapter 165 Repressed Emotions for 30 Years
Hua Ping lost the bet.

Her father, who was in charge of transportation, was found to be carrying contraband while pulling a batch of goods through a routine security check.

The stolen goods were obtained at the same time, and in the end they did not escape legal sanctions.

Jiang Ning was really startled by the result, and secretly lamented Lu Liting's cruelty.

She was thinking that Lu Zhijie suddenly came to tell her these things, did she want to imply something to herself?

Lu Zhijie paused for a long time when he said this, but changed his tone when he spoke again.

"Uncle Hua was sent to prison, and died of depression not long after.

"This incident left an indelible scar in Hua Ping's heart, and it became the thing I blamed the most in my life.

"I feel that Hua Ping sacrificed everything for me, and I can only be worthy of her and Uncle Hua if I try my best to treat her well.

"Actually, I should have known that things would not be that simple, and my father would not compromise so easily.

"Later...he sent someone to arrest Hua Ping, who was six months pregnant, and..."

Lu Zhijie choked up.

Jiang Ning saw the sparkle in his scarlet eyes.

Listening to other people's heartbreaking past, she didn't know how to comfort her.

Soon, Lu Zhijie wiped his eyes and continued: "He...he gave Hua Ping a drug that can damage the human nervous system.

"Nothing will happen in a short period of time, but if the drug lasts in the body for a long time, it will cause irreversible damage to the human body.

"First I didn't know people, then I went crazy, and death.

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have known that my father was so ruthless!
"I'm scared, I'm really scared!

"I want Hua Ping and the child to live well. I can only compromise, compromise unconditionally, and accept all the arrangements of my father..."

Hearing this, Jiang Ning suddenly felt as if a piece of her heart had been hollowed out, and at the same time was forced into an unknown emotion.

It turned out that Lu Zhijie's leaving Huaping was the best protection for her.

He accepted Lu Liting's arrangement to marry Qin Shu, and pretended to have a change of heart.

He pushed Hua Ping away, telling her never to look for him again.

Because he knew that Lu Liting would not believe him so easily, and he would still send someone to watch them secretly.

At that time, Lu Zhijie was still studying in country M. In order to completely cut off contact with Hua Ping, he chose to terminate his studies and brought Qin Shu back to the country.

"Hua Ping and I have become two parallel lines since then..."

Lu Zhijie couldn't control his tears anymore, he covered his eyes, weeping uncontrollably.

It's like wanting to vent out the emotions that have been suppressed for 30 years at once.

Jiang Ning handed him a tissue and comforted him in a low voice: "Aunt Hua Ping loves you so much, she must understand you, and she will know that you are doing this for her own good!"

The atmosphere was silent for a long time.

Suddenly, Lu Zhijie realized that he had lost his composure.

He turned his face away and said, "I'm sorry, telling you this made you uncomfortable."

Jiang Ning shook her head.

She just didn't quite understand why the other party suddenly came to tell her these things.

"Ningning, I'm here to tell you this, but I actually hope you..."

Lu Zhijie got stuck in the middle of his sentence. He didn't want his son to go his own way, but also hoped that his son would be happy.

But being born in such a family, many things are involuntary.

"You want me to leave Lu Yu sooner? Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain?" Jiang Ning asked tentatively.

Lu Zhijie was stunned for a moment, and then he showed her apologetic face.

"Ning Ning, Ah Yu's debauchery is an act of faking.

"But he is my son after all, and he actually treats his feelings the same as me.

"He has resisted women all these years because he is afraid that he will be sincere and end up with the same result as me.

"Although he misunderstood the matter between me and his mother, he also knew who the culprit was.

"My father has his own way of handling things, and he has decided that A Yu is his successor, so he will definitely impose his own ideas on him.

"Before A Yu resisted marriage and was diagnosed with a mental illness, so the old man didn't force him to marry anyone; but now that A Yu can accept you and the marriage, the plan that the old man planned earlier will definitely begin."

Jiang Ning understood, and also knew that the other party had good intentions in telling her this.


Since she has waded through the muddy waters of the Lu family, she must wade through to the end.

"Dad, in fact, grandpa talked to me before and expressed his thoughts to me, but I think this is absurd.

"I don't know how to tell you, but please rest assured, I won't let what happened between you and Aunt Huaping happen to Lu Yu again!"

"Ningning, I told you about myself because I didn't want you to be hurt! My father is not what you seem..."

"I know." Jiang Ning interrupted him, and continued: "I'm not as easy to bully as I seem on the surface! Thank you for your concern, and please rest assured, I will protect myself and Lu Yu well. .”

Lu Zhijie was speechless, his eyes filled with pain.

Looking at the girl's firm eyes, his eyes were wet again.

Back then, his girl was as persistent as she is now, but in the end...

A cell phone ringing broke the silence in the living room.

Jiang Ning picked up the phone to connect, and Su Nian on the other end was asking why she hadn't come out yet.

"Uh..." She glanced at Lu Zhijie, covered the receiver and said in a low voice, "I still have something to do, just wait for me."

Lu Zhijie probably saw that she still had something to do, so he didn't stay any longer.

Before leaving, he still gave advice to let the other party think about what he said.

"I see, thank you for reminding me."

Jiang Ning personally sent him out, but suddenly found that the driver who opened the door for him looked familiar.

After the Phaeton was gone, she suddenly remembered the accident that happened in Jingshan Palace that day.


Did Lu Zhijie really put the man who hurt Lu Yi by his side?

Thinking of Lu Yi, Jiang Ning felt an unspeakable sense of guilt.

Inside the Phaeton.

Mo Liangsheng saw through the rearview mirror that the man on the seat was not in a good mood, so he asked in a low voice, "Boss Lu, are you going back to the company?"

"Go to the Western Suburb Cemetery first."



The Western Suburb Cemetery is a secret base for Lu Zhijie, and it is also a place that no one in the Lu family knows.

After hearing the news of Hua Ping's death abroad, he quietly went to this remote western suburbs cemetery to buy a cemetery and set up a tomb for her.

Whenever something happy or unhappy happened to him, he would come here alone and stay there all day long.

This is the first time he asked the driver to take him here.

Mo Liangsheng parked the car at the foot of the mountain, but found that Lu Zhijie had no intention of getting out of the car.

"Boss Lu, we're here." He reminded in a low voice.

"Xiao Mo, don't tell anyone about my coming here." Lu Zhijie said from the back seat.

"Don't worry, Mr. Lu, I will remember your kindness to me. No matter what happens in the future, I will never betray you!"

Mo Liangsheng is a smart person, he can perceive that the Lu family, which is calm on the surface, is already undercurrents.

As a tool man abandoned by Qin Shu, he finally had a chance to be a man again, and he must seize it.

Lu Zhijie looked up into the rearview mirror, just in time to meet the man's firm gaze.

"In that case, can you tell me that what happened at home that day was an accident?"

"No." Mo Liangsheng replied without thinking.


(End of this chapter)

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