Chapter 179 Stunning debut
Jiang Tianhua personally confronted those hooligans in his eyes, and asked sharply who they were?

"Who are we? If you let your precious daughter come out, you will know!"

The second floor.

Jiang Ying pretended not to know what happened, so she told Ye Lan to go down and have a look.

Ye Lan was worried, she wanted to be with her daughter no matter what.

Soon, Jiang Ying appeared in front of the crowd.

"Who are you? I don't know you!"

The moment the words fell, the leader's bald slap resounded throughout the manor.

"What are you doing? Where did the mad dog come from, security..."


Another slap broke Ye Lan's voice.

Immediately afterwards, the bald man grabbed the other party's hair, stared at her viciously and said: "Mother and daughter love each other deeply, right?
"It was you blind old woman who beat you!
"Let your own daughter suffer outside, holding a pheasant as a baby pet.

"Miss Jiang Ning can't bear it any longer, I must teach you a lesson when I call my buddies today!"

As he said that, the bald head asked his subordinates to call out all the people in the field to watch the show.

Jiang Tianhua froze in place as he watched his daughter and wife being beaten.

It wasn't until his daughter made a hysterical cry for help that he realized he needed help.

Lu Yu watched coldly from the side, unable to figure out what kind of script this was for a while.

"Jiang Ning can't be so simple and rude, can he?" Shen Mu asked him.

"Simple and rough is her style, but she is not stupid."

"Then you arranged this play?"

"You mean I'm stupid?"


Shen Mu didn't mean it that way, he was just curious who would use Jiang Ning's banner to smash Jiang's place so much.

Under the threat of the bald subordinate, all the guests in the inner court also returned to the outside again.

Those who left were also blocked back and forced to watch a big show.

Those who looked like professional thugs were ruthless, especially against Ye Lan.

Even though Jiang Ying used her body to protect her, she was still beaten until her mouth and nose were covered in blood.

Even the security guards couldn't stop it, and no one else at the scene could stop it.

Jiang Tianhua knelt down and begged to be let go, but he was also severely beaten.

The bald-headed subordinate was like a commentator, explaining why the Jiang family was beaten.

The audience learned that the girl named Jiang Ning who had recently received attention as Mrs. Lu was actually the real daughter of the Jiang family.

As for Jiang Ying, she was just a fake daughter who was wronged in the hospital back then.

While everyone sighed, they sympathized with Jiang Ning's unequal treatment and accused her of being too cruel.

"No wonder Jiang Ning kept targeting Jiang Ying when she was in school."

"Jiang Ning is too cruel. After all, Jiang Yingjiu occupies the magpie's nest. It is understandable that she is angry. Just find someone to beat Jiang Ying to relieve her anger. How come she even beat her biological parents together!"

"That's right, I think Aunt Lan can't take it anymore."

Soon, a small man walked up to the bald head and said loudly: "Brother Qiao, it's okay, Mrs. Lu said that you can't make things big, and it won't be good if you beat him to death!"

"Hit, kill me and I will be responsible!"

A deep and deep voice suddenly sounded, and everyone's eyes fell at the same time.

Lu Yu hooked his lips with a smile that was not a smile, and the shattered ice in his eyes flew all the way to Jiang Ying, who was sitting slumped on the ground.

He understood, it's a bitter trick.

"Let's fight, as long as you can kill the ghosts and snakes of the Jiang family, I will pay for it!

The resounding word "beat" made everyone tremble involuntarily.

In the next second, a cooler voice came from the periphery.

"I'm not willing to use my husband's life for their cheap lives!

"Please excuse me."

The crowd spread out to both sides, and at the end was the tall and slender figure of the girl.

Jiang Ning wore a black tube top dress, and the waist-tightening design outlined the small waist so that it could be easily grasped.

Her shape is beautiful, her shoulders are at right angles, her straight back looks like a beautiful butterfly bone from the back, and the front shows two perfect and sexy collarbones and an elegant swan neck.

Her long hair was all coiled up, and there was not a trace of messy hair on her clean and delicate face.

Nude makeup, except for the dark red lipstick and her dark skirt complement each other to give off a glamorous aura.

It was this black figure that was the most inconspicuous under the night, but it amazed all eyes.

Jiang Ning glanced at the scene coldly, but when her eyes touched something, she was instantly gentle.

She raised her lips and smiled, just like a black mandala blooming in the dark, charming but poisonous.

Immediately, she walked slowly with her skirt in her hand.

Hold that noble head high, as if wearing a crown of laurel, elegant like a proud black swan.

A powerful aura spread silently, and the audience held their breath.

Her footsteps soon stopped in front of the three members of the Jiang family who were extremely embarrassed.

Ye Lan's eyes seemed to want to eat people, but there was a kind of dog whining before going crazy in his silent throat.

On closer inspection, her pupils were slightly red.

Jiang Ning's heart froze.

The opponent's state is a bit...

But after thinking about it, I felt that it was impossible, maybe it was just the streamer of the colored lights.

With a disdainful gaze, he glanced at the three people who looked like ants, and asked the bald man next to him lightly: "Did you hit me?"

The bald head said flatteringly: "Yes, yes, you are charged 500 million, this level is necessary!"

When the voice fell, there was a gasp in the crowd.

"This woman is too cruel!"

"It's too much, and in front of so many people."

"It's just murderous!"

Jiang Ning laughed it off.

Such a childish trick was also written by a mentally handicapped person like Jiang Ying.

"Five million doesn't look like my handwriting, so I should add an extra zero to do something for me!"

With that said, Jiang Ning turned her head to look at the iceberg next to her, "Is that right, my husband?"

Lu Yu's eyes fixed, and he replied, "Yes."

Jiang Ying, who was sitting slumped on the ground, suddenly got up like crazy and rushed forward, her hands tightly strangled Jiang Ning's neck.

"Jiang Ning, I'll strangle you to death today, you heartless bastard!

"Back then, your mother was so kind to you. Not only were you ungrateful, but you also ran away from home many times. You made your mother sad and blamed her for favoring me. You are not worthy of being a mother's daughter!
"Go to hell, go to hell..."

In just a few words, right and wrong were turned upside down.

Just as Jiang Ning was about to strike back, she saw two hands split Jiang Ying's long, disheveled hair into two strands, and one person pulled one strand out vigorously.

Bai Fei'er slapped her on the left cheek, "Jiang Ying, you are just a shameless female cousin, hooking up with Qin Zihao is not enough, even the old man!"

Su Nian slapped her on the right cheek, "It's fine to seduce the old man, and let the old man take that kind of medicine, but the old man suffered a heart attack and was sent to the hospital. His life was almost lost."

The old man they mentioned was none other than Su Nian's third uncle, Su Zhengxiong.

The old man has been coveting the Su family's prosperous wine business, and secretly colluded with other small wine merchants to frame Changsheng.

Su Shengchang has never been able to find favorable conditions to bring down the opponent.

Unexpectedly, this time when Su Nian was helping Jiang Ning investigate Jiang Ying deeply, he caught Su Zhengxiong's scandal by mistake.

It can be regarded as a merit!
(End of this chapter)

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