Chapter 166 Gossip First, Then Business

When Jiang Ning came out of the house, Su Nian's car had been waiting outside the garden villa for a long time.

After getting in the car, Su Nian couldn't help complaining: "You woman, you are really slow!

"By the way, I just saw a car going out, who is it?"

Jiang Ning curled her lips and replied, "Lu Yu's father."

Su Nian: "Why is he looking for you?"

"Give me some advice."

After the words fell, Su Nian burst out laughing.

"Is there any mistake? Shouldn't the hostess be responsible for such matters?"

"Huh? It seems that you have already guessed what he said to me?"

Su Nian smiled and said, "That's right, I don't even know who Bingxue's smart Da Niannian is!"


Jiang Ning didn't make a sound, but stared at the retreating scenery outside the window, her thoughts were all occupied by the story Lu Zhijie just told.

She also learned some bits and pieces about Hua Ping from Lu Yu and Luo Xi before, and also knew what kind of sad woman Hua Ping was.

But she didn't know that Hua Ping had lost her closest relative for love, but in the end she still couldn't hold on to her love.

Thinking about it this way, maybe it wasn't just Lu Zhijie's recklessness and abandonment that crushed her, but her persistence leading to nothing.

Just imagine, how desperate it must be to be able to take a young child to a dead end!
"Jiang Ning, why are you in a daze? Did you hear what I said?"

Su Nian's voice brought her back from her thoughts, she turned her gaze away from the window and asked, "What did you just say?"

"I asked you what you think?"

"Thinking about what?"

Su Nian rolled her eyes and complained, "I just said so much, but you didn't listen to a single word!"

Jiang Ning chuckled, "I was just thinking about something!"

"Didn't you say that you and Lu Yu were secretly married? Now that he has made your marriage public, is this the result of your discussion? What do you think!"


Jiang Ning truthfully said that she did not know that their marriage relationship would be exposed suddenly, and said that she also did not understand Lu Yu's operation.

"Nian Nian, I seem to feel that the relationship between me and him has changed a bit."

"Heh! Heh! Because you are asleep?"

Su Nian's straightforwardness made Jiang Ning speechless.

After holding back for a while, she squeezed out a sound from between her teeth.

"Can we have a good chat?"

"Yes, yes, tell me, why did the relationship change?"

Jiang Ning told her about someone's recent abnormal behavior, including this variety show incident.

"He said it was because of me that he was on the variety show, and it was because of me that he cut the show. I joked with him and asked him if he liked me..."

"How did he answer?"

"He said if he answered 'yes', asked if I could go both ways with him."

The moment the voice fell, Jiang Ning suddenly bowed to the big yellow dog swaggering across the road in front of the car.

After avoiding the dog, Su Nian parked the car in the middle of the road.

She turned her head, "Seriously?"

"How would I know!"

"I'm asking you! Are you serious? He really asked you that?" Su Nian said in disbelief.

Jiang Ning nodded.

"Let's go, it seems that Lu Yu really likes you, announcing your marriage relationship is to make a fake show for real, and confirm your identity as Mrs. Lu!"

Jiang Ning actually had a hard time digesting these words, but after Su Nian finished speaking, he added: "No wonder he wants to sleep with you all day long!"


The horn sounded from behind the car, and Su Niancai restarted the car.

She never closed her mouth along the way, and it all revolved around Lu Yu, stirring up the still water in Jiang Ning's heart.

Half an hour later, the car stopped in the underground parking lot of the Ra Club.

Jiang Ning looked at the familiar billboards in the basement, a little curious why the other party brought her here.

After Su Nian turned off the car, she reached out and picked up a paper bag from the back seat and stuffed it into her hand.

I opened the paper bag and took a look. It was filled with hats, masks, sunglasses and other items.

Jiang Ning looked at the other party in a daze, "What do you mean?"

"Sister, don't you know that you are more popular than a traffic star now? Dress up to avoid being recognized by the media."


Su Nian knew who Ra's boss was, and knew the privacy of this club, but just in case, she wrapped Jiang Ning so that even her own mother couldn't recognize her.

After going up, she directly asked for a private room, and told her brother: "Don't bother me if I don't ring the bell."

"Miss Su, don't worry, super VIPs have super treatment."

Su Nian pulled Jiang Ning to sit down on the sofa, and waved to the younger brother, who left the private room with a smile.

"Are you familiar with this place?" Jiang Ning asked, taking off her hat and mask.

"It's okay, Meng Datou is my childhood friend."

"So why did you bring me here?"

"Talk about your future plans!"

Su Nian gossiped and moved to Jiang Ning's side, momentarily forgetting the main purpose of finding him.

She kicked the opponent with her elbow, raised her two slender eyebrows and asked, "If Lu Yu really wants to confirm your identity as Mrs. Lu, what will you do?"

"Sister, is this what you are looking for me for?"

"Gossip first, then get down to business!"

"Get down to business first, then gossip."

Jiang Ning's attitude became a little more serious. She knew that the other party invited her to such a private club to chat about something. It must be a big deal.

In the past two days, she has been harassed crazily by the media, and there are a lot of comments about her on the Internet, but she doesn't bother to read it online.

I received a call from Su Nian early this morning, but she didn't say anything on the phone, only said to pick her up somewhere.

Su Nian sat on the side with her mouth curled up, curious about the relationship between this best friend and that Young Master Lu.

The thought of a swinger falling in love with a mysterious female mob masquerading as his life assistant turns him on.

Jiang Ning looked at her with a frown, and when she saw that she hadn't spoken for a long time, she stood up.

"Su—Nian—if you don't talk about business, I won't be talking nonsense with you here. I have other things to do."

After speaking, she pretended to walk towards the door.

Seeing this, Su Nian immediately ran forward to block her, and then pulled her back to sit on the sofa.

"Hey, let's go, let's talk about the business first.

"The business...the business is that you read yesterday's hot search?"

"What's trending?"

Jiang Ning was very puzzled, thinking that the hot searches in the past two days were all her own, what else could be special?

Seeing her reaction, Su Nian quickly took out her phone, clicked on a page and stuffed it into her hand.

"It seems that you haven't seen it, so let's talk about it first!"

Jiang Ning took the phone, she was right that the screen was full of hot searches, but the content of the hot searches was somewhat different from what she saw.

She browsed through these pages, and her complexion became colder the more she turned back.

It was reported on the Internet that Lu Yu got married suddenly because she brought her illegitimate daughter to the door to recognize her father, and used her daughter as a bargaining chip to force Lu Yu to marry her.

The so-called illegitimate daughter is Rococo in "Baby Adventures".

And the picture of her taking Rococo to Yunda class before was also leaked.

For a time, these stories were compiled with nose and eyes.

Except that the time when Jiang Ning gave birth was a bit of a nonsense, the other details are really like that...

(End of this chapter)

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