The movement in the corridor alarmed Ye Lan who had been staying in the lounge.

She was wearing a crimson retro cheongsam, and her hair was also made into a retro bun, making her look full of grace.

A woman who is over half a century old, her face is still maintained like a girl's, and there is also a hint of girlish self-willedness on her emotional face.

"Sakura, why are you here?"

During the speech, the eyes have already swept over the other two, with a bit of contempt.

"Master Shen? Why are you a married woman looking for Yingying?"

Shen Mu frowned, expressing his incomprehension of Mrs. Jiang's brain circuit.

Immediately, the woman took out a banknote from her handbag and stuffed it to Luo Xi.

"How can you people come in the backcourt? Hurry up!"

If Jiang Ying did it on purpose, then Ye Lan did not.

But her action obviously angered Shen Mu.

Just when the man was about to explode, Luo Xi said slowly: "Madam Jiang, what does this mean?
"Are you going to let a married woman and your daughter do some indescribable things here? Use such a small amount of money to seal my mouth?"

Ye Lan mistakenly thought what she said was true, so she hurriedly asked her how much she wanted.

Luo Xi's eyes froze, and then the corners of his mouth curled slightly and he made a quiet sound.

"Not much, just enough for one Jiang's group!"

She had seen today how much the people of the Jiang family ruined the Three Views.

Enraged by her crazy remarks, Ye Lan raised her hand and was about to drop towards the other party.

A powerful palm bound her wrist.

"Where does Mrs. Jiang get her confidence? Make you think that I, Shen Mu, would like a copycat daughter?
"Even if you let me choose, should I also choose the true daughter of the Jiang family? Huh?"

Shen Mu's eyes were fierce, and his tone was so cold that it almost froze the air.

The words "cottage daughter" struck Jiang Ying like a thunderbolt.

He actually knew his own life experience!

"Mrs. Jiang, Ms. Song, you must be self-aware!"

Shen Mu pushed Ye Lan's hand away forcefully, then left this sentence indifferently and pulled Luo Xi into a certain lounge.

Ye Lan was stunned, and glanced to the side with empty eyes.

Immediately, she fell straight to the ground.

Jiang Ying immediately asked someone to send Ye Lan back to the lounge, and then notified Jiang Tianhua to come over.

After a private doctor's diagnosis, she only said that her blood pressure was raised due to emotional agitation, and it was nothing serious.

"I'll give her an injection, take a rest, and she will wake up in about half an hour, so don't worry too much," the doctor said.

Jiang Tianhua asked what happened, why the good-natured person fainted when he said he fainted.

Jiang Ying briefly restored what happened in the corridor just now, and revealed that the Shen family knew her background.

"If you know it, you know, why are you so excited!" Jiang Tianhua whispered, and then told Jiang Ying: "Yingying, you stay here with your mother, I still have many guests outside.

"It's really not possible, you two just stay inside and don't go out."

Jiang Ying gritted her teeth, "Got it."


It's exactly six o'clock.

As dusk fell, all the lights in the resort were lit up.

More heavyweights also came to the scene one after another.

Jiang Yaoping personally greeted the guests outside the manor, and asked his son to call Jiang Ning and ask her when she would arrive.

Before Jiang Tianhua dialed the phone, a black Maybach with the license plate "Yun A LY000" slowly stopped at the gate of the villa.

No one knows Yunzhou's number one license plate.

Luo Li got out of the car, quickly walked around the front of the car and opened the rear door.

Jiang Tianhua immediately stepped forward with a flattering face, but he was a little disappointed when he came.

"Xiao Lu is always alone?"

Lu Yu wore a black formal suit, the black from the inside to the outside almost melted him into the night.

After standing still, he raised his hand to straighten the neckline of his shirt, and cast his disdainful eyes on the other party.

"Otherwise who should I attend with?"

Jiang Tianhua laughed awkwardly, "Ning...uh... Mrs. Lu..."

"It's just a small reception, and you still want my pregnant wife to attend? The Jiang family has such a big face?"


"Boss Jiang, excuse me!"

Seeing the figure of the man walking towards the manor, Jiang Tianhua couldn't help but get goosebumps all over his body.

Since Jiang Ning wasn't going to attend, why was that perverse Lu Sanshao here?

At the same time, Star Bay.

Jiang Ning stared at the three pregnancy test sticks on the washstand, feeling very depressed.

Do you want... so fast!
Calculating the time, it was about a month ago.

"God's will? This is really not giving me a chance to repent!" She said to herself.

There was an experience of forgetting to take medicine once before, and she was still worried about it, but she didn't expect that she was really afraid of something in the end.

Of course, Lu Yu didn't know about this, just now he was talking nonsense in front of Jiang Tianhua, how could he think that it would come true!
Jiang Ning entered the cloakroom restlessly, staring at the dresses in the room for a long time.

Until a phone call brought her back from her thoughts.


"Brother Ning, our entire team has arrived at Linyue Villa, where are you?"

"Still at home."

"What? Is it so difficult to choose your shirt?"


"Don't be kidding, even if you don't wear it, you will still be in awe of the mountains and rivers, and you will overwhelm everyone!"

"Put away your tiger and wolf words, if I don't wear it, I won't be enraged, but I will piss someone off!"

"Stop talking nonsense, how long will it be?"

"Drag racing for 20 minutes."

End the call.

Jiang Ning carefully chose a black dress, but it was not designed by herself, but it was given to her by Lu Yuqiang before.

After putting it on, the aura was instantly released.


At the scene of the reception, where Jiang Yaoping learned that his granddaughter hadn't come, he showed a bit of displeasure on his face.

When he came to the stage to give a speech of thanks, a crowd of uninvited guests came to the scene.

The men in black leather suits held instruments and yelled for Miss Jiang to get out.

"What's wrong with Jiang Ying again? Who are these people!"

"It's scary to see that the visitor is not kind."

"The tattoo on that bald man's neck is a bit familiar, it seems to be the mark of some gang."

The second floor of the main building of the manor.

Standing at the window, Jiang Ying immediately smiled sinisterly when she saw the group of people.

"Yingying, what happened at the scene? This scream doesn't sound right!" Ye Lan, who had already woken up, asked behind her.

"Mom, a group of strange people are here, they seem to be looking for me."


Ye Lan heard the sound and quickly got up and walked towards the window, only to see a group of big and thick men smashing the champagne table with sticks.

"Miss Jiang, do you know that someone is going to punish you today, so you can't hide?" Someone yelled at the scene.

Jiang Yaoping called the security guard, but the group of people actually fought with the security guard.

The scene was extremely chaotic.

Jiang Tianhua arranged for the guests to enter the infield, but some people had already started to flee this eventful place.

Only some spectators remained in the outfield.

For example, Lu Yu and Shen Mu.

"Where's my cousin?" Lu Yu asked.

"Accompany my mother to meet friends, where is your wife?"

Lu Yu smiled meaningfully.

"Isobaric axis."


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